Tabletop Warhammer?

Yeah, shoot with one unit at a time, declare all weapon targets for the unit and resolve. You can target different enemies with different weapons.
Cheers buddy!

Where do you guys go to play games? I'm so sad I played against myself this evening... took forever :o :o :o
Do you have a local GW store, independent or might be a local gaming group on Facebook? (I only joined Facebook for that reason)
Cheers for the advice! Did have a look and most of the local groups seemed... well, pretty damn nerdy and potentially a little smelly :o but I guess I will have to stop being such a judgemental **** if I want to get stuck in :p

Have been watching a few ‘well edited’ battle report videos online and have been comparing the pace of the game with those referred to on forums. After about 2 hours yesterday I had completely 3 turns for each side (ignoring CP rules) with 1,000 pt armies. It’s obvious to me that it all speeds up quite a lot when you get more familiar with it but in the videos they are clearly pausing the action to double check the stats of models before each roll and each ‘shot of footage’.

I’m a little dubious of how anyone can complete a 1,000 pt army game in such a short time span... (I.e the often quoted 90 mins) - I guess it’s a lot easier when you’re playing with one army? :p
Went along to the local GW today and picked up Necromunda and the supplement. The chap running the place was a really nice guy and when I was chatting with him saying how long it had been since I last painted he told me to hang on before I left and gave me 3 Primaris Space Marines to practice my painting on before starting on the Gangers which was decent of him!

Going to do all the assembly tomorrow ready for my paints turning up next week!
Cheers for the advice! Did have a look and most of the local groups seemed... well, pretty damn nerdy and potentially a little smelly :o but I guess I will have to stop being such a judgemental **** if I want to get stuck in :p

I have this issue as well, but thankfully a few of my friends play so I can sidestep that issue!

Happy New Year everyone as well! :D
Went along to the local GW today and picked up Necromunda and the supplement. The chap running the place was a really nice guy and when I was chatting with him saying how long it had been since I last painted he told me to hang on before I left and gave me 3 Primaris Space Marines to practice my painting on before starting on the Gangers which was decent of him!

Going to do all the assembly tomorrow ready for my paints turning up next week!

I remember in Newbury there used to be a shop called cyberdyne. It sold computer games and warhammer stuff. Was really awesome. I had just started getting into Warhammer 40k - not the actual playing of the board game but the books, art and lore and a little dabble in the miniatures.

I had basically been given the full 40k box starter set for Christmas by a somewhat distant uncle with a dodgy background at her majesties pleasure which no doubt fell off the back of a lorry which had the blood angels and goff orks plastic miniatures. Problem was, I couldn’t paint for toffee and I kinda ruined them.

When I went I to cyberdyne I got talking to one of the staff and told him about my rubbish attempt at painting. He went out back and gave me about fifty unpainted space marines and orks so that I could start again. He then also gave me money off the Predator tank I went in to buy originally on the promise I wouldn’t go for an ultramarine paint job. Haha!
Here’s my Skiitari attempt so far... still some touching up to go and need to base him. Don’t be mean as it’s my first batch :p


Ruined somewhat by the obligatory upside down backpack :o :D

I found it really hard to stop my brushes from splitting... fuuu took forever!
As soon as you put paint on a model you've achieved something that the legion of people playing with a grey plastic army haven't. It seems like a pretty neat start, a unit painted like that would look good on the table.
Cheers chaps :D

Might have a go at Cawl next :S

I fished to see whether a board game playing friend would be interested in playing a round - his response implied I was a dweeb :o :(
Finished my Harbinger of Decay on New Years Eve. It was only given to me in May for my birthday :p


The above picture seems to have become over-saturated due to the light box, the bruised areas aren't anywhere near as bright as this in real life. Below picture gives you more of a feel for the colours.

I fished to see whether a board game playing friend would be interested in playing a round - his response implied I was a dweeb :o :(

I get this all the time :)

I’m up to the fine detail on my marine before a slight touch up of the armour is needed (few slips of the hand) i’ll Drop a picture on when I’m done.

By my own standards of years back it’s better than I ever did as I have patience now but not all that great.
Here’s my Skiitari attempt so far... still some touching up to go and need to base him. Don’t be mean as it’s my first batch :p

Good work. Love me some Skitarii!

I finally got round to painting some Necromunda scenery. Not the most exciting thing to look at but it took me ages and here it is :P


That's about half the walkways done. I'm not letting myself thing about all the towers, stanchions and barricades!
Finished my Harbinger of Decay on New Years Eve. It was only given to me in May for my birthday :p


The above picture seems to have become over-saturated due to the light box, the bruised areas aren't anywhere near as bright as this in real life. Below picture gives you more of a feel for the colours.


Very nice work mate, making me want to start collecting again. Might have to share a few pictures of my old Chaos Knights, saying that i have never put pictures on this forum before. I just don't have the free time now sense having our 2nd kid, hopefully once he is older i can introduce him to the hobby. How many of you are playing Age of Sigmar then?
WHile waiting for the marine to dry I decided to stick one of the necromunda models together.

Horrible experience.

For some reason the legs come in 2 parts and then there is no base to leg fixing to the base. So I’m needing to put pressure on it for it to stick to the base but any pressure and the legs warp or too little pressure and the legs pull away from the base. A lot of little superfluous parts making me think I will paint the model then add the little bits after and paint them separately.

I don’t understand some of choices in how they’ve put the pieces together (or not as it happens)
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Wow @MoNkeE that is awesome!!! Warbie that's looking good too :)

I have a spray can of leadbelcher which I put on a model after priming and its awesome. Can 100% recommend the spray cans for speeding up long base coat jobs. Did you use a spray can @Warbie? If not it may have helped!
Thanks guys, still learning a lot but glad to see the improvements being made along the way :)

Working on a big scenic base for my Shadespire skeletons, which will be housed inside a Bell Jar - will post some pictures once the base has some paint on it!
At last I have worked out Imgur (thanks Shami! :))

My first paint job in about 20 years. Popped to the GW afterward and the manager gave me some useful tips which I am now applying to Marine 2 & 3 but on the balance I am really happy with it. Painting used to stress me out as a kid but now I find it strangely relaxing. A lot of improvement needed but really happy with my first effort (apologies for the poor images, no matter what I tried I couldn't get a decent one :p)





Got 4 more Marines (one a Sergant) made up, sprayed and ready to paint (2 of them with the red base layer done) and just finished building my Goliath gang from Necromunda. When I've finished practicing on the marines I'll move on to them though they are rather daunting I must say, followed the instructions to build 8 but had a play around and made the last two myself and rather happy with the turnout.
@No1newts looking good! I found that edge highlighting made a huge different to my skiitari... that and shading using nuln oil. If you watch the youtube warhammer online tutorial for painting skiitari... about 1 min in it shows you how many paints you need..... :eek: :eek: :eek:

I ended up buying a project paint set which had many of them and then topped up.

Have now based the Skiitari with martian ironearth on top and abbadon black for the rim and they look pretty good! Will finish off the purity seals, and the eyes then will post an updated set of pics. I did however find that I could not get much control with the smaller brushers. They split really easily and it was extremely annoying. Fail.
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