Here they are warts and all.
These look great and particularly like the work on the power sword, stands out with a nice contrast.
I know you said you don't care much for basing - the 'Base Ready' stuff by Geek Gaming Scenics i'm definitely still impressed with and it's very quick to use - brush on some glue, dip into the material, tap off the excess, leave to dry. There's a decent variety available, so should be easy to find something that would really help the green pop.
Spent a few evenings this week smashing through the indomitus box necrons that I hadn't touched yet - a very easy and satisfying army to paint. I'll get some photos up tomorrow once the bases are sufficiently dry, really pleased with how they've come out for low effort painting.
So, took a few pictures once the bases were dry and then realised I haven't tidied up the base rims with black paint but you can have the pictures anyway, because everything else is packed away and I won't be doing that until next weekend now
Been boring and gone with a typical colour scheme because I actually really like the bronze/brass with the neon green weaponry.
The army as a collective:
Necron Warriors and Canoptek Scarabs:
Canoptek Reanimator:
Royal Warden, Overlord, Plasmancer and Cryptothralls:
And lastly my favourite models, the Skorpekh Lord and Skorpekh Destroyers:
Really pleased with how striking it looks as an army, it's definitely given me a bit of motivation to get more painting done at scale to a 'good enough' stage, rather than staring at primed minis and putting off the painting because it feels like it'll take too long. This army went from sprues in the box, to (almost) finished in under a week, doing a few hours an evening in stages. I got some cheap dedicated drybrushes which made the basecoating an absolute breeze - once the primer was dry, getting the base metal colour onto all of the models was less than an hours work. Shade washes, Tesseract Glow and a yellow highlight, along with a few contrast paints colour detailing and these were pretty much done.
The bases haven't photographed well and would benefit from a light drybrushing to highlight the texture a bit more for the screen but in person they look really good as is.
There's definitely scope to go back and spend more time on these if you wanted to - alternative colours for joints etc. - but i'm happy with the collective result as they are.