Anyone else got a game mat?
I'm thinking about getting one, seen some on, but I also seen this one:
I've heard pwork mentioned on a few battle reports,and I love the look of that one.
I'm thinking of getting one, then getting 3 bits of plywood or chipboard or similar, 4 by 2, and gaffer tape hinge them, to create a surface to put the mat on, then pop that on to the dining room table. I can then fold it all up and store it, behind a sofa etc.
I'm thinking about getting one, seen some on, but I also seen this one:
I've heard pwork mentioned on a few battle reports,and I love the look of that one.
I'm thinking of getting one, then getting 3 bits of plywood or chipboard or similar, 4 by 2, and gaffer tape hinge them, to create a surface to put the mat on, then pop that on to the dining room table. I can then fold it all up and store it, behind a sofa etc.