Tabletop Warhammer?

Just a head's up, lots of images incoming as I finally finished my 20 space marines for my display. All fully based and varnished with the alternative magnetised heads except one that I did first that has a glued on helm. A bit of a rough and ready style, but I had to try to get something finished instead of a perpetual ongoing project, the alternative heads and helms meant painting 39 heads overall which took a long time. I did six heads in a batch last week and was able to finally call the last ones finished, though as mentioned in a quite basic style that I'm still happy with overall.

It looks like it took about a year in total based on my posts here and I'd almost forgotten my initial intent was to learn on the small models so I could better paint the three giant McFarlane Space Marine models that I bought last year. I do think I'll now be able to do those with more confidence. I'll take photos of the final 20 display all together over the next couple of days, but for now here's some of the final five that are now finally completed in order I painted them over the last few months, but all the helmetless heads were painted in a batch last week. I do think it was worth painting alternative heads and magnetising them as even just being able to change the head rotation can totally change the effect of a model, it's already been a lot of fun sorting them by colour on the display plinth.

Atlantian Spears:

I love this colour and the head came out great overall for the theme I wanted to achieve, the images oversaturate the colour somewhat, but this might be my favourite of the 20 marines overall.





This is closer to a terracotta orange in person as I wanted to do an orange one, but this was the closest to orange faction I had a shoulder piece for. It looks mostly red but still distinct from the other red one I did. I liked how the face came out as it reminds me of a manga/anime style expression. I had to desaturate these images a bit as they look much more red than in person. This is a minor kit-bash as the arm holding a chainsword is a grenade throwing hand that I glued the sword blade onto.





Quite similar to others I've done but still different enough in the display, I found the 3D printed shoulder crest to be a bit disappointing to see what it is and I find eyes really hard to paint on these types of head but I still like it overall.




Dark Krakens:

This is likely my least favourite as I couldn't paint black very well and it looks more unfinished than the others, but I didn't want to dwell on it and just get the 20 finished as I'd started this one many weeks back. I might well come back to this one and try edge highlighting, I did test some out but it didn't look good at all at my current skill level. I do like the 3D printed side crest but it was tough to paint and I bodged it a bit.




Finally the last one, again I really like the colour and the shoulder crest was at least simple to do this time, it was great to finish this one to cap off the 20 and to finally call it done.




Clearly, all can be improved a lot more and I might well come back to them one day, but for now I'm calling them done and the project finished. Will take photos over the next few days of the display of all 20 with and without helms.
Hey Guys

What's a good alternative for Citadel Cryptek Armourshade gloss as GW have stopped producing it, I want to bring out the details on Gold armour for my Stormcast Eternals which have been based with Retributor Armour Gold.

I have got a pot of Aggrax Earthshade sitting here which may work as its a shade of brown.

Your comments would be really appreciated.

Cheers All
You can actually get the Reikland in gloss also to stop it dulling down the gold.
Thanks for that I have got a pot of the gloss version here in the old style larger pot.

Just ordered a tin of Green Stuff World UV reactive Putty from Tyrell Models here in the UK, it seems perfect for filling the mini's, it looks like vaseline, just fill the gap then hold it under a UV torch for about 10 seconds to harden it.

Will post my thoughts once its arrived.

Cheers All
No work for a few weeks and I can’t stop looking at hobby tools…. Dspiae versus Godhand lol
Thanks for that I have got a pot of the gloss version here in the old style larger pot.

Just ordered a tin of Green Stuff World UV reactive Putty from Tyrell Models here in the UK, it seems perfect for filling the mini's, it looks like vaseline, just fill the gap then hold it under a UV torch for about 10 seconds to harden it.

Will post my thoughts once its arrived.

Cheers All
Let us know how the filler goes. I still need a good easy to use filler for my hobby box.
Forgot to post this guy. Getting there. Can see where I can instantly improve the model. Next one up I need to up the highlight. This was my biggest mistake. As I had to remove to much grime to lighten the model. Also leave the metallics until after the grime.
Also tried my hand at glowy eyes and I kinda like it!!

Have a game in January and have set myself the goal of getting everything I own painted by the end of Jan!

Approx 1000 points of Orks, and will be basing the last of the 60 old style Boyz tonight, so that's the biggest slog out of the way!

Still do do:

Ghazghkull + Makari
Warboss in Mega Armour
New style boyz x 20
Trukk x 1
Deff Dredd x 1
Deffkoptas x 3
Gretchin x 20
Kommandos from Kill Team x 10
Lootas x 10
Meganobz x 3
Mek Gunz x 2
Nobx x 5

I do also have the Beast Snaggas box still new in it's plastic, but I don't really enjoy the Beastsnaggas lore/style, I prefer my Orks to be more mecha based and don't like the "primordial" vibe to the beast snaggas, so leaving this out for now.

