Tabletop Warhammer?

A very nice way to get back into the hobby!

Waiting on them to arrive. Think I've decided on a paint scheme so need to grab some brushes and paint next. Thinking of using Vallejo paints since they're well received. Brushes have got me scratching my noodle atm though.
Waiting on them to arrive. Think I've decided on a paint scheme so need to grab some brushes and paint next. Thinking of using Vallejo paints since they're well received. Brushes have got me scratching my noodle atm though.

Yea Vajello paints are ok, not all of them though, the games workshop metallics are generally better, the GW washes are better, some of the Vajello colours are too watery, the "bloody red" is terrible, for example.

But yes, in general, the Vajello paints are very good, come in far superior dropper bottles compared to GW paints, and are a bit cheaper.

Brushes, mmmmm, it's a minefield. GW drybrushes are great, small drybrush is a must, other than that I would say avoid the GW brushes, I've not had much success with them to the point of which some of my old GW brushes (as in 15+ years old) have weathered better than recent ones I've purchased.

I am a fan of the Windsor & Newton rounded "Cotman" range though, which for around £4 a pop are cheap enough to replace every few months depending on how furiously you paint.
I'm a fan of GW paints, though I do have a few P3 paints which I love especially the Menoth White and the black paint from the P3 range as well. Brushes I use the Army Painter ones but I have to agree the GW dry brushes are much better than most others.
Gents, thanks very much. Found a little independent hobby shop not far from me so I'm going to pop there as it turns out they have a rather good selection of paints and brushes including the brand's mentioned!
Think I've settled on a slightly unconventional grey and red scheme for my troops. Dark grey fatigues, deep red armour. Should allow me to use them as cadians or potentially mordians too.
Gents, thanks very much. Found a little independent hobby shop not far from me so I'm going to pop there as it turns out they have a rather good selection of paints and brushes including the brand's mentioned!
Think I've settled on a slightly unconventional grey and red scheme for my troops. Dark grey fatigues, deep red armour. Should allow me to use them as cadians or potentially mordians too.

Per @BUDFORCE comment if you do get metallics I would really emphasise the quality of the GW ones. I've only tried three varieties but GW are so far ahead on that front (from my experience) I wouldn't touch anything else.
Reading around I've come to agree with what the two of you are saying there. GW washes and metallics do seem to be well rated so I think I'll be going with them.
Getting flashbacks to good old boltgun metal and mithril silver.
Reading around I've come to agree with what the two of you are saying there. GW washes and metallics do seem to be well rated so I think I'll be going with them.
Getting flashbacks to good old boltgun metal and mithril silver.

I love the gold, compared to the rubbish I had to tolerate iny early teens twenty years ago it's insane how good it looks.
Decided that with new year here, it was time to break out of a rut and starting painting again. I haven't painted in months and have about £400 of Tau sat in boxes that need building and finishing.

Originally was going with a green scheme as seen elsewhere in this thread. Fell out with it, hated it and now trying something different.

Gone for a candy red over zenith highlight metallics (Black Metal, Gun Metal, Chrome) with blue markings and black/grey. Added some brown leather for a contrast against the black. Yellow lenses to keep things simple although may change to blue yet. Trying to avoid too much IronMan/Spiderman comparisons. Will probably end up keeping the gloss look too although will try a matte finish too. Just doing my 5 test firewarriors and going to do a test suit next.


Very confused by wayland, when I ordered everything was showing as in stock. It's now all showing as out of stock despite my order not yet being dispatched.
A bit late to the party re. metallic paints, but Vallejo's Metal Color range (different from the their model or game colour ranges) are imo better than GW metals. Not that GW's are bad, but the jump is noticeable. The only other brand I've tried that's comparable is Scale Color's metals, which are also lovely.

Some big Necromunda clashes were had over Crimbo. It is a brutally funny game!

Mine are the filthy Scavvies :)




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Fantastic board!

Question about airbrushing and masking.

Is something like silly putty usable? I assume it won't leave residue like plasticene or risk pulling off paint like blutac.

IIRc my brother has used silly putty:)

Depending on what you're doing you can also get "liquid mask" (IIRC it's latex based), or masking film, as well as low residue/specialist masking tapes (Tamiya etc, or delicate surface tape).
That cardboard terrain, where did you get it? Looks awesome!

The more grimdark 40k stuff is from the Desecration City kickstarter

I think you can still get it if you contact them.

The rest is from

Fantastic board!

Question about airbrushing and masking.

Is something like silly putty usable? I assume it won't leave residue like plasticene or risk pulling off paint like blutac.


Silly putty is great, as are good old fashioned plastic bags and cellophane - just poke the bits you want to brush through. I've had mixed results with vallejo liquid mask - can be a pain in the arse removing. As werewolf pointed out - can't go wrong with Tamiya masking tape. Not worth skimping on tape.
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