Tabletop Warhammer?

I didn't realise you could strip the plastic ones, that's handy to know. I might set them aside as a project and paint them properly as a hobby when I've got spare time.
Yeah brown Dettol, or isopropyl alcohol both work, from personal experience I think I prefer brown Dettol although you gotta submerge them in it for about 24 hours then scrub them with an old toothbrush.

Isopropanol works faster, but much more scrubbing is required.
It does work, unlike Dettol which you need to soak minimum overnight, ideally 24 hours, IPA works faster.

I have 99.9% and I find a dip/scrub method works, so submerge them for about 30 mins, scrub, repeat. It does require a ton of scrubbing compared to Dettol though, I've tried old toothbrushes, nail brushes, electric toothbrush.

I have dremel with a brush attachment so I will try that out next time.

People say it's better than Dettol, but honestly having experience with both a think the Dettol is better.
And on the other side I having dettol to be ineffective (And my models stink of disinfectant).

Leaving models in a closed tub of IPA for twenty minutes or half an hour while I do something else had proven far more effective. Yes, there is some light scrubbing with a toothbrush afterwards but it's not particularly onerous.

I wonder how much difference is made by the temperature of the liquid and/or the type of paint (particularly varnishes and undercoats)
And on the other side I having dettol to be ineffective (And my models stink of disinfectant).

Leaving models in a closed tub of IPA for twenty minutes or half an hour while I do something else had proven far more effective. Yes, there is some light scrubbing with a toothbrush afterwards but it's not particularly onerous.

I wonder how much difference is made by the temperature of the liquid and/or the type of paint (particularly varnishes and undercoats)

I dunno but there must be some other variable, as I submurge in 99.9% IPA for days, even weeks, and I have to spend hours scrubbing, then soaking, scrubbing, toothbrush, nail brush, electric toothbrush repeat, it's a complete nightmare compared to Dettol.
I think i've said it before but younger brother seems to have found it the easiest, you can basically dunk the model in it, leave it in for a while, or paint the model in it (and for best results I believe put it in an airtight tub for a while), then basically wash it off.

IIRC the official instructions are to paint it on and leave it for 30 minutes, but if you put it in an airtight tub/wrap it in cling you stop the biostrip drying out as fast which gives it more time to work.

Younger brother had tried pretty much everything else that's been suggested, detol IPA, oven cleaner but I think biostrip was the easiest/most effective and having used it on painted woodwork I can understand why (for effectiveness it is probably on a par with Nitromor stripper, which is foul stuff, extremely caustic and basically melts plastic and burns flesh, but the biostrip can be used on plastic with bare hands).
Yea sounds good, well it's on it's way so I will give it a go and report back.

The whole IPA thing though has definately got me puzzled. I cannot understand why some people seem to get such good results and I dont. What is interesting is my brother also tried the IPA and he also thought it was crap and that dettol worked much better.

I am wondering if it is a temperature thing, I will have to ask him if he kept it indoors etc. The other thing is the models we are both trying to strip were from when we were kids, the the paint it likely 20+ years old.
Ok Amazon were on the ball with delivery so turned up already this morning.

Works about as good as Dettol but only taking an hour. Big advantage is that £10 pot will last ages, so yeah good tip, thanks.
Up to 32 Bloodreavers completed. The will to paint fades the more I paint, so I may take a break from them once I've done 40.
I think I'll more on to my Khorograths after this - they'll be something completely different!

I was thinking of getting a Bloodthirster for my Christmas break project - and magnetising it so I can use it for any of the three typical options. I'm a bit wary of taking a drill to such an expensive model though!
Up to 32 Bloodreavers completed. The will to paint fades the more I paint, so I may take a break from them once I've done 40.

Thats exactly why Kill Team was such a great move for me. I just couldnt face painting so many units for a 500+ point game. I think the most I'll be painting is Orks, but most of them are individuals so each is exciting in its own right. Good luck! Keep at it, they will look great when they are done (Even if you are going to slaughter them for the Blood God!).
Up to 32 Bloodreavers completed. The will to paint fades the more I paint, so I may take a break from them once I've done 40.
I think I'll more on to my Khorograths after this - they'll be something completely different!

I was thinking of getting a Bloodthirster for my Christmas break project - and magnetising it so I can use it for any of the three typical options. I'm a bit wary of taking a drill to such an expensive model though!
doing 30+ models to any level of detail without a break is a nightmare for me*.

These days I tend to try and do 5-10 at a time then swap to something a bit different for a while.

Having said that, I've got about 30FW's, and 20 pathfinders to do, but i'll probably break them up with suits and drones.

*Although I was the idiot that decided to paint Tyranids for a weekend of games, from scratch and assembled/painted to 3 colours something like 80+ each of genestealers, 'guants and 'gants.
*Although I was the idiot that decided to paint Tyranids for a weekend of games, from scratch and assembled/painted to 3 colours something like 80+ each of genestealers, 'guants and 'gants.

I have done literally this over the last few weeks, 18 Termagants, 29 Hormogaunts, 20 Genestealers, 3 colour scheme, Skin: bone colour (same as GW Laviathan), wash x2, dry brush. Carapace: dark blue, wash, drybrush x2. Claws etc: black, drybrush.

Also done 2 Biovores, and half of two Hive tyrants (old school 2nd ed versions) and I am going away with work for the next few weeks so I am brining my painting stuff to the hotel (why not?) and I am going to try and get some tyranid warriors done, again second ed versions.

Also, unrelated, but the Chapter Approved 2018 got leaked, seems the Grey Knights got a pretty huge points reduction, which was needed, but I have 257 points to spend to make my army back up to 2000 pts. But seems a lot of stuff got reductions.

Link here:
Up to 32 Bloodreavers completed. The will to paint fades the more I paint, so I may take a break from them once I've done 40.
I think I'll more on to my Khorograths after this - they'll be something completely different!

I was thinking of getting a Bloodthirster for my Christmas break project - and magnetising it so I can use it for any of the three typical options. I'm a bit wary of taking a drill to such an expensive model though!

Also, there are not enough photos in this thread lately. I for one would love to see your 32 sacrifices... erm Bloodreavers.
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