Writing it out it seems like a bloody lot to do :cry: , but have managed to get 30 boyz done in a week using mainly contrast and keeping things simple. Obviously characters will be given a bit more attention, but I just want to field a fully painted army once in my life!

Will post photos of progress!
Oooh good luck, my next door neighbour is getting into Orks as well, and I suspect he will have an equivalent amount to do!
I also have 3000 points of Dark Angels and 5000 points of Tyranids to finish getting built, biostripped in some cases, and painted, so my sympathies!!! Luckily I don't have a specific time frame to add pressure (and that's excluding any the wife decides she wants me to help with from her armies...)


Can anyone here suggest an acrylic paint that goes on easily, that gives a nice Silver with a blue tint/sheen? I got a lovely looking decayed metal from Scale 75 I intend to use for flamers and battleworn gold/metallics, but the metallic range from them seems to focus on gold and coloured metallics, rather than silvers.

Wondered if anyone had any suggestions? I've got enough Power Swords and weapons in my upcoming D.Angels army it felt worthwhile considering a proper paint for it, as I'm not sure going for a plain silver/metalllic with a blue contrast wash over the top would look that great, and I figured one of the paint suppliers must have something intended for weaponry in this vein, I see the tutorials online with all the blues and white highlights, but that's not quite the effect I'm looking for; which is more of a silver, but with blue tint/sheen, rather than just a blue blade.

My FLGS stocks Scale 75, Vallejo, Citadel, Army Painter, Two thin coats and some others.
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I’m more into the painting, modelling and lore than the gaming side but who knows where this hobby will lead me!

Well chuffed with the score. Super pleased with the airbrush clips and holder. Been eyeing up a decent set of colour shapers for a while. I did grab a set from Amazon once that fell apart within mins of using! Jumped when I seen the AK ones and at that price.

Thought I seen a set of god hand nippers but they were Mr Hobby ones. The shop was just like browsing one of the online stores like Wayland or element but you could touch stuff :D

I only picked the brush up because I saw it in the video below
It's dangerous. I went down last week for some paints and came out with a battleforce
It's dangerous. I went down last week for some paints and came out with a battleforce

That is one reason I am trying hard to build army lists/concepts/themes, work around that and stick with it; it's very easy to get drawn into 'one more box', but having an idea of what you want to do does help handle that somewhat.
I've still ended up with more Dark Angels and Tyranids than initially anticipated, but part of that is around wanting to be able to field armies around themes, and with slightly different focuses, depending on the enemy.

Theoretically however, apart from if any new releases demand attention, my collection is almost done for my armies. Pretty much waiting for the Deathwing box set rumoured for January/February, and perhaps the Terminator Chaplain if he isn't in it, and then I'm kinda done, as far as that can be said. Not saying there won't ever be little additions, depending on what works, or if I warm to models/tactics, but I'm pretty close to where I want to be in terms of units. Being somewhat critical or discerning also helps; for example I like the new Biovore model; so I got 2, however I don't really like Deathleaper, or the new Asmodai, so neither of those have made my planned lists. I also tried to focus around starting my armies where possible around bundle boxes (Leviathan, Combat Patrols, store specials, old models pulled out of storage), as it tends to make things a bit cheaper; and aside a few models I've bought most of my stuff from either private sellers, or independents, as 10-15% off doesn't sound like much, but after you've spent hundreds it really does start to add up!
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Oooh good luck, my next door neighbour is getting into Orks as well, and I suspect he will have an equivalent amount to do!
I also have 3000 points of Dark Angels and 5000 points of Tyranids to finish getting built, biostripped in some cases, and painted, so my sympathies!!! Luckily I don't have a specific time frame to add pressure (and that's excluding any the wife decides she wants me to help with from her armies...)

Now that's a lot of models you've got there!

I've only added the time pressure as otherwise i'll never get it done, and while I could make more room (both physical and financially :p) for more plastic, it seems pointless having it sat in boxes under my desk where it's not going to get played with while i'm saving for a house deposit :p

Will get a photo uploaded of my 60 boyz tonight, green tide lets gooooo!
Yes, a lot of models, and I am determined they will not turn into a pile of shame, even if it takes months of days/afternoons here and there to get done. It does help that the Mrs is in a similar position, with much of her Tzeentch built (except for the large models, greater daemons, which are more fiddly and take longer sit down sessions to get done etc), but has a lot of work to do on her Adepta Sororitas, given she has multiple tanks, combat patrols, a copy of the boarding patrol etc all to get done.

