Tabletop Warhammer?

I have to say, the new Blades of Khorne Battletome and models are lovely. I'm really going to enjoy playing these guys once my army is ready. 68 models done and only 55 to go! It's going to be a beast of an army!

Wait, forgot the altar and judgements. Make that 59 to go!
@Spuj @BUDFORCE Yeah, nobody wants to be That Guy. I've already got the model, just toying with a small list. As standard I'd probably run a pair of Russ's, heavy weapons platoon and maybe a Hellhound instead.
@Spuj @BUDFORCE Yeah, nobody wants to be That Guy. I've already got the model, just toying with a small list. As standard I'd probably run a pair of Russ's, heavy weapons platoon and maybe a Hellhound instead.

If you've already got the model then why not, honestly I wouldn't care, it's just something I wouldn't do myself.
Whoa man, steel yourself! Popped in to the metrocentre store last week and the smell of teenage nerd was horrendous!

Ha yeah, I dipped my head in the metro centre one on Saturday when I was out with the family and it was bad. Was worse in Waterstones when I touched a Batman comic and the store assistant went full nerd on me about Batman and I was confused/worried about his enthusiasm (even as a batman fan :p)
Ordered a Knight Azyros (think that's the one) for my stormcast army and also cracked and asked the store to set aside Abaddon for me. Picking both up on Saturday :p
Had a 1500 point game with my Blades of Khorne tonight. I didn't think I had enough and would end up playing my Stormcast, but turns out I was wrong!

The new battletome is amazing - my Idoneth Deepkin opponent conceded at the end of turn two as I was ahead 15-6 on points and he had 3 models left on the table - and I'd just summoned a Bloodthirster 9 inches away from him. I'm definitely going to be working on a 2k list as well. Very satisfying!
Had a 1500 point game with my Blades of Khorne tonight. I didn't think I had enough and would end up playing my Stormcast, but turns out I was wrong!

The new battletome is amazing - my Idoneth Deepkin opponent conceded at the end of turn two as I was ahead 15-6 on points and he had 3 models left on the table - and I'd just summoned a Bloodthirster 9 inches away from him. I'm definitely going to be working on a 2k list as well. Very satisfying!

Bad luck/skill on their part or just an OP army on yours?
Bad luck/skill on their part or just an OP army on yours?
I had a plan, and it worked. He didn't, that I could see, and couldn't recover from an early setback when my Bloodthirster destroyed a unit of eels in one attack. We both had our moments of poor rolling (I had 6 dice, 3+ - failed them all and rolled 4 dice and got all 1s) but I do feel had the worst of the luck last night. I did feel I had a lot left on the table by the end, though.

There is a lot I'd change if I was to play another 1500 point game tomorrow, but that was also my first time up against Deepkin and they have some scary stuff in their lockers.
I had a plan, and it worked. He didn't, that I could see, and couldn't recover from an early setback when my Bloodthirster destroyed a unit of eels in one attack. We both had our moments of poor rolling (I had 6 dice, 3+ - failed them all and rolled 4 dice and got all 1s) but I do feel had the worst of the luck last night. I did feel I had a lot left on the table by the end, though.

There is a lot I'd change if I was to play another 1500 point game tomorrow, but that was also my first time up against Deepkin and they have some scary stuff in their lockers.

Yeah, the dice gods can be fickle masters. I seem to have an amazing ability when playing pathfinder to roll nothing but 1's and 20's. I also remember in the good old days of 2nd ed rolling a lot of double 1's when it came to my terminators saves!
Planning is always good but from the sounds of it your army simply mopped the floor with his - setbacks happen and any army should be able to bounce back if it's built properly.
Yeah, the dice gods can be fickle masters. I seem to have an amazing ability when playing pathfinder to roll nothing but 1's and 20's. I also remember in the good old days of 2nd ed rolling a lot of double 1's when it came to my terminators saves!
Planning is always good but from the sounds of it your army simply mopped the floor with his - setbacks happen and any army should be able to bounce back if it's built properly.
I meant to say that I felt the worst of the luck was his, but it should average out, really. You just notice the bad stuff when you really need good stuff!

All in all, it just felt like the new battletome was worthy. I did miss the ignoring of battleshock from the Bloodsecrator, as I lost a fair few models due to bravery. My army build will be very different next time as well (I'm building some wrathmongers and will also have more some hounds, bloodletters and bloodcrushers for summoning).

One downside for the new book - my Chaos Knights are now redundant. I might still build and paint them though.

On the 40k front, I finally built my Roboute Guilliman. What a lovely model!
Getting there with my Chaos space marine/daemon combo army. Now painted 25 cultists, and made headway with the last 5. Painted a chaos lord over the weekend I have 14 berzerkers done with just the two champions left to assemble/paint.

Waiting for Wayland games to get more Bloodletters in stock.

I look at their prices, then look at GW, and think, I can wait. Called them today they reckon they'll have them Thursday/Friday. I will order them and also 10 raptors.

I know about element games also, but Wayland is cheaper plus free postage after £30 where as element games want you to spend £80 first.

Have ordered a Soul Grinder from GW though today, couldn't easily find one cheaper from a 3rd party seller, and with GW offering free postage over £40 and with this item being £41, I thought why not.
Had a game of Titanicus earlier, I borrowed one of my brothers Warhounds and used my two warlords.

First turn I nearly took out one of his two reavers but he managed to get it into cover :(
at the end of turn five he'd taken out one of my Warlords (barely missing it doing something nasty to it's buddy), and I blew up his Warlord:)
I suspect if we'd gone on for another turn he would have won easily, as it was he won by 25 to 20 VP.
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