Tabletop Warhammer?

Does anyone know of alternative black and white spray paints that can be used as undercoating? just seen the cost of the GW stuff, almost doubled in price since I last played!
Hi Guys,

I am new to the thread. I was in GW at the Metro Centre and found out that my mate has started getting into this - I used to play about 6years ago and now he has me itching to get back into it with them.

He is collecting Nerons
My Brother has Tyranids and Orcs

I was thinking about going Choas Space Marines or Darl Eldar
I really like the choice of a chaos army.

There is a big range of models to choose from and with the HH stuff being released by Forgeworld, that is going to grow. Combine that with the different chaos legions etc. Pretty cool!
Re the undercoats, one tip with halfords cans is always try to use them at about room temperature (and the models too) when spraying :)
We've had some issues in the past when the models have been left outside prior to undercoating.

They work slightly better/more reliable than GW cans in my experience (possibly higher turnover of stock or QC), and are much cheaper.

We're slowly moving to using Vallejo airbrush primers for plastic models as we've got the airbrush and you get much better control, a lot less wastage and an £11 bottle of it goes a very long way (as you're able to get a quite small spray out of the brush, and don't have any wastage due to the propellant running out;)).
So looks like I am def starting up again, and my gf is going to start too so we are going at the Dark Vengance box set. She is taking the Dark Angels I'm going chaos. On the dark angel models there are DA markings making them obviously dark angels, with my chaos I dont really want to paint them as crimson slaughter but are there are specific markings on them which would make it look a bit weird?

I am still on the hunt for my original warhammer collection, going to have to dive deep into my parents loft :S

i would love to see photos of peoples armies :D

I will be posting pics once I get them and paint them
I am going to go Chaos when I can get some money together after Christmas - the only thing i dont like is the speed bikes ha-ha

I think I am going to paint them the 'word bearers'
I will try and post a pic of my 4k Wood Elf army once it all painted over Christmas. At present I can get to about 5k but loads left to paint. Myself and a friend are aiming for a 10k vs 10k game next Christmas. Wood Elves vs Skaven & Ogres. Going to use a 10x4 board for it :)

Going to be an expensive year!
Hi guys

Some 15mm examples, my 1st paint job in more than 15 years.

A team of Soviet SMG gunners, part of MOTOSTRELKOVY BATALON. These are the PLASTIC SOLIDER models. £17 for 120 models. Awesome value.

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