Tabletop Warhammer?

Just thought id add my input in on the new necrons.
The scarabs are immense considering the cost, they are no longer jetbikes but beasts giving them an effective 24" charge range if lucky, they are perfect for taking out high av vehciles, or any vehciles for that matter. Put 30 swarms in a list and thats 150 attacks, for every hit they get on a vehcile you roll a D6 and on a 4+ it loses a point of armor on all sides, then after that they get a strength 3 attack on that armor, i took 17 swarms against a mechanised guard army, i tihnk they killed 4 chimeras and 2 basilisks.
The destroyer lord is also very good, Give him the 2+ armor and you have a T6 2+ armor save, s7 monstrous creature basically.
The destroyers however are no where near as good in my eyes, they are good for MEQ armies but other than that there is no point, 2 shots at str 5 AP3, rather than 3 at Str 6 AP4, they arent good for popping transports at all or taking out latge chunks of troops either.

Havent really checked out many other of the new units yet to be honest.
Apologies for the large bump here.
I haven't been into Warhammer for a long time now but I have a few special edition books that were given to me back in the day. Any idea where would be best to sell them? I tried fleabay but had no interest.
The books in question are the Liber Chaotica Nurgle and Tzeentch. Nurgle comes in a wooden box with a gel cover over the book, Tzeentch comes in a silvered cardboard box with a glass cover and foam holding the book. Both limited edition, I think 300 were made? Could be wrong though.
Thanks for any pointers, any ideas how much they're worth would be handy too.

(Hope this is allowed here, if not I'll remove it)
I'm gonna paste this from the "Under empire forums", cause I don't want to type it again :P

Well. My friend has just left. It was a tense game. I started off strong, out manouvering his fast cavalry. For 2 turns, and protecting my general. I managed to hide behind some walls before bursting into the open with my Night runners, and took a few of his units down with my slings. It looked bad when he returned fire and I lost of lot of men. Panic struck when he rolled 3 5's for a "Fury of khaine, but was averted by a dispel scroll"

He rolled a miscast on "Furyof khaine", taking out half the unit his mage was hiding in (after narrowly succeeding with a 6+ ward save again a volley of stones aimed at his head). Next turn he moved his mage out of that unit and fled behind a building as I declared a charge into the 4 remaining troops, losing some men to stand and shoot, but eventually overrunning the dying unit.

Then disaster struck his fast cavalry only down 1 man from my sporadic slight shots, managed to charge my unit of 40 clanrats, who up until this point hadn't even reached combat. It was a flank attack, I lost my rank bonus and in panic they fled and were mown down. My engineer, backed into a corner took 1 down with his warlock pistol before succumbing.

Luckily, my 8 remaining night runners protected by LoS from the mage- and miracuously surviving a panci test with a LD of 5(!!!), hailed down pebbles on the cavalry reducing them to 1 man who successfully fled out of range. The hunt was on, the mage down to 1 wound versus 8 night runners. I moved and shot, missing every hit. He struck me with mark of khaine inflicting only 5 wounds. This took me below half my units starting size, so I had to pass a panic test- and for the second time succeeded. Bravely I declared a charge, and by a hairs breadth, rushed into his mage. He swung his last mounted unit around. 1 turn of combat left nowounds done, as I won resolution- he passed his leadership test. Next round I charged in the flank by his lone rider, survived with 2 men. Butchering his mage in full view of the lonely knight, who seeing his general mutilated before his eyes.. fled.

There you have it. I won, with 2 men left standing. It was a very exciting game which should have been over so many times. Albeit with slightly illegal lists. Next game, will be upped to 750 points and hopefully adhere closer to the rules :p

all in all, fantastic fun, reminds me of the good ole days. Lists included below :p

High Elves:
Mage with silver wand, jewel of dusk amulet of purfying, flame talos of prot. (His writing is hard to read )
5 Ellyrian Reavers
10 High Elf Lothern Sea Guard

40 clanrats inc champ musician spears and shields.
15 night runners inc slings and a champion
1 warlock engineer with dispel scroll, warpstone and level 2 magic and a warplock pistol

*edit, forgot to include some of his units*

URL for underempire thread :p
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Just a quick one. They are releasing Vampire Counts on 14th Jan. Loads of new kits, and new army book written by the amazing Phil Kelly.
Another thing, looking at the GW site, it looks like they have put the prices up again.

23 quid for a Tactical Squad. Unreal. :(
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Holy sweet mother of God... I remember when they were £10 :(

Yeah same here. A friend of mine is a GW store manager, and he says trade is booming as always. Full of parents spending far too much money :D

It must be getting towards £500 for a typical 2000 point army now.

£23 for 10 plastic little spacemarines.:eek:

I'm sure the "Fine Cast" range was bought out solely to increase prices on as many products as possible. A great painter can always bring out the best in a miniture anyway.
Used to collect and paint 40K Orcs... most time was spent painting the Ghazghkull warboss, lots of detail. Favourite Orc apart from him was this guy...


Also collected some others but can't remember what they were called!
Found the KR Multicase website, and ordered myself a shiny new aluminium case with an Eldar set in (holds 2 grav tanks, 3 Vypers, 5 jet-bikes and 80 troops) £52. The cases are great, have a 400 model case for my Empire.
Anyone still post in this thread? If so, I need some help on an autumn colour scheme for a single 'Hordes' miniature I am doing, it is Lynissa or something, a VERY nice model with a big cloak and a hand behind her neck. I am doing her hair either bright red or ginger...the base will be dried herbs, so I'm trying to think of a nice autumn scheme for her leather armor to work with the hair and base...
Yeah ive got a KR case for my Tau army and its brillint, so much better than any of the GW cases. Granted they are a few quid more but they hold a lot more and are pretty much the same size.
ive been trying to find this char for ideas, but alas im being no help, do you want dark autumnal or reds and yellows autumn?
Just checked. Grey Knights are actually much cheaper than they used to be, 5 GK terminators were £35 ages ago but now they are £28.

I guess it's because they are plastic now.
Woohoo, finally finished the commission I was doing for a guy in. Italy and now I can get back to my own stuff :D, I started to do some work on 2 jagdpanzer IVs and 3 skdfz 234/2 for flames of war and also a 1/76 Cromwell tank for kampfgruppe Normandy which I picked up in the warhammer historical sale a couple of weeks ago, got a game of 40k lined up tonight too :)
I've still got many dark angels in a box in my room from when I collected/painted about 12 years ago.

predator tank
whirlwind tank
5x ravenwing bikes
3x ravenwing bikes (the one with the side car)
5x deathwing terminators
2x tactical squads
1x assault squad

and a few special characters like a commander, azrael, ezekiel, a chaplain, apothecary and a tech marines.
I've got a cupboard full of stuff :D

It's been years since I've played properly though, I dont even think I've got the most recent rulebooks :(
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