Tabletop Warhammer?

Chaos terminators worst kit I've had for mould lines. Almost finished the Predator tank but not sticking the side weapons on until painted, or the spikes etc.
My model is ready from Grime but I think I haven’t pushed the highlights enough!! Hopefully get the test model done this week. New bits look fantastic on the models tho so at least one win.
I had ordered the votann box but my LGS didn't get it unfortunately. Will have to wait until next weekend, it's just not been delivered
Got a call this afternoon, some stores had theirs delivered yesterday but most did not. Mine was in the "did not" pile :(
Hope everyone gets the boxsets in decent time.
Finished assembling the chaos termites. Only put spikes on the champion, don't really like the look plus will be a ball ache to paint them. The predator is pretty much finished, just need to prime it before I glue some parts on.

Then I have the Forgefiend, Rhino and War Dogs. They will probably wait though as the SM stuff comes tomorrow and I'm more lined up to use those in a game. The person I sold Mortarion too is actually my next opponent, he was unaware of the game club so will be heading over there on our xmas hols.

Woo new stuff. Despite having a very large number of paints, I actually don't have many blues, hence the pots you see which will be for my night lords unless I change my mind last minute. I suppose there is absolutely nothing stopping me painting certain models as different legions just for practising painting really.
A 00 brush for some bits I struggled using a 0.

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Finished assembling the chaos termites. Only put spikes on the champion, don't really like the look plus will be a ball ache to paint them. The predator is pretty much finished, just need to prime it before I glue some parts on.

Then I have the Forgefiend, Rhino and War Dogs. They will probably wait though as the SM stuff comes tomorrow and I'm more lined up to use those in a game. The person I sold Mortarion too is actually my next opponent, he was unaware of the game club so will be heading over there on our xmas hols.

Woo new stuff. Despite having a very large number of paints, I actually don't have many blues, hence the pots you see which will be for my night lords unless I change my mind last minute. I suppose there is absolutely nothing stopping me painting certain models as different legions just for practising painting really.
A 00 brush for some bits I struggled using a 0.

I placed an order with Artis Opus yesterday for some new brushes got a 0, 00 & 000 all M Series, I too have really been struggling with the fine details on the Age Of Sigmar stuff that I am working on.

Cheers All
I placed an order with Artis Opus yesterday for some new brushes got a 0, 00 & 000 all M Series, I too have really been struggling with the fine details on the Age Of Sigmar stuff that I am working on.

Cheers All

I have the AO M series in other sizes, I do not think they are of any superior quality to other sable brushes I have tbh.
Productive day.

Assembled, primed/basecoated the heavy intercessors.
Also assembled the 10x assault ones (got to stick right pauldron on). Finally been able to use the Salamander pauldrons from the upgrade sprue. Didn't take much care with them due to quantity and they are cannon fodder.
Oh and lol how small and crappy the assassin is compared.
Probably not going to stick the honour badges, holsters etc on the belts because I CBA and think they're fine without.

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I placed an order with Artis Opus yesterday for some new brushes got a 0, 00 & 000 all M Series, I too have really been struggling with the fine details on the Age Of Sigmar stuff that I am working on.

Cheers All
I have the dry brush set and the series S. Seen somewhere its W&N that make their brushes. Almost afraid to use them!! hah
Picked up my Onslaught Swarm.

Was disappointed that it contained Hive Fleet Kitten. Lots of sharp teeth and claws, but the toughness is just lacking.

I've been using Artis Opus brushes for about a year now. They've smashed through around 1800pts of Black Templars, some Tau bits and a few units of necrons. I was sceptical at first but find they are nice and predictable to paint with. I am by no means an expert level painter but feel that they have been the best brushes for my needs that I've found.
They are expensive but a 0 series S costs half the money of a Warhammer squad so it's worth it I my eyes.
Just don't get paint in your ferrule, don't use the brush for metallics and don't put the brush back without using a good brush soap.
Picked up my Onslaught Swarm.

Was disappointed that it contained Hive Fleet Kitten. Lots of sharp teeth and claws, but the toughness is just lacking.

What a little cutie!

I picked up the votann box and since I managed to sell my daughters of khaine army I have also treated myself to the new flesh eater courts box.

Anyone have any examples of ghoul skin they're really happy with?
I've been using Artis Opus brushes for about a year now. They've smashed through around 1800pts of Black Templars, some Tau bits and a few units of necrons. I was sceptical at first but find they are nice and predictable to paint with. I am by no means an expert level painter but feel that they have been the best brushes for my needs that I've found.
They are expensive but a 0 series S costs half the money of a Warhammer squad so it's worth it I my eyes.
Just don't get paint in your ferrule, don't use the brush for metallics and don't put the brush back without using a good brush soap.
Thanks for the info, I do use brush soap to keep my brushes clean as well.

Picking up the Dawnbringers drakes box this morning, looking forward to painting Cryptborn's Stormwing :)

Cheers All
Finished assembling the Impulsor, magnetised the **** out of it even though it doesn't really matter for non tournament play lol.
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