Tabletop Warhammer?

eugh! had to brave my local today, first time in a year or so, needed a model for a game tomorrow, never again shall I get caught that short!

no one remains from when I used to work there so I get treated like every other poor sucker who walks in the door, pounced on before I can even think whether I'd like to buy anything other than what I'd come in for.

after enduring 2 minutes of his awful sales patter as politely as possible I eventually suggested that as I used to work at games workshop I knew exactly why he was trying to be so talkative and that I was quite capable of assisting myself.

what followed was a spirited but ultimately fruitless attempt from the same blue shirt, who smelled worse than the punters, trying to convince me that I should be interested in 'warhammer magical pirate battles' when I'd already explained clearly that the scale was completely inappropriate (he thought I meant amount of the size of the ships versus the size of the battlefield, dolt) and I already had a fairly entertaining and much more appropriately sized dystopian wars fleet.

eventually I battled past his unholy and unwashed bulk to the imperial guard section where I was promptly assaulted by another member of staff who would 'love to know what army I'm planning'.

at this point I think to myself '**** it' grab exactly what I came in for and nothing else, pay, and walk out.

I hope GW realise their over enthusiastic and over the top sales driven drones are exactly why it was half as busy today (on a saturday), as it was when I worked there! Their staff need to learn that they can't listen to the customers needs and meet them if they are talking over everything they say and feigning interest in such a poor way that the town idiot would not be remotely convinced.
Trying to sell you stuff is what naffs me off about GW.

I popped in last week for some ice blue and a brush but was trying to be sold White Dwarf, assault on black reach and something else.
Trying to sell you stuff is what naffs me off about GW.

I popped in last week for some ice blue and a brush but was trying to be sold White Dwarf, assault on black reach and something else.

well, don't get me wrong, they're a retail business and as a result of that I expect the staff to sell to me but jumping on everyone who enters the store without any consideration for the customer like they're nothing more than a walking wallet is very off putting.

when I worked there I took a much more measured approach, when someone walked in I'd give a friendly 'hi, how are you?' let them wander about for a bit, observe what they looked interested in and then I'd make polite conversation regarding what they'd looked at, if it looked like I had a chance at an up-sell I'd continue in the same manner, if it was clear that they knew what they were after I let them get on with it.

pressure selling is the quickest way to put people off, it's exactly what gets most peoples backs up about cold callers, you know they're not interested in you, only what you are able to afford.
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I've not been 'in the hobby' for almost 2 years now I reckon, but I still keep tabs occasionally and I do enjoy visiting Warhammer World - even if it's for a quick browse and a drink at Bugmans. Thankfully, I have my 6 year old daughter with me a lot of the time and I don't think they quite know how to approach someone like that! I find the staff at Warhammer World (at least when I last went) are a good bunch.

The over enthuasiasm is annoying though. I might like painting little Elves and making armies, I don't actually want to hear your impression of Malekith or his dragon though plz.
It seems I'm possibly lucky, whenever I go into the MK GW branch the guys don't seem to be pushing as much as used to be the case.

I don't know if it's because they recognise me/my brother and know we normally know pretty much exactly what we want to get and will get it, or just that they've found the ultra excited sell doesn't really work on 30yo+ customers, or the staffing has changed ;) (I remember about 10 years ago it was quite bad, but now, not so bad).
The Birmingham store still has the same manager, Bret, from before I took my holiday from the hobby, so he knows me enough to just leave me alone when I'm in the store. Most of the staff either leave me alone or just have a normal conversation with me now.

Of course when they have a new staff member starting I get to have a few laughs at their expense. Having worked for the company a couple of times I'm well versed in how they are supposed to talk to customers & will purposely give them wrong or nonsensical answers just to confuse them until they go away.

Or if I'm feeling completely dickish, I'll just launch into the horrible customer routine from season 1 of black books

`will you leave me alone, I'm browsing` etc etc.

Although I generally keep that for when Bret is instore so he can get a good laugh out of it too.

& now I'm trying to remember the stupid 10 commandments stuff you had to learn as staff, wonder if they still have that?

Having a move round of the gaming room in the next couple of days, having discovered that its ok for 1 on 1 games, but there isn't enough room to get a group round the table to play some WH quest. In the mean time, have a pic of my part painted warriors of chaos army

Just a bump as I have always lurked in here but not posted.

Nice army above ^^ :D

Have been tempted to just grab some paints and a few models to paint to pass some time as I have found myself quite bored. :(

But what to get. :confused:
Necrons have just been released?
Have a browse over the GW website, or get one of the starter paint sets, that come with paints brushes and a few figures?
I look at the sets though and the detail i want to do i would need to add on another 6 pots. I am tempted by the hobby starter set as on another site it is only 20 pounds. I have some guard miniatures still unpainted but i wont be able to match the colour scheme so i either strip them of paint, not sure how? Or paint over.
Dettol!, Get some of the brown dettol disinfectant, drop the figure in for 24 hours, scrub them off with a toothbrush. And i rarely buy direct from GW, its just their site is useful for looking at models, Dark sphere offer some decent discounts.
As for more paints i would perhaps decide on a basic colour scheme then see how you go with that, perhaps get some other pots if you feel you need to add more?
I have a fairly nice scheme on my cadians but i would not be able to colour match it as the paints have gone now. So would look to dettol them then go with the guide for the standard cadians though that uses 16 paint pot colours on standard troops.
My Painting has ground to a halt over the last couple of weeks, too many games on the xbox out & works been a nightmare.

