Tabletop Warhammer?

Hey. Thanks for the recommendation, by chance I was looking at that one anyways so your recommendation is helpful :)
Not getting into analysis paralysis and spending energy reading up too much on that. Noise won't be an issue for the amount of time Ill use it.
No problem the only time it makes a bit of noise is when it refills air into the tank, that's it.

It comes with a decent length of hose to connect the the airbrush too.

Cheers All
So anyone else excited for the Deathwing box this Saturday?

Been waiting for this to finish off my SM army (maybe bar the companions) for what must have been almost 6 months since initial rumours now.
Can't wait to see my army fully assembled, even if as the great unpainted haha
So anyone else excited for the Deathwing box this Saturday?

Been waiting for this to finish off my SM army (maybe bar the companions) for what must have been almost 6 months since initial rumours now.
Can't wait to see my army fully assembled, even if as the great unpainted haha

I thought it was last week? Or is there another one as well.
I got new supplies yesterday :D

AK Snow sprinkles to add to my Ak snow texture and AK snow balloons lol

Hopeful my Game colour Flour paints come today. There’s a dark green I want to test for eye lenses.
I also got new supplies, I got the AP knife because my £1 Temu ones are annoying, as you use them the blade gets loose in the holder and I have to retighten it all the time. They did ok for the start, AP one nice and chunky and was only £6 so nothing major.
So anyone else excited for the Deathwing box this Saturday?

Been waiting for this to finish off my SM army (maybe bar the companions) for what must have been almost 6 months since initial rumours now.
Can't wait to see my army fully assembled, even if as the great unpainted haha
Cancelled my pre-order, realistically i'm not going to run that many Terminators in a list so would only really want it for the codex.

Bought a Repulsor Executioner and a Techmarine instead and will be starting a second army for a bit of variety.
Cancelled my pre-order, realistically i'm not going to run that many Terminators in a list so would only really want it for the codex.

Bought a Repulsor Executioner and a Techmarine instead and will be starting a second army for a bit of variety.

Just assembled my first Tech Marine, cannot see the bendy claw thing staying on him, doesn't really hold that well.
Cancelled my pre-order, realistically i'm not going to run that many Terminators in a list so would only really want it for the codex.

Bought a Repulsor Executioner and a Techmarine instead and will be starting a second army for a bit of variety.

I may be a bit of an exception in that regards, I'm planning to have the full 30 Deathwing Terminators, and 10 Deathwing Knights haha. If money was no object I could then throw in 30x normal terminators also (as it is already likely to have 5, assuming Hachette turns up as expected). Where possible I'm going to pickup as second Deathwing Assault box, and resell on the second Belial and Codex/Datacards, but for the price I'm expecting to pay, it'll be cheaper than buying the bits I do want seperately by a decent margin, especially once I then knock off the resale recoup from the Belial and redundant codex and datacards, which I'm hoping will net me back £30-40 after costs. Small chance I may expand to 15 DWK later also, as part of me enjoys having a themed force with an element of display (I'm no great painter so safety in numbers! lol), but realistically I'm trying to fill out to offer some flexibility.
My army list for Dark Angels is looking to be around 4500 points once complete, but it's heavily themed around the idea of King Arthur/Knights/Heavy, veteran strike force around the Lion, so there is an emphasis on men rather than vehicles (exception for Dreadnoughts), melee and shields if possible, and of course as much Plasma and shiny weapons as I can get my hands on as is the Dark Angels way.

The thoughts are to paint virtually all of it in Deathwing colours also, with the exception of the Lion/special characters, even the intercessor and 2x assault intercessor squads, to indicate they're all veterans, regardless of thier tactical layout. Just feels fun that way, plus theoretically Dark brown prime, with zenithal wraithbone, and then seraphim sepia over the top, should take a lot of work out of the base coat, so i can focus on the Aquila, weapons etc.

There is a small chance I'll keep the second Belial if he has some nice, unique alternate build options to build as a different terminator captain, but considering I'll be deciding what to do with the Hachette stuff also, I am thinking 3x terminators captains may be a little overkill, plus, considering new Belial seems to be going for a decent amount even after fees/costs right now (due to the limited release, and limited number of these sets available), I'm thinking this may be a smarter move, as I can always pick him up again later at more normal prices after he hits standard release.

As a slight aside, thinking to use Vallejo Euro Mud or Dark Earth basing for my armies, as should give a nice contrast to the lighter body colours, plus it's cheaper than GW Technicals like astrogranite by a mile. Anyone used it and have thoughts?
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You must be playing some very high point games then because 30x DW + terminators is over 2k points as is.
With an OC of 1 though I wouldn't be too worried playing against that, I mean they'd be tough to kill but winning on points wouldn't be too hard.
Just to add some opinion that you're being too hard on yourself Noxia as you've shown some good stuff and I think you're too quick to be critical of a job and strip it.

With my 20 chapter marine display I just kept going to try finish it even though I knew it could be done a lot better, just finishing it was enough for me and I do think the process made a better painter.

I think you just need to paint a set of about 10 and just finish them, the next 10 can always be better. Besides, all the space marines you've posted have looked good, likely just being too critical of yourself.

I've taken a long break since finishing my 20 marine display but have some Grey Knights primed and good to go, hopefully get some painted this week.
You must be playing some very high point games then because 30x DW + terminators is over 2k points as is.
With an OC of 1 though I wouldn't be too worried playing against that, I mean they'd be tough to kill but winning on points wouldn't be too hard.

Yep, in the old days regularly used to play 3000-5000 point battles, so aiming that way again this time; plus gives me ability to have options on loadouts, force configuration against different foes etc, plus a little bit of diorama effect in storage :)

As it stands, I'm going to end up with 30 Terminators with mixed in D.Angels upgrades, and if I don't sell them, at least 5 normals, but it's nice to have options!

As already mentioned, my currently expected D.A force is working out around 4500 or so points in total (all following is excluding Hachette), my 'nids are close to 5000 points, whilst my wife's Adepta Sororitas and Chaos Daemon (Tzeentch) forces will both be a bit over 3000 points also.

Doesn't mean they'll always be played, but gives options, and variation :)

My brother is collecting Imperial Guard, one of my old friends dabbles, but is more of a display painter, and the neighbour is getting into Orks, so even ignoring the local gaming groups, it's a target rich environment haha
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Will you kindly pipe-down. I find it hard enough not to impulse buy as it is.

@PC777 Kind of you to say, I am being less strippy these days for sure :) Hopefully have something worth showing soon.
I mean they are just Ultra clear plastic so you can see the exact colour and I doubt their nibs will spilt. They are on the squishy side and they look awesome.

Also I definitely haven’t looked at the colour chart yesterday to see if I can buy some more!!!
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