Tabletop Warhammer?

Oops. Been reading this thread and 40k stuff in general and have gone out and bought some Eldar Guardians after 9 long years away from Warhammer.

I've decided to go for the Craftworld of Altansar, like the idea of an Eldar army that's possibly been corrupted by Chaos. I've bought a selection of paints, going to go with a purple/red/black theme with metallic bits here and there. Not sure what it will look like yet but the Guardians will sort of be the test models until I'm happy with a combination.

My friends are getting back into 40k also and want to play as soon as possible. I want to try and put together a 500pts Eldar army to begin with but just can't get an army list I'm happy with. I'm a big fan of Striking Scorpions but would it be wise to put them in a 500pt army? I have Guardians, will probably get some Dire Avengers and a Farseer, but I really don't know what units to use to fill up the rest of the point limit effectively. My two main opponents will be using Orcs and Imperial Guard so really I'm going to need something that will counter them well.
Anyone got any ideas? It's been such a long time that I can't remember how I used to play effectively and with what units :o

My 750pt was AWESOME, takes some skill to use, but it works VERY well when all goes to plan.

Anon-Sec (751pts)

750pt Eldar 4th Ed (2006) Enhanced Roster (Standard)


HQ (123pts)

Farseer (123pts)
Doom (25pts), Guide (20pts), Singing Spear (3pts), Spirit Stones (20pts)
Elites (205pts)

Fire Dragons (205pts)
5x Fire Dragon (80pts)
Exarch (25pts)
Crack Shot (5pts), Fire Pike (8pts)
Wave Serpent (100pts)
Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons (10pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
Troops (283pts)

Dire Avengers (128pts)
8x Dire Avenger (96pts)
Exarch (32pts)
Bladestorm (15pts), Dual Avenger Catapults (5pts)
Dire Avengers (60pts)
5x Dire Avenger (60pts)
Guardians (95pts)
10x Guardians (80pts), Scatter Laser (15pts)
Fast Attack (140pts)

Vyper Squadron (75pts)
Vyper (75pts)
Bright Lance (30pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
Vyper Squadron (65pts)
Vyper (65pts)
Missile Launcher (20pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
Cheers. I might opt for War Walkers instead of the Vipers. How do you use Fire Dragons? Run them into the enemy and flame their infantry to death? Also are Fire Dragons any good against tanks? I've never used them before.
Cheers. I might opt for War Walkers instead of the Vipers. How do you use Fire Dragons? Run them into the enemy and flame their infantry to death? Also are Fire Dragons any good against tanks? I've never used them before.

Stick them in the Wave Serpent, fly round the flanks, jump out and hit the rear of the enemy armour. Bloody good melta weapons...
bought and painted a new plastic hive tyrant this week, couldn't resist giving it wings!

When I was younger I started with an Ultra Marine army but stopped after a couple of years.

Then when I was on my apprenticeship, one of the guys I lived with collected orks so we got back into it, bought more units and had a fair few games which was fun but after we moved out I stopped again.

Reading this thread has encouraged me to get back into it so thanks guys :D. Probably just going to paint rather then play (although I may get back into that later on).

I still have plenty of new stuff to paint so don't need to buy more units anytime soon (baneblade and assault at black reach come to mind) but looking forward to it.

One question I do have. When I started back when I was 12 ish, I was pretty poor at painting. Is there anything I can do to resurrect my old models or would it be worth my while selling all my old stuff and using that money to buy a few select units that I can start fresh with?
Metal models clean up really easily. I got a huge batch of Dark Elves that needed stripping. I just bought some Dettol (or equivalent) and left them to soak. Leave for a few days, then just rinse the paint off. Use a toothbrush and toothpick to get into the little gaps.

It does also work on plastic models, but it all depends on just how much paint was on them before hand. Some I've cleaned have been salvagable, others not so much as the paint tends to smear over the plastic, rather than come off. Equally, if they've been glued with plastic glue, they don't fall apart and so can't be reposed.
Metal models clean up really easily. I got a huge batch of Dark Elves that needed stripping. I just bought some Dettol (or equivalent) and left them to soak. Leave for a few days, then just rinse the paint off. Use a toothbrush and toothpick to get into the little gaps.

It does also work on plastic models, but it all depends on just how much paint was on them before hand. Some I've cleaned have been salvagable, others not so much as the paint tends to smear over the plastic, rather than come off. Equally, if they've been glued with plastic glue, they don't fall apart and so can't be reposed.

All of them are plastic, the only model I have from the childhood days that is metal is a dreadnaught but I have 2 plastic ones (the newer type) so i'm not too fussed about him. I might try and clean a couple of plastics and see how they go. If it goes well I'll carry on but if not I might try and sell them.
I've actually been managing to get some painting done the past few days.

I think my brother went into shock when I mentioned I'd made a start on my Skaven :)

Re the stripping iirc my brother uses detol and fairy powerspray depending on what is being stripped (wear gloves and preferably googles if using something like powerspray).
I think he also uses a cheap (pound shop) electric tooth brush, and sometimes my 2lL ultrasonic bath (the warm/hot setting helps loosen up acrylics).
I've actually been managing to get some painting done the past few days.

I think my brother went into shock when I mentioned I'd made a start on my Skaven :)

Re the stripping iirc my brother uses detol and fairy powerspray depending on what is being stripped (wear gloves and preferably googles if using something like powerspray).
I think he also uses a cheap (pound shop) electric tooth brush, and sometimes my 2lL ultrasonic bath (the warm/hot setting helps loosen up acrylics).

Thanks for the info syph and Werewolf, will give it a go soon and let you know how I get on. Going to start painting a captain soon so will put a pic up when i'm done! (could be a while :p)
I would do a test with one model first with any paint stripping, as some of the stuff doesn't like plastics much.
I can't remember if powerspray is ok on plastics, I think it is.

Depending on how much paint is on the models it sometimes takes 2-3 cycles of strip, clean, rinse to get it all off.

For metals "nitro morrs" (I think is the name) is probably the absolutely nastiest stuff you can find anywhere, but it eats through the paint like no ones business (as it should, it's sold for chemically stripping paint from metal pipes and woodwork).
It is really unpleasant stuff, burns on contact with skin and has to be disposed of carefully, but probably the most powerful stuff you could use with metal models (it will likely eat plastic models though).
I've just stripped down an Eldar weapons platform after a bit of paint testing. Isopropyl alcohol, some cotton buds and an old toothbrush seems to have done the trick. Hopefully a fresh undercoat will leave it looking perfect.
I mixed my own concoction for stripping models, started with 50-50 Nail Varnish Remover - Bleach, and then added some Oven Cleaner and Turps. So was around 25-25-25-25. Left 5 metal models to soak for 72 hours and the paint peeled of in one blob...
Bought an Honoured Imperium set today to make a display. I don't know where to start with it. It is a ruin of a double eagle on the floor with rocks and skulls as well as a shattered ornate window frame and an imperium statue.
My girl friend collects war hammer and its her birthday coming up since i know little to nothing about war hammer and wouldnt know what to get to her army wise i was thinking of getting her a display case to show off her army cause atm she has them all stashed under her bed in a box.

You guys think this is a good idea and does anyone one know any good websites or have any pictures of their army in a display case.

found this website but dont know how good or bad that is price wise
That hive tyrant looks great :)

Von, I've got loads of scenery, but none of it painted:(
The imperium set looks nice, but I've promised myself I'm not buying any more until I've got at least one of the following sets done.
Imperial Sector
Imperial Stronghold
Imperial Space Port (I think is the name)
Fantasy Gaming terrain (the hills, trees, altar and henge etc)
Empire Village (farmhouse, church etc).

Doomer, those cabinets look pretty nice, I'm not sure of anywhere that does display cases for armies at reasonable prices as normally they seem to be either fairly generic cabinets, or very expensive.
We got a 100x50x12cm cabinet with glass shelves from Lidl before Christmas, which is waiting to go up in our garage above the gaming table.

Oddly enough you might do well to look for display units intended for dolls and toy cars etc rather than models.
ikea do some cheap ones that end up everywhere! I've got two, here's the top half of one with my guard in;


there's quite a big gap between shelves but that's not too big a deal as you can put taller models (like the valkyrie) in there no problems! quality is standard Ikea, good, but nothing to write home about, I'd definitely buy some more if I had the room.

thanks for the comments on my Tyrant Von and Werewolf :)
How easy would it be for me to advertise myself as a painter? (so people would send me models and money, and I'd send them back the painted models). I did a lot of 40k as a kid and loved the painting, and for my age I was very good at it. I'd like to get back into it, but I'm not really bothered about playing the game itself. I also don't have much space to store finsihed models, or any money to buy them. But I do enjoy the painting, so I figure renting out my services would be the perfect solution? There must be loads of kids still who can't paint for **** who's parents would be willing to pay me?
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