Tabletop Warhammer?

The dirty brown instead of a more orange I think might be due to the pigment mixes used in the paints. With so many paints mixing a load of pigments they mix poorly. Although brown is orange ;)

I've still not got anything I'm willing to show off painted but have been slowly working through building my stormcast. Not had a lot of time recently though.

Would probably be ok if I had a much brighter pink, the difference between the tamiya white and the pink I had may have been too much. Dunno.
Not that I am painting Imperial Fists but I'm just trying different things. Probably try a salamander tomorrow.
Here you go Noxia I think you will find this helpful too.
Complete H & S cleaning tutorial for you.
Here you go Noxia I think you will find this helpful too.
Complete H & S cleaning tutorial for you.

Doesn't exist :)

PS: Finally got a result I like on the IH scheme, I need to start with black before I do the metallics, it has come out a very subtle metallic, almost between black and brown.
Oh no I watched that video this morning too :(

Good news on the paint scheme though :)

I have also got a few of the AK Extreme Metals that run through the airbrush & they suggest a gloss black basecoat for all of them.
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Sold off my painted Stormcast from Dominion this morning for £250. Absolutely awful hourly wage, but it’s just been sat on my shelf since I painted them, so rather they go get appreciated by somebody else and allow me to fund something new (looking at you, 4080 Super).
Ok moan time.

Does anyone else find the "New" Games Workshop site to be absolutely dreadful?

Ever since they launched it, it's felt like it's been broken and very much look over function in pretty much every way.

Things like:
Massive single page scroll on the front page, at 1080/x1980 you basically have to scroll down about two screens to start to get to the new product (it feels like it's been designed purely for mobiles in that regards, as it feels like it's a Portrait layout rather than Landscape or adapting), as the "welcome" banner alone is a full page at "Full HD".
The simple ability to add thigs to basket doesn't function easily - The stock indicators on the products take an age to update and will show "add to basket" icon but not tell you that it's not let you do that unless you happen to be at the top of a page (the "insufficient stock available" message only seems to appear at the top of the page, whilst the add to basket button can require scrolling down). It took something like 45 minutes after it stopped letting you adding stuff to the basket (and an hour after it had started removing it from active baskets) before it started display "out of stock".
Stock doesn't stay in your basket - I've had multiple friends who have added stuff to the basket and then gone to add something else only to find that the first item is now removed from the basket, BUT will still have the "add to basket button" that doesn't function, and this morning one of my friends got charged for postage but nothing else as the item he was buying was removed from his basket during the check out.
Possibly my browser, but the "Account" button in Chrome just takes me to the front page, on Edge it works fine.
I think I've worked out the account button issue. It needs third party cookies enabled. All I can think is that it's because they've got the login shared with warhammer community etc now, no error message about it, just "back to shop main page".
It looks like i'm one of the users that chrome is trying the blocking of them by default with having had a google.[/edit]

For the size of the company and the rumoured cost of their new site I cannot believe that GW's site is so awful, it's less functional than stuff I remember from the 90's, it's badly laid out for actual desktop use, doesn't display vital information properly and just sucks.
I know there is always an element of "I liked the old one better" with any new site or forum, but by god the current GW site is almost unusable compared to even most of the tiny indie stores (and this is before the issues over the last year with GW's absolute shambles of launches etc).

I already didn't tend to use the GW site much except for exclusive/FW stuff, but it feels like the current one is barely functional and actively hard to use.

Sorry rant over, just fed up with trying to use GW's site.
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Ok moan time.

Does anyone else find the "New" Games Workshop site to be absolutely dreadful?

Ever since they launched it, it's felt like it's been broken and very much look over function in pretty much every way.

Things like:
Massive single page scroll on the front page, at 1080/x1980 you basically have to scroll down about two screens to start to get to the new product (it feels like it's been designed purely for mobiles in that regards, as it feels like it's a Portrait layout rather than Landscape or adapting), as the "welcome" banner alone is a full page at "Full HD".
The simple ability to add thigs to basket doesn't function easily - The stock indicators on the products take an age to update and will show "add to basket" icon but not tell you that it's not let you do that unless you happen to be at the top of a page (the "insufficient stock available" message only seems to appear at the top of the page, whilst the add to basket button can require scrolling down). It took something like 45 minutes after it stopped letting you adding stuff to the basket (and an hour after it had started removing it from active baskets) before it started display "out of stock".
Stock doesn't stay in your basket - I've had multiple friends who have added stuff to the basket and then gone to add something else only to find that the first item is now removed from the basket, BUT will still have the "add to basket button" that doesn't function, and this morning one of my friends got charged for postage but nothing else as the item he was buying was removed from his basket during the check out.
Possibly my browser, but the "Account" button in Chrome just takes me to the front page, on Edge it works fine.
I think I've worked out the account button issue. It needs third party cookies enabled. All I can think is that it's because they've got the login shared with warhammer community etc now, no error message about it, just "back to shop main page".
It looks like i'm one of the users that chrome is trying the blocking of them by default with having had a google.[/edit]

For the size of the company and the rumoured cost of their new site I cannot believe that GW's site is so awful, it's less functional than stuff I remember from the 90's, it's badly laid out for actual desktop use, doesn't display vital information properly and just sucks.
I know there is always an element of "I liked the old one better" with any new site or forum, but by god the current GW site is almost unusable compared to even most of the tiny indie stores (and this is before the issues over the last year with GW's absolute shambles of launches etc).

I already didn't tend to use the GW site much except for exclusive/FW stuff, but it feels like the current one is barely functional and actively hard to use.

Sorry rant over, just fed up with trying to use GW's site.
Couldn’t agree more on every point.
Still not actually played Old World yet, tbh I saw a few games on YT and thought actually I don't think I'll enjoy that, AoS possibly but not really interested in blocks of cavalry charging etc. I don't think AoS is like that.
Need to look in to how you even make an AoS army, with 40K at least it's fairly simple, you get the app and choose points etc, doesn't seem the same.

Something else weird, put some termies in IPA (because a few deets getting blocked from airbrush practice), all the paint came off fast but the pink is like it is stuck on, not sure why pink is different. Doesn't really matter though as will be primed black.
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Hi all. Just getting back into tabletop Warhammer, I used to play very old edition Warhammer Fanatasy battle (like 30 years ago) and stil have my old Orc/gobbo minis. I dont have the time though to consider building or playing the Old World thats been recently launched so ive got myself a Warcry set that im painting up as the skirmish based games look to be a much easier alternative to get back into.

Just wondering does anyone else play Warcry and know the best way to find other potential players in Essex area ? Dont really have any personal contacts of anyone anymore that plays :( . Im also keen on Kill Team so will be happy to pick up teams and terrain for that at some point. Seems like its difficult to find like minded people around my age into the hobby ?


Ushoran assembled and ready for some primer later this afternoon :)

I will work up the stone base first as he is not glued to it yet and should make painting both the base and him easier.

Cheers All
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All the shades done on Ushoran's base, just needs a drybrush with Tryrant Skull then onto the big boy himself.

Cheers All
Good to see you wasting no time getting him built and painted. Such an awesome looking model, looking forward to seeing the results!
Good to see you wasting no time getting him built and painted. Such an awesome looking model, looking forward to seeing the results!
Thanks very much, looking forward to painting him too.
He should be easier to paint as I can get to the inside of his cloak and chest etc as the base wont be in the way, but don't worry I will add a photo on here once he is done.
Found an old box in storage which had my previous models / paints / tools etc - amazingly a number of the paints and shades are all still in good condition - just need to sort them all out and work out where to put it all...
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