Tabletop Warhammer?

Just a sample of the growing madness, not the best picture due to lighting at the time, but uhhhhh (and yes, that is Cyp....errr Captain Kyphus in the front :))

Edit picture link broke, fix it later lol
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Just tested on two models and they came out great. used a small glass jar of IPA in it. 7ish mins then toothbrush.

The best results I found was to soak the model in the IPA first for a couple of hours and then put it into clean water in the ultrasonic.

Literally comes out good as new.

That is some paint set lol
The best results I found was to soak the model in the IPA first for a couple of hours and then put it into clean water in the ultrasonic.

Literally comes out good as new.
I was just impatient. I wanted to strip a model and try out my new scheme again. The pro Acryl primer I purchased really needs 24 hours to set. Such an amazing finish tho. If this goes well I can see myself repainting everything lol. Wonder if the other half will notice her electric toothbrush missing if i nick it.
Quick question what is everyone favorite glue?

For plastic I use Tamiya. The brush is just fantastic. For super glue I love gorilla gel but its so flipping expensive. The runny stuff I get everywhere!
Quick question what is everyone favorite glue?

For plastic I use Tamiya. The brush is just fantastic. For super glue I love gorilla gel but its so flipping expensive. The runny stuff I get everywhere!
I use both the Citadel & Tamiya Green ultra thin plastic glues, for filling small areas I have been using the Tamiya Green plastic glue as well.

Took delivery last week of some Green Stuff World UV reactive filler putty which seems to work well, it looks like vaseline when you open the tin, dead easy to spread and place where you need, to harden it just hold a UV torch over it for around 15 seconds, then just smooth with a file or some fine wet and dry sandpaper.

Gorilla Glue gel super glue used here as well too, AK Interactive micro filler primer through my airbrush.

AK Interactive basing/texture paints, works out a lot cheaper than the GW equivalent £10 - £12 for 250ml pots.

Just sent you a friends request on PSN too.

Cheers All
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Quick question what is everyone favorite glue?

For plastic I use Tamiya. The brush is just fantastic. For super glue I love gorilla gel but its so flipping expensive. The runny stuff I get everywhere!

For tanks I love Reville Contacta, the one in the blue packaging with the long metal tube applicator.

For infantry, either tamyia extra thing or tamyia extra thin quick setting it's handy for fiddly bits which you want to glue quickly.

For anything superglue there's I actually use a set from screwfix "NO NONSENSE MITRE ADHESIVE". Superglue and a big aerosol activator for £14
Tamiya Ultra thin for small bits and the regular stuff where I don't have to worry about drying time on bigger stuff.

Assembling my Infiltrator box 50/50 with Incursors. CBA with sub assemblies and these won't be getting much love, too many annoying bits.
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Erk, started painting my norn tonight, base layer on, loved how it was looking. Added some dark blue on the chitin and.... hated it....

Think its because I changed how I applied the contrast, so it hasnt settled in the same way as practised.

Oh well, into the tub of IPA they go :cry:

Black Talons assembled tonight the cloaks have not been glued on yet as they will be painted first then added after the rest of the figures have been painted.

I will get some primer airbrushed on them tomorrow.

Cheers All

Black Talons assembled tonight the cloaks have not been glued on yet as they will be painted first then added after the rest of the figures have been painted.

I will get some primer airbrushed on them tomorrow.

Cheers All
Eagerly looking forward to seeing them done. I love the black talon models
Just another small one, 1/2 for today.
Got the HH version of this tank as I think it looks better than the 40K vindicator.

Amazing project!

Already thinking about my next army even though I still have so many orks to paint :cry:

I'm thinking of going for Crimson Fists, any other ideas?

I want something that's:

- Pretty shooty - Orks are so melee heavy, I want to have fun setting up massive gunlines and blasting people from afar.
- Enough lore/specific rules to make them interesting.

I could just go Imperial Fists but I'm not a big fan of yellow, and love the Blue/Red contrast of the Crimson Fists, as well as the fact lore wise their biggest enemy is the Orks, could make for some fun battles!

Many thanks for kind words, I really appreciate it. I wanted to do a Crimson Fist for reasons you've mentioned, but didn't have the shoulder herald to do so, I also really like the Dark blue and red hands combo. My Ultramarine came out so dark due to a too heavy wash that I almost turned it into a Crimson Fist as they're darker blue but I lacked the shoulder. I found Imperial Fist yellow to be tricky to paint especially for my first one.

The coolest chapter in my mind is Deathwatch as you can use the shoulders of the original chapter on the right as well as the very cool Deathwatch shoulder on the left. I love the Deathwatch concept that it's made up of veterans from other chapters. In fact, if my 20 different marine army was going to be legit in any way, it would be as a Deathwath try out team that have yet to earn the Deathwatch armour, I think my 20 different marines can even be a legit united gaming force for that reason even though I don't play 40K games (yet.)

One thing to think is that Deathwatch uses a reversed image of their original chapter shoulder herald unless it's symmetrical, so it adds a lot of diversity to the paintjobs, the Deathwatch combat patrol comes with some varied chapter shoulders for the right shoulder to accommodate that, the chapter shoulders I purchased from a 3D printer were all for Deathwatch without me knowing, so I could only use the symmetrical ones for my 20 project of standard chapter marines, but I do plan to use the rest of them on a future Deathwatch set.

Alternatively I'd encourage anyone to try out a few different marine chapters like I did to try them out, lots of fun to do. Likely due to favourite colours of the 20 I painted and how they turned out I've decided I'll likely paint my two giant space marines as Atlantian Spears and Wolfspear respectively.

Edit: forgot to add I made a mistake in my list of 20 marines, the red with cream shoulders is actually a Blood Raven, not a Blood Angel as I incorrectly listed it as.
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Just dunked a 5 man squad of infiltrators and Haldor Icepelt into IPA. Going to go full hog on my new scheme.

I love the envy metal style but its just not doable for full squad's or an army. Plus I don't have to edge highlight every edge 3 times over :D
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