What’s roll20?
What’s roll20?
Cheers yeah that’s what drew them to me too... plus I like the idea of a dubious group perusing science with religious zelousyI've always loved the Cawl model, very gothic/steam punk. Doing a great job!
With the pending release of all of the new Nurgle models, Me moving house at the end of the month and having WAY more room for activities... I may pick this back up again and SLOWLY look at painting some Nurgle models. My problem is I go in and buy a pack of models, Then a week later go and buy more....then more...then more and before I know It I have like 50 models to paint and give up as I feel it is a daunting task.
MODERATION is the key I think
I wish the Nurgle stuff was a little darker and less 'comic'. Typhus in particular is a terrible sculpt, I like some of them though.
Speaking of moderation, I couldn’t decide whether I wanted my space wolf dreadnaught to be:
Bjorn the Felhanded
Blizzard shield
So I bought three for one of each.
Maybe I’ll get round to them this year?