Tabletop Warhammer?

I'll echo that those look great :)

I'm just in the process of getting a load of Skaven ready for assembly/undercoating, it seems to be taking an age, although the painting of them shouldn't take too long (I've got a cunning plan for doing 40 plague monks in a hurry - it includes the use of coloured undergoats:p).
How much would you want for them stokecity ?

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say on the forums, but lots and lots ;)

It seems they are worth more to me to add to my Army than anyone would pay :(

I would want at least £150 + postage for the complete Space Hulk including the painted models.

It seems it may either take along time to split the game or not worth it at all really.
Great looking Squad :) like the nid skill in the power fist.

went back to my parents house this weekend, went up into the loft and could not see my warhammer boxes :( only had a quick look but could not see it so possibly 2 decent sized armies lost :(

on the plus side, the gf seems ok with me starting again, so may plan and build a Tau army :)
Tau can be fun, but I think they're well overdue a new Codex (IIRC they last had a new one about 2 editions ago).

My current collection of undercoats, most of which have been bought with a particular "cheat" in mind ;)

That gives me:
Basecoat for some buildings/stones
Base coat for hordes of skeletons
Base coat for general scenery
Basecoat for roofs (fantasy) and possibly some nids.
Basic colour for Skaven (IE plague monk robes)
Base coats for Imp guard/tanks.
As well as some general undercoats :p
Well, all was looking pretty in good stead for the Crons last night, until I failed to get a single hit on anything in a round.

2 x Necron overlord
28 x Necron Warriors
2 x Night Scythe

In total I caused 2 wounds, both of which were saved.

The next round wasnt fun.

Are you looking at dip/quickshading?

Basically thinking for things like Skeletons and some scenery we can get away with the right coloured undercoat, then shade/wash/highlight from there (we picked up a 50ml cup for the airbrush specifically to let us do scenery without having to keep refilling it):)
Also the reddish one I think could work well for nids :)

For example I used one of them as the base for my Skaven clan rats which saved painting one of the cloth colours, and I'm hoping to use one to do Plague monks, hopefully it'll do for their robes and then I only have to properly paint the rest of them :) (I'm a very slow painter, so anything that lets me skip a stage and still get reasonable results is handy).
Well, all was looking pretty in good stead for the Crons last night, until I failed to get a single hit on anything in a round.

2 x Necron overlord
28 x Necron Warriors
2 x Night Scythe

In total I caused 2 wounds, both of which were saved.

The next round wasnt fun.

That sounds oddly familiar, except with my Skaven I'm likely to do plenty of hits, to my own men :D
I'm a very slow painter, so anything that lets me skip a stage and still get reasonable results is handy.

Amen to that ;)

One of the chaps that comes along to the Redditch gaming group is a big advocate of Army Painter Quickshade, and has me hooked to be honest. Some examples of his work:

Basic technique seems to be white primer, watered down base coat, minimal highlighting (if any), apply quickshade with brush, then Dullcote when dry.

I've recently applied the technique to a Delaque Necromunda gang and managed to paint my whole crew to a decent standard in about an evening. I'll try and dig out some photos.
Well i caved last night and ordered 20 Vallejo Paints from Ebay and some Chaos Terminators to paint........ just don't tell my girlfriend.
Cheers for those links Voodoo :)

Woogie, soon you'll find those 20 paints have increased to 30, then 40, then the whole 100 or so...
I should have bought the complete GW paint set when the new paints came out, I've bought well over half of them now, in addition to my full set of Vallejo from a couple of years ago, and the old GW paints....

I'm still cutting out and cleaning skaven, I thought I'd finished with the Plague monks yesterday, then found another couple of sprues of parts:p
I'm clipping/cleaning/sorting the monks, clanrats and stormvermin parts prior to a batch assembly, hoping that when the weather warms up again I can get a lot undercoated/base coated quickly.
I actually binned my GW paints the other day, had about 30 of them from around 2 1/2 yrs ago, all the pigment had seperated and gone rock hard. I tried to add water and give them a good shake but nothing seemed to revive them.

Hoping the 5 Terminators will be OK with a basecoat in the coldish temperature... If not, ill be back at my mums in a few weeks for Christmas so Ill do them in my brothers bed room (which im sure he will love)

If not I have a few Ork Nobs I still need to paint and a Trukk for that matter
Does anyone know of some reputable painters you can send your stuff to be done by?

I know its been mentioned briefly in the thread before but couldn't find it.
Theres a couple of guys who paint from SECTION 8 who have do some good work, not sure of their names though as it's been a while since I've been down there.

Based out of South Shields
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