Oops. Been reading this thread and 40k stuff in general and have gone out and bought some Eldar Guardians after 9 long years away from Warhammer.
I've decided to go for the Craftworld of Altansar, like the idea of an Eldar army that's possibly been corrupted by Chaos. I've bought a selection of paints, going to go with a purple/red/black theme with metallic bits here and there. Not sure what it will look like yet but the Guardians will sort of be the test models until I'm happy with a combination.
My friends are getting back into 40k also and want to play as soon as possible. I want to try and put together a 500pts Eldar army to begin with but just can't get an army list I'm happy with. I'm a big fan of Striking Scorpions but would it be wise to put them in a 500pt army? I have Guardians, will probably get some Dire Avengers and a Farseer, but I really don't know what units to use to fill up the rest of the point limit effectively. My two main opponents will be using Orcs and Imperial Guard so really I'm going to need something that will counter them well.
Anyone got any ideas? It's been such a long time that I can't remember how I used to play effectively and with what units
My 750pt was AWESOME, takes some skill to use, but it works VERY well when all goes to plan.
Anon-Sec (751pts)
750pt Eldar 4th Ed (2006) Enhanced Roster (Standard)
HQ (123pts)
Farseer (123pts)
Doom (25pts), Guide (20pts), Singing Spear (3pts), Spirit Stones (20pts)
Elites (205pts)
Fire Dragons (205pts)
5x Fire Dragon (80pts)
Exarch (25pts)
Crack Shot (5pts), Fire Pike (8pts)
Wave Serpent (100pts)
Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons (10pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
Troops (283pts)
Dire Avengers (128pts)
8x Dire Avenger (96pts)
Exarch (32pts)
Bladestorm (15pts), Dual Avenger Catapults (5pts)
Dire Avengers (60pts)
5x Dire Avenger (60pts)
Guardians (95pts)
10x Guardians (80pts), Scatter Laser (15pts)
Fast Attack (140pts)
Vyper Squadron (75pts)
Vyper (75pts)
Bright Lance (30pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
Vyper Squadron (65pts)
Vyper (65pts)
Missile Launcher (20pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults