I painted a thing!
Now on to the Knight!
Looks mint, have fun with the knight!
I gotta admit 8th edition is getting me interested in playing and painting again, quite keen to pickup the Dark Imperium boxed set.
I painted a thing!
Now on to the Knight!
I bought the "Know No Fear" 40k starter set. Have to say I'm very impressed (kinda regret not going for the full set now)
Painted the Lord of Contagion over a couple of nights and really enjoyed it (haven't really done much painting since the early 90's) Looking forward to getting a couple of games in
I have to say... these new death guard models are REALLY sweet but so damned expensive! Almost £9 a model....
After a week of constant reading, looking, watching videos etc etc I can honestly say I am so excited on my soon to be new purchase. I joined the dakkadakka forums and they all seem a good bunch and always somebody online no matter what time of the day it is to answer questions, offer advice etc. Thye told me to NOT buy from GW but get my gear from other places. I was pointed to darksphere, gaming shop in London. Discounted GW stuff inc, BB and the new 40k Dark Imperium box. Far far cheaper than GW. both sets are £160 at GW but £120 from that store. Putting my order in tomorrow. . I will have to wait to paint them though as not sure I can afford the paints this month. I have been watching painting tutorials on YT and it really simplifies the way you paint. Looking forward to it. Yes I will put up a sort of ongoing painting/assembly thread in the coming weeks.