Tabletop Warhammer?

Bah thought I would get them out, found loads of Chaos marines too. Here are my dark angels:


and this assassin was the one I spent most time painting:


Poor camera (Fuji a203).
i am thinking about picking up a kit and having a go at painting some models.I remeber years ago when i first got some,they use to do like a kit where you got about 6 pots of pain and a brush and a few models,anyone know if they still do kits like this?
Yup, there is the Warhammer Starter Set, the Warhammer 40k Starter Set, or the Lord of the Rings Starter Set. You get 8 pots of paint, a brush, and 5 figures.

Or there is the Hobby Starter Set, which has more stuff but no figures. All pretty easy to find on the GW website.
cheers mate,i couldn't find those on the site when looking though the category's but after searching it came up with them.The The Lord of the Rings Paint Set looks like what i am after,some of the lord of the rings stuff looks pretty cool
picked up the latest copy of white dwarf to have a read through and i think when i last painted these it must have been about 12 years ago and most of the ones i had were metal,but after looking at this today and looking on GW web site a awful lot now seem to be plastic , do they not do many in metal anymore? i guessed with lead prices ect now its cheaper to just make em all plastic
picked up the latest copy of white dwarf to have a read through and i think when i last painted these it must have been about 12 years ago and most of the ones i had were metal,but after looking at this today and looking on GW web site a awful lot now seem to be plastic , do they not do many in metal anymore? i guessed with lead prices ect now its cheaper to just make em all plastic

nope metal is redundant now, all the previous metal models are now made of resin fine cast, which is similar to plastic but with more detail. Regardless of it being cheaper to manufacturer than metal, games workshop have still managed to put the prices up on all the previous metal models now they're fine cast.
nope metal is redundant now, all the previous metal models are now made of resin fine cast, which is similar to plastic but with more detail. Regardless of it being cheaper to manufacturer than metal, games workshop have still managed to put the prices up on all the previous metal models now they're fine cast.

what do you prefer the new type or the old metal?
I prefer metal, less imperfections. The 'Finecast' is nice to paint, but too soft to be called resin, the Forge World resin is very nice to paint though...
Just spent the evening building my Coven Throne for my work in progress VC army. Again an outstanding kit from GW, managed to get 3 banshees & possibly a necromancer out of the box too using the parts for the mortis engine.

Got a box of hex wraiths to build as well, but thats for another night
Ok thanks. :)

Do people think it's worth stripping poorly painted models or just sell them "as seen"?

I bought an armys worth of marines as seen last time i had the urge to warhammer it up.... Really wish someone was kind enough to strip them first as i tried many different methods of stripping the paint of metal/plastic minatures

Ended up with at least a few units who have been relegated to scenery pieces of someone who has been hit with a multi melta :D
I can't remember if I posted in here at the time, but I got a Rat infestation for Christmas (the Skaven army deal + assorted extras), which I've started to assemble :)

I'm looking forward to getting the first batch done, so that as soon as it warms up I can pop out and spray them (I'm planning on use a Vallejo brown undercoat, as that should work as an undercoat and basic colour for the rank and files' fur).

40+ models (from the isle of blood) assembled so far, with another 20 clan rats being cleaned up and assembled as I get time.

I've also got a whole tyranid army that I picked up cheap last year to paint (and the Empire army from the year before)...
On phone quick post. GW board game not sure of name. You have sheets with 3\4 rows on to place cards. 3 cards make a war machine and you had to have a banner character at the front. Not sure if dice were used. Had a character called garok varok rocksonrok. Or somthing like that. Been bugging me at work the name of the game. Cheers for help
I used to like messing around with 40k stuff. I was always horrible at painting the figures though :( Not sure why as I am generally good at larger scale painting/drawing. I think my hands just aren't steady enough for the minute details.
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