Tabletop Warhammer?

It's worth looking on the DakkaDakka forum for 2nd hand stuff, I'd only recommend un-assembled stuff IMO. I've managed to get a 1,500 point blood angels army all still in their boxes for around £80.

For paints, I highly recomend getting Vallejo Game Colour, cheaper than GW and come in dropper bottles. Brushes, get some series 401 from rosemary and co. Again cheaper but also better.

Regarding those brushes you posted from Rosemary & co. What sizes should I need? I would obviously need a very fine one for small details such as eyes, highlights, buttons/nuts n bolts etc am I right in thinking the size 3/0 is the finest and bigger as the number goes up yes?
Ok I have finally finished my first Marine, only took 4 days lol. Ok I do work and have a kid to contend with so thats the reason. So be gentle with the comments :p Also, it's been over 20 years since my last painting of a model. I did the basic Ultra marine colour and added some mud/sand colour to the feet or lower leg sections. I only have two brushes, one that came with the starter paint set and one other that I got in the shop, I think one is slightly more thinner, pointier than the other but still not fine enough for the detailing work, hence some dodgy application on some areas. I wanted some oily, burnt area on the back pack so added a bit of black and a dryish brush to add the effect, came out ok I guess.

Overall I am quite pleased with this first attempt. I have started one other marine and based is brown. Going for a rusty/golden look. The first strike set I got was just to practise my painting before I invest in a proper army.

marinesmall2 by chris sharples, on Flickr

marinesmall by chris sharples, on Flickr
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No shame in that as a starting point, perfectly serviceable tabletop standard. Could try some squad markings on the shoulder pads (luckily the Ultramarines symbol is quite easy for beginners to paint! Also make sure the rim of the base is painted black (or another colour) it's a simple step but it really finishes the miniature off.
Cheers Shami.

These models I am currently painting are not for the table. These are testers for me to get back into it. However, I am nearly finished my second Marine and I have based it on a brown colour scheme. Having practised layers, highlight and shading etc on that one above I think I have improved somewhat, taking more time and really getting my hand steady. I'll post a few pics in a min of the current one I am doing. Still WIP. brb
I am also looking to play AoS Skirmish. Is it simply to play? I have never ventured into the Fantasy part of Warhammer so no nothing about squads/troops moving etc. My work friend would like to play a fantasy table top game I would imagine AoS Skirmish might be up there to get him interested. Along with a 40k of course.
I’m finding loads of lovely ‘fantasy’ army books on eBay going cheap - people just want age of Sigmar stuff now which inpersonally am finding a little dull
Started creating the base for my winged Hive Tyrant. He will be on the largest of the stepping stones, and I'm thinking of having a Tau soldier stood on the smallest. Either looking at him, or with his back turned being unaware.


Can post a step-by-step if anyone is interested - not that I claim to be good at these things!
It was "Woodland Scenics Water Realistic Water" - it's a bit too blue for my liking, would've preferred something more transparent. But it did the job well enough. It's ~£7.50 on Amazon at the moment, free delivery - albeit ships from America.
Ok I have finally finished my first Marine, only took 4 days lol. Ok I do work and have a kid to contend with so thats the reason. So be gentle with the comments :p Also, it's been over 20 years since my last painting of a model. I did the basic Ultra marine colour and added some mud/sand colour to the feet or lower leg sections. I only have two brushes, one that came with the starter paint set and one other that I got in the shop, I think one is slightly more thinner, pointier than the other but still not fine enough for the detailing work, hence some dodgy application on some areas. I wanted some oily, burnt area on the back pack so added a bit of black and a dryish brush to add the effect, came out ok I guess.

Overall I am quite pleased with this first attempt. I have started one other marine and based is brown. Going for a rusty/golden look. The first strike set I got was just to practise my painting before I invest in a proper army.

I would highlight the red on the helmet with orange rather than adding white, as it makes it go pink - but otherwise a great start for a return to painting.
I was heavily into 40k back in the late 90s, but when I turned 14-15 it turned out that GW games were too much of a social liability so I packed-it-in in favour of other pursuits. Shame really as I had built up a huge 4000 point army of Blood Angels (do they still measure force strength/size in points). I really enjoyed the creative / painting side more than the actual game.

With the new rules does it still take days to complete a battle? We had a 3hr Friday afternoon after school club and any game always just descended into a slanging match and there was a undiscovered thief in the group who ended up thieving random people's characters. TBh I couldn't handle being in a GW for any length of time as there was always some know-it-all ******* back seat driving when you were talking or playing a game, and the shops generally stank.

Looking at some of the paintwork on models posted here really brings back some feelings of nostalgia though. I remember getting a lead Space Marine Dreadnought for Xmas (heavy box) and when I got it out and put it together my parents pretty much said "WTF is that? It's tiny. We spent 20 quid on that?!". I built loads of scenery for the games too, built a massive landing pad once. Man those were the days. I think the Xmas where I got the dreadnought, the original Command & Conquer game, Tomb Raider 1 and a dodgy copy of Destruction Derby 2 might have been the best xmas ever...
Can anyone recommend me the paints I should be getting for flesh colours? Picking up the Necromunda re-release and haven’t painted in about 18 years :p
Can anyone recommend me the paints I should be getting for flesh colours? Picking up the Necromunda re-release and haven’t painted in about 18 years :p

Oh yeah I completely forgot, flesh wise it's difficult to recommend a paint, there are so many options for skin colours that it really depends what you want to achieve. You could get something like the Scale 75 flesh set which gives you a number of options.
What about brushes?

I’m thinking of a black and white paint scheme for the gangs (it at least one) again what should I be looking at for a full paint scheme of that?

As well as gun colours as well
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