Tabletop Warhammer?

My wife started painting her first ever Warhammer models last night (it's an attempt to keep her mind active while she's off sick waiting for the babies to make an appearance!). She selected a metallic kind of lilac colour which, after showing it to @No1newts seems to be the colour of the Emperor's Children. Ooops! It's nice to have an excuse to sit and paint models though :D

On that front, does anyone have any alternative colour schemes for Death Guard? I've not found anything I really like, and the green is kind of dull.
@Pookie Bear I went with the original Death Guard legion colour scheme from the Heresy (not sure where the green scheme came from) couple of examples;




Basically a creamy/off white colour for the armor with the shoulder pads in green and the backpack in green as well.
I've seen a lot of pre-heresy but also any kind of...dulled neutral tone. I've even seen a grey version that worked well!
First time using the airbrush last night to re-do some guardsmen where something went wrong with my red paint (it cracked!). Incredibly quick to basecoat with but I made a right mess when I had a bit of dry tip. Undid the nozzle when there was still paint in the cup. Fail.
Airbrushing tends to have a bit of a bell curve in learning, at least from what I've experienced, you tend to make a lot of basic mistakes early on (basically how to thin the paints, use it for basic stuff and maintain it), then reach a point where you can quite quickly and easily do various bits (including some very good effects), then gets harder again as you learn the advanced stuff.

If you get muck on the needle or nozzle you can, if you're careful use a cotton bud with some cleaner on it and run it around the nozzle and needle to clean them in situ, and if you tip the brush back (being careful not to spill any paint in the cup), you can work the needle back and forward with no airflow and that can help :) (by leaning it back you stop the paint from flowing to the needle point due to gravity whilst working the needle can move minor blockages forward for the cotton bud)

However if you've had paint drying on the needle or clumping you will need to thoroughly clean the inside of the nozzle out at the end of the session as you are likely to find you've got small bits of dried paint that's been pulled back into it (in the same way you get flakes of metallic paint that builds up quite quickly).

Never leave a brush without at least a thorough rinsing after use, one of my friends sometimes pops round to use our setup and often i'm too tired to clean it fully when he goes, with the result that the next time I go to use it I can spend 45 minutes doing a full, thorough clean up to get rid of the dried paint (even if I leave the brush with a cleaning mix in the cup).

I love the airbrush for basecoating, and fast model work:) 2-3 minutes to basecoat things like nids is wonderful, especially when you've got hundreds of them.
I think when I did my tau flyers it took about 15 minutes a coat, and took longer to apply the masking than the actual primary colours.
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Well @Pookie Bear smashed me again, this time with his Khorne army :p

I had a plan and it could have worked, I deployed my black coach, lord, Hexwraith from the underworld and surrounded one side of his army. Time to strike and take both control points.... Yeah I failed 5, yes 5, charge rolls (even used a command point for a 6th) , followed that **** up by losing the round the roll off thrn next turn he charged me and in one round killed my black coach, Hexwraith and I was screwed :p

Made a fight of it but it was done by end of turn 2 :p
Well @Pookie Bear smashed me again, this time with his Khorne army :p

I had a plan and it could have worked, I deployed my black coach, lord, Hexwraith from the underworld and surrounded one side of his army. Time to strike and take both control points.... Yeah I failed 5, yes 5, charge rolls (even used a command point for a 6th) , followed that **** up by losing the round the roll off thrn next turn he charged me and in one round killed my black coach, Hexwraith and I was screwed :p

Made a fight of it but it was done by end of turn 2 :p
We both had our moments of sheer failure though! I know I started rolling pretty hot, but it soon went downhill. My Bloodthirster whiffing an entire round comes to mind. And my Khorgoraths have failed every time I've deployed them. You smashed my Wrathmongers in one go, and your Spirit Hosts did do a job - they could benefit from a buff to hit - then they'd be nasty. I'd think about using them as my main res unit - keep bringing them back if they had a buff and they'd be even scarier.

