Tabletop Warhammer?

I got fed up spending money trying to make my own version Lahmian Medium (Believe me when I say none of the Youtube tutorials on how to make it actually work). So I went to the Warhammer shop to pick up a bottle, I also needed some more White Scar because my Nighthaunt have run me dry! On picking up the bottle of White and giving it a shake I found that it was 90% solid! Went through the 20 other bottles and managed to find 1 that was not solidified. Guy didnt really seem bothered at all, he just sat back down and got on with his painting. I hope no one takes a bottle home.

Since the employees were all busy I managed to get a good look at their showcases, they had a load of marines painted to show off the types of Contrast paint. I didn't feel the pull to buy any, I have watched so many tutorials on how to paint quickly and decently with normal paints that I have no reason to invest...Yet.

Nope. I read one review which said that as long as you have a light coloured primer, it was fine. That said, they also indicated that the two new primers are excellent.

I think the Contrast specific primers are more shiny/smooth which help the Contrast paints to work properly. Its a bit like me trying to make my own Lahmian Medium, it just never worked properly. Sometimes Games Workshop actually know what they are doing! BTW the Lahmian Medium is fantastic for blending Shades, its a whole new ball game for me. I just wish I had bought some rather than struggling blending on my Nighthaunt. In fact the only way I could even slightly recreate Medium was by using water on its own.
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Did you not get the specific primer for contrast?

I've been using contrast with just regular primers and seems to be no issue. I can imagine that using sprays in cold weather could give a grainy finish but I doubt even the fancy new sprays totally resolve that.

Been impressed with contrast though, certainly a nice tool to have for quicker jobs and can be used for some great metallic effects.
Maybe the contrast primers are better, but I'm really happy with the results so far using Corax White. When it runs out, I'll try the contrast version.
I'm going to continue practising on my Bloodreavers, so when my Warcry turns up next week, I'll probably end up using contrast instead of the normal paints - just for speed!
Gave contrast a go for the first time today. Bought primarily to do skin tones as I do struggle with them. Worked as advertised and made it much quicker. Also bought some browns to do my Sylvaneth. See how they turn out.
I've found they work great for skin, skulls/bones and leather. I've done some fur with pretty good results too. The only real weak spot is medium-large flat areas where you have to work really hard to avoid uneven results.
Work in progress of the knight. Crap pic but I did say I was terrible.



Very little in the way of weathering. Panels have slight shading and edge softening (Can see it well on the shins, that's not a shadow) and the metallics all have a heavy mixed wash to dull them down and add age.
Weapons are scorched.
Need to finish the canons on top and missiles.
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Added higher res images. Curiously just noticed how rough the finish looks! That's from the citadel varnish. Might have to find an alternative or give it another coat.
Added higher res images. Curiously just noticed how rough the finish looks! That's from the citadel varnish. Might have to find an alternative or give it another coat.

I've used the citadel varnish, and didn't have any issues.

Did you thoroughly shake and warm the can? I know it seems over the top, but I find you have to be careful with varnish.

I kept the can in my pocket, but you can stuff it under your t-shirt whatever for half an hour before you use it to warm the can.

You then need to shake the living **** out of it, I'd say a good 5 minutes.

Then spray, ideally not outside, if you have a garage or something, the atmosphere humidity etc can affect it.

I have varnished 2 entire armies with it and had no issues doing the above.
@BUDFORCE. sprayed in the garage. Not had any issues previously over multiple minis so slightly stumped. Might be humidity!

It doesn't look bad in person, just those high res photos really draw attention to it!
I tend to find close up photos at high res always show things that you might not notice when looking at the model. I guess some of it may just be being critical of your own work.

On a brighter note I finally managed to make a start on my AoS and completed a test model. Much prefer finish of this over what contrast paint achieved for wood. I think contrast has its place and I did use it for the places on this one but the layered approach gives a better overall look to me.

Still needs basing but will do that in a few weeks with the rest of the unit. Critique as always as I know there are a few bits that could use improvement.

New space marine walker...Looks great but especially in blue I couldn't help but think of a certain film...
New space marine walker...Looks great but especially in blue I couldn't help but think of a certain film...

Same :D

Great model mind, I like the idea of building a recon Primaris force in Raven Guard colours and using the Corax model as a leader......
New space marine walker...Looks great but especially in blue I couldn't help but think of a certain film...

I find it strange they decide to release new models for Space Marines when theres so many ancient models that need updating, cant say the walker thing does anything for me, the current range of dreadnoughts are decent.
I find it strange they decide to release new models for Space Marines when theres so many ancient models that need updating, cant say the walker thing does anything for me, the current range of dreadnoughts are decent.

They are planning to phase out all the old stuff iirc, don't they want rod of space marines in favour of primaris marines due to copyright?
I find it strange they decide to release new models for Space Marines when theres so many ancient models that need updating, cant say the walker thing does anything for me, the current range of dreadnoughts are decent.

It's frustrating. I've mentioned it before but the Basilisk is from 1994. 25 freakin years old and yet they release how many primaris lieutenants?
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