Tabletop Warhammer?

I know why some people do it I just find it strange to not do something to the best of my ability. Even if I was only interested in 'tabletop standard' (as people call it) to get games going, I would constantly be going back and improving my figures - adding a highlight or adding a shade. But as I said, each to their own :)
Anybody had a good look at the new 40k rules yet? From what I've heard of them so far there seems to be some pretty awesome new stuff.
I have found a nice Sorceress Mini (Looks more like a warrior) that I really like, not sure where I got her from, but it is a VERY nice mini.

Pic from google.

Anyway, I want to merge her with a nice Forge World Dragon Diorama I am working on, although the Dragon was built onto its own base and cannot be removed. I have no space for the Elf model.

What would be the best way to make them into 1 piece? Built a new base AROUND the bases of both or a different direction?
Depends on how big the other dragon part is really.

It would probably look best to have a lrarger base like you say and be able to lift both peices in and out.

Obviously youd build the outer base up so its level with the slotted in model base.
I am not a collector myself but I was dragged into a GW store about 6 months ago by someone whilst we were out and tbh, I don't think I have ever met a more friendly group of people in my life, whilst it was clear the staff members were selling, everyone just hanging out in the store were also just as nice. At first it was very strange but when it comes down to it, it was just people being super friendly.

Is that common or was something being pumped through the AC?
hurfdurf, the guys in the store are normally pretty good in every store I've been in.
At one point it always seemed they were overly friendly and excitable about stuff, but that seems to have calmed down now (different policies?).

The guys at our two local stores are normally very helpful and willing to discuss things like painting tips/techniques, and the general atmoshpere is friendly with some regular customers who I suspect work in the centre and pop in over lunch etc to pick things up and chat.
From memory my brother uses a watered down green paint, and lets it pool a bit (I think it works better than a wash for the effect), if you want I can ask him later today :)
He does far more detail than me, and spends ages experimenting - he's got a couple of very old tanks/skimmers that have been repainted loads of times.
For verdigris I mix Hawk Turquoise into Devlan Mud or other Brown Ink/Wash of varying quantities. More HT means more of a green/stain effect. Make sure it is very watered down with the wash and apply to expected areas and allow to pool and dry. As it dries it retracts into the details and applies the effect.
Finally got around to taking some pics of my Treekin and Dryads. Custom built Treekin using Citadel Wood sets. (3 sets built Treeman and 6 x Treekin.)



Full wooden family:


I do need to take better pics however and at a better time with more light!
After a looooong time away from all things games workshop I want to get back into painting some figures. Since I have sold/given away everything I had, I am starting from scratch.

My question is, does anybody have any old, neglected unpainted figures which they'd be willing to part company with? I've had a quick browse on ebay and nothing has grabbed my fancy yet without some of the prices being a bit too high for my liking.

Also, which paints do people use these days? Still rocking the citadel paints? I've heard good things about Vallejo paints.
I am moving to Vallejo. Still have some GW ones from various series including some of the original paints that somehow survived storage.

I will have a look to see if I have anything basic unpainted I don't want I can send off for postage. I have a feeling it is all pretty much painted though apart from my current army which is still a WIP.
Thanks mate. I still have no idea what I want to paint really. I might start off with some space marines or eldar as I was quite hopeless at painting faces. They just never seemed right for some reason
Thanks mate. I still have no idea what I want to paint really. I might start off with some space marines or eldar as I was quite hopeless at painting faces. They just never seemed right for some reason

I think I have some OOP Lizardmen warriors that are unpainted, and I am unlikely ever to put them into my army, but there are the basic model though.

I can get a few pics later for you to have a look if you like

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