I've got the entire Tyranid side of Leviathan built (almost twice, as I bought a second copy of most of it off another guy, pretty much only excluding a second Winged 'Nid Prime) except for the Neurotyrants as I got sent the wrong base by GW and wanted to build them properly, plus some old Gen 1+2 models which need fixed up, and also a Trygon and Broodlord built, but plenty more 'Nids to build.
Space Marine side I've got a 10 man intercessor squad, all the Leviathan SM content, 2x 10 men assault intercessor squads, one Redemptor Dread, and Master Lazarus built, but again quite a bit leftover to build.

Realistically, if I was going 'Great Unpainted Ones', I could field 2 armies already at this point, but the armies will be done haha

I made a conscious decision I won't start painting either until I've built everything. A large part of the reason for this is consistency. Even if I improve, if I paint my models in batches, there will be some consistency to painting style, but if I paint them months apart, at completely different points, they're not even going to look like the same person painted them :)

It's kinda worked out nicely in a way though, me and the wife made the decision to get back in with 10th edition after I was won over by both Dark Angels/The Lion and Tyranids getting love in a short space of time, one of my brothers has decided to go from a set here and there of random stuff, to actually building an IG army of some level (he has already picked up the Battleforce and several Sentinels), and my next door neighbour decided to get into Orks, as he also wanted to get back into it after collecting when he was younger. All rather random, but has worked out rather nicely as means even without FLGS involvement and the attached groups, that is already 4 of us going into it relatively in contact, and helping to varying degrees to keep each other motivated. FLGS also does 15% off of everything standard stock, and 10% off direct orders when GW doesn't screw up and delivers them, which also helps. 15% (or even 25% if I've got enough loyalty points saved up) really adds up on those larger models and Combat Patrol/Battleforces etc.
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Oooh good luck, my next door neighbour is getting into Orks as well, and I suspect he will have an equivalent amount to do!
I also have 3000 points of Dark Angels and 5000 points of Tyranids to finish getting built, biostripped in some cases, and painted, so my sympathies!!! Luckily I don't have a specific time frame to add pressure (and that's excluding any the wife decides she wants me to help with from her armies...)


Can anyone here suggest an acrylic paint that goes on easily, that gives a nice Silver with a blue tint/sheen? I got a lovely looking decayed metal from Scale 75 I intend to use for flamers and battleworn gold/metallics, but the metallic range from them seems to focus on gold and coloured metallics, rather than silvers.

Wondered if anyone had any suggestions? I've got enough Power Swords and weapons in my upcoming D.Angels army it felt worthwhile considering a proper paint for it, as I'm not sure going for a plain silver/metalllic with a blue contrast wash over the top would look that great, and I figured one of the paint suppliers must have something intended for weaponry in this vein, I see the tutorials online with all the blues and white highlights, but that's not quite the effect I'm looking for; which is more of a silver, but with blue tint/sheen, rather than just a blue blade.

My FLGS stocks Scale 75, Vallejo, Citadel, Army Painter, Two thin coats and some others.
Have you looked at the Vallejo colour shifters range of paints, which are metallics which change colour when the light hits them ?

They work best on a black base coat, then airbrushed on top.

Cheers all
Yeah I had, they look great, but I'm after something that doesn't have to be airbrushed and sounds like the Vallejo shifters really need to be airbrushed to work properly. :)

I did consider something like taking a standard gw Metallic silver and then adding a few drops of blue contrast but as ever with mixing paints it can be difficult to get the exact same thing again and trying to get something I can consistently get the same result from, which makes buying something specific the obvious choice.
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Finally caved in and picked up Krondys the large dragon from AOS this afternoon, I also managed to get hold of a pot of Cryptek Armourshade gloss (which has been discontinued from GW) from my local gaming store.

The guy who owns the shop also gave me a free space marine to paint for his shops community project, it can be painted any way that I like which should be interesting.

That me all sorted for the time being (famous last words) ;)

Cheers all
Yeah I had, they look great, but I'm after something that doesn't have to be airbrushed and sounds like the Vallejo shifters really need to be airbrushed to work properly. :)

I did consider something like taking a standard gw Metallic silver and then adding a few drops of blue contrast but as ever with mixing paints it can be difficult to get the exact same thing again and trying to get something I can consistently get the same result from, which makes buying something specific the obvious choice.
Army painter new speed paints metallics are meant to be rally good. Think they have an enchanted blue steel also
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