No wasn't the codex.
Basically Grey Knights sucked, so eventually GW released... something.... With updated rules or whatever for Grey Knights to help balance them.
I'm not talking about the points adjustments either, was some additional rules that gave them a buff.
Meh, sorry I know I'm being so vague but was like 4 years ago.
Magnetisation is much easier if you do the entire arm. There is then a lot more space to play with (and its easier to hide stuff) in the shoulder joint.Hope this works. It's a 12s video of my first (bad) magnetisation attempt. I know where I went wrong so will be spot on next time.
Magnetisation is much easier if you do the entire arm. There is then a lot more space to play with (and its easier to hide stuff) in the shoulder joint.
I drill 2 holes slightly bigger than I need. Fill them with green stuff (dont over fill) and then press the magnet in flush.
You can then prime and paint over the top.
I don’t see the value in magnetising infantry. Just pick a load out you like and live with it if you’re desperate, buy a single model somewhere and use that for your second option.
I fully magnetised a Sentinel once because I wanted to paint one. It was great fun, but it then sat there on the shelf surrounded by a bunch of painted pieces
There is a WYSIWYG rule when playing tournaments. If you’re playing with friends - even at a local GW store, there wouldn’t be any issues at all with saying you’d like to substitute the melta with a flamer for instance.
Magnetising weapons can be awkward as the gun is heavier than the magnet can support. This can result in it either rotating round at the slightest touch, or at worst falling off.
Nobody wants your to see your Plague Spewer fall off.
e: I’m absolutely not criticising anything you’ve done; if you enjoy magnetising, then magnet until your fingers fall off! Your hobby is for you to enjoy the way you find it enjoyable. I’m just suggesting you don’t make a huge unmanageable backlog for yourself but over engineering this which ultimately aren’t required. Focus your time on the parts of the hobby you want to progress on, regardless of what others (including me) think
Finish the test model first, recesses should be nice and dark and I find often when I think my dark bits are alarmingly dark, once highlighted it makes them pop nicely. Often things that look like you’re over doing when you’re 9 inches away look perfect at three feet, and if it looks nice and subtle up close it can often look flat further away.Started painting the crons tonight in my chosen color scheme.
1 model in and I absolutely hate it as the zenithal undercoat on crons just makes the contrast *way* too dark due to how deep some of their recesses are when assembled.
Deciding now to either give them another light dusting of white and try again, or, pivot over to a more traditional "silver" crons scheme.
Finish the test model first, recesses should be nice and dark and I find often when I think my dark bits are alarmingly dark, once highlighted it makes them pop nicely. Often things that look like you’re over doing when you’re 9 inches away look perfect at three feet, and if it looks nice and subtle up close it can often look flat further away.