Tabletop Warhammer?

Spuddy: Daemons can be a real fun army to field and paint. The downsides being that their model selection is still a little limited, and if you want to be spawning demons then you're going to need plenty of extra back up minis.

I placed an order yesterday to begin filling out my Stormcast Eternal army. I got a box of Paladins and a box of Judicators. I've also bought 3 separate Paladins with hammers to add to the three which came with the starter set.
Spuddy: Daemons can be a real fun army to field and paint. The downsides being that their model selection is still a little limited, and if you want to be spawning demons then you're going to need plenty of extra back up minis.

Thanks for the info man, are they due an update anytime soon to add more models? Or is any army for that matter? Im not sure how the Warhammer updates are scheduled.
With demons you can play 40k and Fantasy (or AoS) so that would be a good way to get decent bang for your buck BUT in 40k they are not very competitive and since Fantasy is over now, maybe have a look at the Age of Sigmar Demon Codex to see if they are any good.

Its rumored that dwarfs will be getting a new look along side orcs... but its really hard to say with AoS. Neither the Stormcast or Khrone miniatures have been fully released yet either, so its going to be quite a while regardless.

As much hate as there is for AoS, its mainly from people who have played fantasy before.. I've come into it straight off the bat and love it. Going Fantasy over 40k also means you can play some Kings of War as well, which has a free rule set and uses Games Workshop models if you have them (they also sell cheap miniatures!).
Aye denons are the only army that can play in both fantasy and 40k, even more easily now thanks to the round sigmar bases.

So they're good value in that regard, but the model range is fairly limited and some of them very old (IIRC they've got a lot of metal to fine cast conversions*), and the last 40k codex from memory removed some of the randomness from them (thankfully) but also ended up reducing how effective they could be (if you rolled the right dice, tilted your head and squinted).
They're not a new user friendly army in any sense of the word, as from memory virtually every unit has special rules and lots of random rolling.

They were fun last time I played them (last edition of 40K I think), but really random and if playing seriously I could see them being very very annoying, fortunately most of my games tended to be for a laugh with friends so when I invariably rolled low on reserves (I had several games where half my demons didn't arrive until about turn 4 from memory), or did a mishap** it was largely fun.
I vaguely remember one fantasy game where the side I was on (I can't remember if it was me or my partner) rolled a mishap and it took out a demon that had tried something and because it affected the building he was in/on it also took out the good guys hero character (something like the demon upset Khorne as the mishap, resulting in Khorne doing something that affected anything within X inches of the spell caster). It's rather vague as it was about 4-5 years ago and I've only ever played Demons in Fantasy about twice.

*I've still got some of the models from the Demon army box that I gave up on painting/assembling at the time because they were really badly cast metals (the hell hounds ended up taking me ages with a dremal to get the heads onto the bodies as the bodies were squashed one way and the heads another at the joints).

**I really suck at reserve and deepstrike rolls, to the point where whenever I roll for them it's almost always going to go wrong, which is a shame given that I've got two armies the really strongly rely on deepstriking and reserves (although the new reserve rules and latest demon codex does make it slightly better).
Thanks guys, maybe Daemon aren't the way forward now then after all. I didn't know Fantasy was over to be honest, so I take it there will be no more new Fantasy models? I thought they would have kept it going or revived it for the Total War game release in that case as that is based around the Fantasy side of Warhammer which would probably generate quite a few sales for them?

Back to Eldar then! ..... for now. :P

Haha sounds like a very good fluke Werewolf.
Fantasy as in the older style game is over (for now!), but the models seem likely they'll still be largely available and they're releasing some new ones.

Don't discount daemons, but it is worth being aware that they are not an easy army to start with.
Oh right ok, so what exactly is meant by "Fantasy is over" if they're still selling and releasing new models? Is it the storyline that goes along with it won't be progressing anymore?

Im guessing Daemons are pretty much the opposite end of the scale to Space Marines in terms of how easy they are to start with.
8th Edition Fantasy is now over, in the same way that 6th 40k was over when 7th weas released. You can still play it, but its not current.

The 9th edition of fantasy, released June this year, was infact Age of Sigmar. Was is basically a re-boot set thousands of years after the "End Times" of 8th edition, where various realms now exist. Fire realm, where khorne lives, the life realm where nurgle lives etc.

All the old units and factions got new rules called "war scrolls" instead of a codex and every unit has one so nothing is obsolete.

