Tabletop Warhammer?

Try Maelstrom Games for your paints and GW stuff. Free postage....

maelstrom games used to be a good place to get vallejo paints and GW stuff, but pretty much everyone I've talked to who has ordered from them recently has complaints about delays.

I use snmstuff for vallejo air brush paints, and they're usually good, they aslo do the full range of Vallejo paints from memory (everything from model and game colour to the big bottles of vallejo coloured primers for the Air Brush - red, greens, greys, yellow etc).

I had a look at Maelstrom games. They had all I wanted and at (i think) the cheapest prices I found BUT they had hardly any in stock and quoted a delivery time of 10-15 days :confused: I suffer from a distinct lack of patience :o

I'll give snmstuff a butchers.

Thanks guys. o doubt I'll be back soon for painting tips etc :p
Maelstrom have been having loads of legal hassle holding up their warehouse move for the last few months. I understand they are trying to hold as little stock as possible and all their picking and packing systems are in transition. I hope once they move things should improve again.

I just wish they could stick 2 fingers up to Battlefront and start allowing their discounts on Flames Of War minis again :(

I hope they get sorted soon as I used to use them a fair bit, but at the moment they're not reliable enough for me :(

Gooner Leroy, the only thing to watch with snmstuff is the pricing on postage, they do it by weight brackets so sometimes it can be cheaper to split an order, or change the delivery method.
I hope they get sorted soon as I used to use them a fair bit, but at the moment they're not reliable enough for me :(

Gooner Leroy, the only thing to watch with snmstuff is the pricing on postage, they do it by weight brackets so sometimes it can be cheaper to split an order, or change the delivery method.

Thanks to recommending that site Werewolf. Just made my order. £80 of stuff :eek: Oh well, i'd only 'waste' it on beer :p
Must dig out my eldar from twenty years ago, mostly unpainted.
I think I had a couple of squads of each eldar type, maybe 3000 pts if I recall, in lead.
Guess the old rules are uttterly obselete now.
is there any market for lead figures now?
Might buy the dark vengence boxset to reminesce.
Thanks to recommending that site Werewolf. Just made my order. £80 of stuff :eek: Oh well, i'd only 'waste' it on beer :p

Hopefully they'll be as efficient for you as they've been for me :)

I dread to think how much i've spent on paints, I've got the full 72 colour Callejo set from a few years back, then loads of model air, some of the model air undercoats (they save a lot of time, and a 200ml bottle for a tenner goes a lot further than 2 cans of halfords primer), and since the new GW paints came out, I think i've spent about 100-150 on them.
Am looking at some other games at the minute.

Flames of War and WarMachine.

Anyone play these games?

I have some flames armies and played quite a lot of the previous edition, none of the new one yet, but it is a fantastic game! I'd really recommend it, as a rule set it's leaps and bounds ahead of 40k and as a game It's visually brilliant as well if you go all out with the terrain modelling. 15mm is definitely a better scale for a wargaming if you want to game on a large scale (lots of miniatures).

I've got a fully maxed out British tank squadron taken from the villers bocage (now covered in 'turning tide') and also a german panzergrenadier company taken from the same book (but now found in 'earth and steel'). if you can find someone to get an intro with I'd recommend it.


I'm sorry to offend :D

Sounds as though 40k is the one I like.

Only messing :D Now you need to pick your army! Will you be playing as well as painting or just painting?

Am looking at some other games at the minute.

Flames of War and WarMachine.

Anyone play these games?

IIRC, WarMachine is bigger in the States then it is over here but I could be very wrong.
I have some flames armies and played quite a lot of the previous edition, none of the new one yet, but it is a fantastic game! I'd really recommend it, as a rule set it's leaps and bounds ahead of 40k and as a game It's visually brilliant as well if you go all out with the terrain modelling. 15mm is definitely a better scale for a wargaming if you want to game on a large scale (lots of miniatures).

I've got a fully maxed out British tank squadron taken from the villers bocage (now covered in 'turning tide') and also a german panzergrenadier company taken from the same book (but now found in 'earth and steel'). if you can find someone to get an intro with I'd recommend it.

Nice :D

For years I've been playing as Fallschirm but have just recently converted to Strelkovy with full God Of War :D, fear my CT horde. I managed to completely mangle a Schwere Panzer the other night and easily keep QoQ
I found somewhere to play Flames of War and WarMachine. Stockport have the North West Gaming Centre just off the A6. Seems a good place.

Don't get me wrong i love 40k and WHF and all the "fluff" that goes with it but am open to other games and craft :)
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