Tabletop Warhammer?

Just done with 3 contrast paints on AK Interactive grey micro filler primer, basiilicanum grey, wyldwood & aggaros dunes.

AK Interactive muddy brown texture paint, then all drybrushed with tyrant skull.

Dead easy to do ;)

I should also state I have no interest in playing the game. I enjoy 40k and I just do not have the time what energy to learn another system.

They are so many other games that look cool as well. Like infinity the cyberpunk one but just not possible to do them all.
I really like AoS minis but have no plans to learn another system either. I just took up killteam which cost me a rulebook and some tokens as I have the models already. But I've got two boxes of Warhammer underworlds in my to do list with a plan to learn a quicker to play game next year.
The models in underworlds are the best AoS models anyway imo
Hahah I am feeling echoes of my own situation above. I am only planning to learn 40K. The wife wants to learn AOS (and deliberately got Tzeentch Chaos Daemons for that reason) AND ordered some of the Killteam books.
Tried Biostrip 20?
Bought some! Thought was that Biostrip hour or two, followed by a dunk in an ultrasound would do wonders for any models I pick up second hand that have had a bad encounter with the priming gods, without having to use a toothbrush, which might not be so great with models with finer/weaker parts.
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Family did well!

1 Box of Warriors
1 Silent King
1 Box of Immortals
1 Lord with Trnaslocation Shroud
A set of Army Painter Brushes
Infinite and Divine Book
Coming along really nicely

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Family did well!

1 Box of Warriors
1 Silent King
1 Box of Immortals
1 Lord with Trnaslocation Shroud
A set of Army Painter Brushes
Infinite and Divine Book

Infinite and divine is brilliant.
Pro tip on TSK. Paint the king and the phaerons on separate bases.
If you can pin their feet and then use some dots of white paint to locate drill points on the throne before you prime it will help a bunch.
Paint his cape and the ctan separately too.
Especially the cape.
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My wife got me Ghazghkull and my parents got me some AK 3rd gen sets as I want to get a collection going, I put 2 of the bigger (14/18 paints) sets and a couple of four paint sets on, expecting to get one or two of the sets but my parents got me all of them which was great.

My present from my sister hasn't arrived yet so I think that means it's probably from Mindwork games, I put two different busts/display models on me list as I would like to paint something a bit more challenging to really try my hardest on so hopefully it's one of them :)

It's quite hard to find fantasy busts that aren't just.. some lady with her baps out.

Got a bit of money from my wife's family so I ordered a bunch more AK from hobbyheaven last night. I think I like paint as much as I like models. Maybe more :D
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I was naughty. Very naughty!! All 3 box sets I have wanted but never got round to buying. Super pleased at the Lord of the rings Balins Tomb

You have just reminded me I must build my Slaves To Darkness ;)

Cheers All
I couldn’t help myself. It was AoS that got me into this hobby. The beginner stormhost and naughthaut small sets. Was never interested in 40K but that changed quickly.

I loved playing as slaves/chaos on Total war.

As for the daughters. I fought hard not to buy it last year but as soon as I had it in my hand it wasn’t leaving.

AoS = Age of Simps plain and simple
Morathi “woof”

Edit: I’m also craving Ogor Mawtribes. Too cool for school
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That is some paint set lol

I was just impatient. I wanted to strip a model and try out my new scheme again. The pro Acryl primer I purchased really needs 24 hours to set. Such an amazing finish tho. If this goes well I can see myself repainting everything lol. Wonder if the other half will notice her electric toothbrush missing if i nick it.

Watched a few videos on this, not good for my paint addiction :o
I couldn’t help myself. It was AoS that got me into this hobby. The beginner stormhost and naughthaut small sets. Was never interested in 40K but that changed quickly.

I loved playing as slaves/chaos on Total war.

As for the daughters. I fought hard not to buy it last year but as soon as I had it in my hand it wasn’t leaving.

AoS = Age of Simps plain and simple
Morathi “woof”

Edit: I’m also craving Ogor Mawtribes. Too cool for school
Same here with AOS, I just love the details on the minis.

No stranger to painting models, but its my first time painting the small stuff, really enjoying it though.

I did have a paint addiction before I started with Warhammer stuff ;)

Nearly finished the base coats on Krondys too.

Cheers All
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Little update on my paint storage mission:


Thoroughly impressed by the wall mounted storage, only criticism is that sometimes when taking one out the one below/adjacent to it comes out as well, but that's a small price to pay for clearing so much space on top of the desk!

Will be heading to the local makerspace in the new year to have a peek at 3D printing the tops for colours!
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