Tabletop Warhammer?

So after building around 1000 points of Orks over the last 2 weeks I decided to splurge a bit of cash on painting supplies to get me going.

Here is my first attempt at an Ork boy! It's about 80% finished. Base will be drybrushed grey to look like gravel, rim of base will be painted (unsure of colour), skin will be highlighted a lighter green and that's about it, I think?

How did I do? :)

Latest one done, I dont actually particularly like this guy, but he was a christmas present and I do have a Grey Knight army, so as I got him anyway, though I might aswell paint him so I can use him.

The melee weapons are magnetised so you can swap em out, the base creature was a custom job, taking some tyranid bits to a bench grinder!





EDIT: Put them in a spoiler as they were huge images!
Started assembling my first unit of guardsmen. My god the mould lines! Really really bad. Had a look at the other 3 sprues I have and they're the same.
Scions look ok though.
So after building around 1000 points of Orks over the last 2 weeks I decided to splurge a bit of cash on painting supplies to get me going.

Here is my first attempt at an Ork boy! It's about 80% finished. Base will be drybrushed grey to look like gravel, rim of base will be painted (unsure of colour), skin will be highlighted a lighter green and that's about it, I think?

How did I do? :)

Looks like you are doing great. I finished an Ork kill team a while back. A few days ago I came across a guy on Youtube who had primed all his Orks grey and some other light colours then used washes over them. Very quick to do and they look stunning. You can find the video by searching for something like 1000 point ork challenge.
What kind of gravel is that on the base? looks awesome!
Thanks very much and sorry for just getting back to you, wasn't on over the weekend :) The actual grit is from Element games, they do their own range of basing materials so the grit I bought is a fine and medium and mixed them together so there is a nice mix of sizes.

I then spray it black with the model, heavy dry brush of Eshin grey followed by a lighter dry brush of Dawnstone grey :)
Looks like you are doing great. I finished an Ork kill team a while back. A few days ago I came across a guy on Youtube who had primed all his Orks grey and some other light colours then used washes over them. Very quick to do and they look stunning. You can find the video by searching for something like 1000 point ork challenge.

Awesome, I will check it out.

I primed my boyz chaos black but I'm thinking I'd like to experiment with another colour. Especially for my yellow Bad Moonz killa kans and deff dreads.
Awesome, I will check it out.

I primed my boyz chaos black but I'm thinking I'd like to experiment with another colour. Especially for my yellow Bad Moonz killa kans and deff dreads.

A guy I follow on Instagram who paints an Imperial Fists army primes his models white before putting the yellow down which he finds to work really well. Also GW sell a Averland Sunset spray can which my help out.
So after building around 1000 points of Orks over the last 2 weeks I decided to splurge a bit of cash on painting supplies to get me going.

Here is my first attempt at an Ork boy! It's about 80% finished. Base will be drybrushed grey to look like gravel, rim of base will be painted (unsure of colour), skin will be highlighted a lighter green and that's about it, I think?

How did I do? :)

Get rid of that mouldline and drill the gun barrel and youll be sorted nothing worse that seeing an army with blocked up barrels ;)

Ive always wanted to do Orks, hopefully do some after ive painted my Blood Angels starter set.... but then id like to do Chaos as well, too much choice.
Had three games of AoS Skirmish this weekend. The new rules are great and make putting warband together so simple. In fact, you don't even need the new rules, just follow a few guidelines and you have a well-balanced small-scale battle. My Stormcast Eternals were too strong for my opponent's Khorne Bloodbound (he was a 40k player and had borrowed my second army) - only thought afterwards how lucky I was he didn't use a Khorgorath!
Get rid of that mouldline and drill the gun barrel and youll be sorted nothing worse that seeing an army with blocked up barrels ;)

Ive always wanted to do Orks, hopefully do some after ive painted my Blood Angels starter set.... but then id like to do Chaos as well, too much choice.

What do you use to drill gun barrels?
I use a pin vice for my gun barrels. WiP but it gives you an idea. Also great for spotting areas that need sanding or filling!

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Has anyone tried playing Warhammer using Tabletop Simulator?

It's not ideal, but I see that modders have created full 2D armies for Age of Sigmar, and 3D models for those wanting to play 40k.

Just curious to see if anyone has tried it. I have to admit, I'm tempted to give it a go.
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