Fantasy is over, now its Age of Sigmar with 2 new factions, the Stormcast and the Khorne. You can still use all the "old" armies now, but chances are one or two of them will potentially get a re-cast to moderise them slightly.
Ah right thank you, now it makes sense! I think I'll just stick to the original plan of 40K then as that all sounds very confusing!

Age of Sigmar does look interesting however.
Age of Sigmar is a slightly simpler version of 40k but it doesn't have much in the way of balancing (as you can place as many things as you like on the table, nothing has a point cost).

If you're going to be playing in a store I would recommend 40k as its going to be easier to find pick up games since everything has a point value. I mainly started AoS due to wanting the models for DnD and such, it also happens that I think AoS is a decent enough game to play AND you can play Kings of War with the same models (a very balanced, fantasy type table top game).
Ok 40K it is, still mulling over army choices. Eldar look amaze but... they're all very 'samey'. Will I get bored of painting them or love their clean look? Who knows!
Have you painted before spuddy? As if not, having something similar to paint over and over will help a hell of a lot. Eldar are going to be easier to paint over something like chaos or something with lots of detail.

Also, when you expand, you can add in dark eldar and harlequins which are different to paint AND work really well on the table rules wise. Nothing is more terrifying than a webway portal spewing out D-Sythe Wraiths onto a tank line.
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Ok 40K it is, still mulling over army choices. Eldar look amaze but... they're all very 'samey'. Will I get bored of painting them or love their clean look? Who knows!

Samey? Eldar have one of the most varied army looks around. Each aspect warrior squad has options for different schemes then you have Harlequins etc and the vehicles have a lot of open spaces for freehands and the like.

Eldar are going to be easier to paint over something like chaos or something with lots of detail.

Sorry but I would disagree with this, I'd say Eldar are the toughest 40k army to paint well by some distance. They have a very clean look with curved armor plates which is difficult to do a good job with. A lot of armies like Necrons, Orks etc you can get away with a basecoat/wash approach if you do that on Eldar you will end up with coffee stains on those smooth plates. They're tricky to highlight and shade effectively.
Have you painted before spuddy? As if not, having something similar to paint over and over will help a hell of a lot. Eldar are going to be easier to paint over something like chaos or something with lots of detail.

Also, when you expand, you can add in dark eldar and harlequins which are different to paint AND work really well on the table rules wise. Nothing is more terrifying than a webway portal spewing out D-Sythe Wraiths onto a tank line.

Yeah but years ago, painted Orks 40K and Lizardmen and Beastmen Fantasy as well as a few randoms, oh and quite a few imperial guard. I took a look at them about 3 weeks ago when I went up into the loft, painting was not impressive at all by anyones standards. It was actually quite hilarious. I was about 11/12 at the time however.

Yeah I suppose that is an advantage of them all being pretty much the same! Chaos interested me because they all looked different but did look difficult to paint.

Samey? Eldar have one of the most varied army looks around. Each aspect warrior squad has options for different schemes then you have Harlequins etc and the vehicles have a lot of open spaces for freehands and the like.

Sorry but I would disagree with this, I'd say Eldar are the toughest 40k army to paint well by some distance. They have a very clean look with curved armor plates which is difficult to do a good job with. A lot of armies like Necrons, Orks etc you can get away with a basecoat/wash approach if you do that on Eldar you will end up with coffee stains on those smooth plates. They're tricky to highlight and shade effectively.

To me, as a noob. When I look at a couple of Eldar units they all look pretty much the same... Cant remember what Harlequins look like so cant comment on those. But the Eldar all seem to have pretty much the same basic armor and helmet/head (whatever it is ha). So to me I would have to disagree on that point personally.

However most importantly I need to learn how to paint properly, no idea how to do a 'wash' coat for example.
To me, as a noob. When I look at a couple of Eldar units they all look pretty much the same... Cant remember what Harlequins look like so cant comment on those. But the Eldar all seem to have pretty much the same basic armor and helmet/head (whatever it is ha). So to me I would have to disagree on that point personally.

Dark Eldar:

Anyone here have any experience with the Scale 75 stuff? Been looking at some of their sets, particularly the metallics, and wondered if anyone has anything good/bad to say about them before I get hold of any.

In other news, I notice that both GW and FW have released airbrush paints! The Forgeworld ones do look kinda cool, with some of the clear ones seeming interesting, and Thrallax Gold looks pretty nice, too. The GW ones are just a selection of their existing range (plus Relictor Gold which I can't seem to find in their non-airbrush range), at the same price, in the same little pots. How long before we see their own overpriced airbrush? ;)
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