I need to re-work the chaos army above a little. Thinking of combining the 2 units of marauders with shields in to one biigh horde & dropping the 2 chaos spawn & using the points to turnt he flail marauders in to a horde as well.

& necrons are out on saturday. I'm actually liking the loo of them tbh, I'm a huge tomb kings fan for whfb so turning necrons into tomb kings in space has peaked my interest a little. Will seriously look at them as an army next year when I start up 40k again.
Me and some mates are doing our very own 'Tale of 4 Gamers' starting in Jan.

We all know the army we are starting, the rule was something new...

Eldar, Dark Eldar, Orks and Tyranids are the 4 armies we chose...

I am doing Eldar.

Feel ashamed...they are a wee bit GAY!!
Apparently Game of Thrones is driving more and more people toward Warhammer and other fantasy worlds.

Read an article on it but can't find the link...i disagree with it but meh. Still interesting.

I have and army of High Elves thats about 15 years old.....probably models that are unavailable these days. Think there worth anything?
Thinking of doing `a tale of 4 gamers` in the new year, although ours will most likely be `a tale of 2 gamers` lol.

Not 100% sure what army I'll be doing yet, probably guard or necrons. Although what ever I end up doing will have little to no finecast in it, I'm really not liking the casting quality of it tbh. Some of the ogre kingdoms stuff my mate bought was just horrific, loads of air bubble & mis-moulded parts.
My local GW in Peterbrough isn't to bad for staffing pushing, but you do get ones that simply can not understand that you just want to browse, their limited selection.

Though I was overjoyed to find out you can now get liquid green stuff hurray :) I might actually get round to carrying on building my lizardmen army let alone paint the many many figures I have for it.

I have a fairly nice scheme on my cadians but i would not be able to colour match it as the paints have gone now. So would look to dettol them then go with the guide for the standard cadians though that uses 16 paint pot colours on standard troops.

You can stil get the old GW colours. Cote de Arms make them.
Does anyone know anything about the value of old White Dwarf magazines? I have quite a lot from about the mid-1990s (don't have numbers on me at the moment). Ebay just lists them at their start prices, generally.
I popped in the other day to have a look at the new Necron codex, and saw the name on the front to my horror. Matt Ward. So I thought 'screw this, I'm not spending £20 on what is likely rubbish' so went home and downloaded it instead. And I think I'm glad I did.

See, in the 3rd edition codex, they were, well, killer robots. Emotionless, no personality. They were simply killing machines, all identical. And I quite liked that. But nope, pretty much their entire history has been retconned by Ward. Suddenly all the different necron lords have personalities! And they no longer went into slumber because of the battle with the Warp, nope instead they rebelled agaisnt the C'tan and beat them, and broke them up into little tiny pieces. Then went to sleep anyway. (Though you can still take a C'tan into battle with you). All except for the former Necrontyr leader, the Silent King, who just went off on a journey, met the Blood Angels, made a guest appearance in their codex where he used a local tomb would to get a necron force to team up with the Blood Angels to kill some tyranids.

On the one hand, something like this does add to the options. Suddenly necron Vs necron fights make more sense. But there must be ways of doing this without wiping everything that's been written about them before! Seriously, there are now necron lords sending messages to nearby worlds through a code of honour system, giving them 30 days to leave the planet or get wiped out. Jeez.

Also, I'm really annoyed with the layout now. Formerly, the army entries were seperated by unit type (HQ, Elites, etc) but while I think they still are, there's no heading to separate them, I have to keep flicking to the back to check if the unit I'm looking at is a Troops or Elite choice. Then it doesn't even mention how many points they cost there! Again, you have to go right to the back to see that.

As for gameplay changes, Immortals are now troops. WBB is gone, replaced by a 5+ roll which is taken when the WBB would normally be taken. So a nerf there, but you can take the roll no matter what killed you, even if it was STR double Toughness or anything like that. Also, being near a res orb gets you a 4+ save instead.
Living Metal has been horribly nerfed, now it simply has a chance to ignore crew shaken and stunned results. Monolith also lost its Deep Strike immunity, so instead of scattering enemy units if it lands on them, it suddenly blows up instead.
Pariahs have been replaced with Lychguards. The Warscyth has been nerfed so it now does allow invulnerable saves, but it does give +2 STR to attacks made with it, which isn't so bad. They also get fancy shields which can be used for 4+ inv saves and bounce ranged attacks back to hit an enemy unit within 6"
Warriors cost less points but now have a 4+ save not 3+
They have snipers.
Destoyers are now jump infantry instead of jetbikes???
Addition of independant, named characters >_>
There's a piece of wargear which now has the longest range in 40k, with a range of: ∞ (Infinite)
There's several cool weapons and abilities which just eat enemy units. The monolith can use its portal to force every enemy model (not unit) within D6" and line of sight to pass a strength test. If it fails, its removed with no saves of any kind allowed.

Overall there's lots of cool new units, some with quite nifty abilities, but overall its ruined the necrons as a whole. They were supposed to be soulless killing machines, that doesn't mean you can suddenly go and give them personality, a hierarchy of necron lords fighting for power over the other lords.
1d4chan has all the info on the new units if you want more detail. Also handily goes into more detail about the butchering of their story.
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