Tabletop Warhammer?

Damn that is a nice mini, trying to see how I could incorporate that in a 40k CSM army though?
I am no CSM expert, but if the free Slaughterpriest is the one with the dangling spiked ball weapon, it can easily be left off or cut off and replaced with a weapon of some sort. One of mine had had it snapped off before I got it, so I glued a buckler to it. Maybe add a pistol of some sort?
I am no CSM expert, but if the free Slaughterpriest is the one with the dangling spiked ball weapon, it can easily be left off or cut off and replaced with a weapon of some sort. One of mine had had it snapped off before I got it, so I glued a buckler to it. Maybe add a pistol of some sort?


I think that is the same model? I didn't realise the model itself is £18!
£12 on the Bay for me about a month ago for my one, which I then butchered and converted as part of my ongoing Beasts of Chaos/Khorne project. Unpainted but here's the guy.

Finally going to start my AoS army. Went to whw open day and one of our group spotted Looncurse boxes near the tills. Apparently they found a few in the warehouse. Friend bought one to reinforce his Gloomspite. I bought 3 to start a Sylvaneth army. May also make the Gloomspite as I love the squig models but sensible side says sell them off to make my money back.

Now to learn to play after finishing painting my growing queue!
Finally going to start my AoS army. Went to whw open day and one of our group spotted Looncurse boxes near the tills. Apparently they found a few in the warehouse. Friend bought one to reinforce his Gloomspite. I bought 3 to start a Sylvaneth army. May also make the Gloomspite as I love the squig models but sensible side says sell them off to make my money back.

Now to learn to play after finishing painting my growing queue!
Sylvaneth have just received a new battletome, which means they're probably going to be quite strong for a while as well!
I am hoping so. Decided that I am going to sell off the Gloomspite and just concentrate on 1 army for now. Hopefully can recover some money and spend it on more trees.

DarkSphere struggling with stock levels on warscroll cards and dice but thankfully found some at WHW so they are just sending me my book and cancelling the rest so I can look to maybe play a game at some point.

Must clear painting queue for other people first though!
Just found a chest of drawers at girl friends parents (we stayed there for a year whilst saving for a house) and there is maybe 2500 points of unassembled unpainted blood angels and other stuff sat there thy I forgot about.

Is eBay the best place to get rid of it?
Just found a chest of drawers at girl friends parents (we stayed there for a year whilst saving for a house) and there is maybe 2500 points of unassembled unpainted blood angels and other stuff sat there thy I forgot about.

Is eBay the best place to get rid of it?

We have had a few similar threads recently, I believe some of the suggested was Facebook or contacting local gaming clubs.

I think if you have the time and effort you'll make the most through eBay.
Did my first model using only contrast paints last night (apart from a Corax white prime) and I was pleasantly surprised. Completing a Bloodreaver in approximately 5 minutes with acceptable tabletop results is very impressive. I will be doing some highlighting and metallics normally, so that will add some time to the total. I'll time the remaining 19 because I can see myself using these paints a lot!
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