That said, the Mighty Skullcrushers are just so deadly in units of 6 - your poor Black Coach was always going to be in trouble when I got my charge off. And then my Bloodthirster making up for it with 4 Outrageous Carnages was just the final blow - splashing out 16 mortal wounds in one round is always going to be devastating. New Khorne prayers and judgements are just overwhelming though.
Fun game :)

Not a fan of Khorne having spells (call them prayers if you want GW :p) just doesn't feel right. The dispel stuff was pretty cool and thematic (despite being annoying :D) but the fact Khorne can now cast spells reeks of GW either removing any real faction uniqueness or one of deva has hard on for Khorne and wanted to beef them.

They are really powerful (at least to someone nooby like me) and look really fun to play but it feels a little OP (contrast with SCE where I could have won without some utterly horrific luck and real bonehead plays)

Even their endless spells (j mean prayers) unlike all other spells in game can't be controlled because they are prayers but operate exactly like spells. Even a tweak to make them operate as other spells would control them better.
They're called Judgements :p

I think the main thing they might benefit from is only being able to move them in a straight line, otherwise they are prone to being abused, like I did :D
That said, I think it's the new AoS way - and every new battletome is going to have a similar kind of mortal wound output.

Finished Abaddon at the weekend. I'm not entirely happy but I stripped the paint twice and had a managed to break the skull on a chain. I don't enjoy the painting aspect much so not very good
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Took part in the Gibraltar 40k gt at the end of March. Total blast of an event with all tables basically at a show level.
Is that the one of the events run by Siege Studios? If so I've pictures from the Instagram people that go to those events and they always look amazing!
No its SN battle reports. They have commissioned armies from siege studios. The level of paintwork on a lot armies was mind blowing.

SN was who I meant, got confused between the two! Yeh they are really skilled and the boards are beautiful!
SN was who I meant, got confused between the two! Yeh they are really skilled and the boards are beautiful!

SN battle reports, the same SN battle reports on the YouTube channel, normally have 2 - 3 younger guys, somewhat over enthusiastic normally?

I watch a lot of battle reports on YouTube, my favourite is Winters SEO, I like Moarhammer (basically identical format it's Winters mate anyway) also have seen a few by, Tabletop Assault (Scottish guys) not too bad.

I don't like the ones that are over the top with the enthusiasm, that miniwargaming guy (American guy) can't stand him in battle reports, and similar to those SN guys (if it is the same bunch) just find them annoying.
Finished Abaddon at the weekend. I'm not entirely happy but I stripped the paint twice and had a managed to break the skull on a chain. I don't enjoy the painting aspect much so not very good
There are not many painters around whose work can stand the scrutiny of a zoomed in photo! There are also many who play with grey, so you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. I'm too scared to even start my Roboute Guilliman!
A couple flew
SN battle reports, the same SN battle reports on the YouTube channel, normally have 2 - 3 younger guys, somewhat over enthusiastic normally?

I watch a lot of battle reports on YouTube, my favourite is Winters SEO, I like Moarhammer (basically identical format it's Winters mate anyway) also have seen a few by, Tabletop Assault (Scottish guys) not too bad.

I don't like the ones that are over the top with the enthusiasm, that miniwargaming guy (American guy) can't stand him in battle reports, and similar to those SN guys (if it is the same bunch) just find them annoying.
SN do old school written battle reports
There are not many painters around whose work can stand the scrutiny of a zoomed in photo! There are also many who play with grey, so you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. I'm too scared to even start my Roboute Guilliman!

Amen, as long as it's table top standard and more importantly you are happy with it then that's all that matters. My standard isn't great but I'm happy with it so it suits me :p
There are not many painters around whose work can stand the scrutiny of a zoomed in photo! There are also many who play with grey, so you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. I'm too scared to even start my Roboute Guilliman!

I'm not sure why it's come out as big as that on here tbh. Certainly makes it looks worse. It's not to bad I guess for a novice
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