2k point game tonight. My marines (played as deathwatch) vs tau. Started with my terminators in deep strike and a unit of eradicators in reserve. Tau player deployed their entire force with battlesuits and hammerhead on the flanks. Stealthsuits infiltrating supported by pirhanas and some weird little forgeworld things. Infantry going up the middle.
I rolled first turn and began by pushing forward to a large LoS blocking building in the middle with my hellblaster-librarian blob, dread in support. Nibbled away at a stealthsuit team and dropped a pirhana, desolation squad then opened up on some broadsides popping one and badly wounding another. A couple of wounds on those weird forgeworld things (more on that and the piranhas later). That was pretty much it!
Tau turn one involved a big push forward from all of the infantry and light fliers. All heavy weaponry that could fire went in to my dread aaaaand...not a single wound thanks to armour of contempt! Lost one hellblaster to random fire and that was it. To say he was upset is an understatement, he got rather huffy! I pointed out at this point he hadnt made any battleshock tests and used his units as if they were at full strength...Turn 2 and I moved an executioner and my desolators forward slightly to open up some lines of sight. Teleported 2 squads of terminators (plus captain) in to the back of his lines and put the Willie's up him as a result.
Desolation squad was brilliant, deleted the lone broadside and a squad of pathfinders+warlord. Vindicare then rolled max and took out another wounded broadside. Executioner managed to get a good hit on his hammerhead but couldnt kill it. Put a heck of a lot of fire in to his remaining pirhanas and forgeworld thingies only just killing them.
It was at this point with him bragging how cheap they were I took a look at the datasheets. Oh they're good but they don't have stealth and he'd been playing them all game with it!
Decided to run his full list through the 40k app only to find he was 200pts over! I don't think it was intentional as he'd used battlescribe and it appeared to have a bug where it wasn't increasing the points cost for unit sizes (I had this same issue previously but caught it). I gave him the option of removing 200pts of units of his choice and he refused. Gave him the option of when I hit 200pts of losses I'd restore them. He refused. Not best impressed I finished off my combat phase by killing a couple of units of stealthsuits and a pair of crisis suits. Told him to finish his second turn and then that was it.
He had little left in a position to trouble me due to me carefully positioning my units but left the executioner on just 2 wounds and popped a few wounds on each terminator squad and the hellblasters plus librarian.
Could have been a fun game but the rules thing and then being, in my opinion, an arse over the points soured it a bit. Am I being harsh over that?