Tabletop Warhammer?

That's always the way.

Pretty much every game I've played I've realised there was something done wrong, rules missed, mis-rolls or something else

Yeah, neither of us had played for ten years so there was a lot of referencing the rules! I've set handy bookmarks now which should hopefully speed things up.
Yeah, neither of us had played for ten years so there was a lot of referencing the rules! I've set handy bookmarks now which should hopefully speed things up.

What are the current rules like? I don't think I've played since 4th ed.

Bookmarks, notes, photocopies are always pretty vital to the rulebook and codices :D
Well from my fairly foggy memory (the last one I played was 3rd edition!) 5th edition seems to favour fast moving armies (lots of cheap transports and the new optional running instead of shooting in the shooting phase) Also only troop squads can claim objectives which stops a lot of 'special heavy' army lists with a couple of token small troop choices.
Well finally got another Terminator completed.... just struggling to find time for this at the moment but have found a way to solve my gloopy dodgy gold issue... Mix it with a brown ( I used Glorious gold and Beasty Brown from Vallego Game colour in a 2:1 mix) flows on so much nicer and looks good...

Will get a photo of the new guy done and uploaded tomorrow... I'm sure ill notice loads of issues with him lol
Well from my fairly foggy memory (the last one I played was 3rd edition!) 5th edition seems to favour fast moving armies (lots of cheap transports and the new optional running instead of shooting in the shooting phase) Also only troop squads can claim objectives which stops a lot of 'special heavy' army lists with a couple of token small troop choices.

I started on 3rd, iirc there wasn't much change going into 4th

I'd love to get back into painting and gaming, but I don't have the space to dedicate to it at the mo.
Maybe when I move later this year...

I love my massive Kroot mercenary army, but they're seriously fudged against an armoured enemy
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Now I've properly read the rules I'm realising how many things we mucked up in that game...I thought your terminators were beaten too easily. Lightning claws are power weapons as well as the re rolling to wound dice, so I shouldn't have got saves!

Haha can't believe we both missed that, I should have been making wolf soup. Instead I was looking into getting my termies tested for some sort of syndrome.
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I started on 3rd, iirc there wasn't much change going into 4th

I'd love to get back into painting and gaming, but I don't have the space to dedicate to it at the mo.
Maybe when I move later this year...

I love my massive Kroot mercenary army, but they're seriously fudged against an armoured enemy

Should see the space I am working in.... My desk is an utter mess now because of starting this up again, I'll try and take a picture tonight and upload it
Yeah tbh terminators in a 1000 point game is just mean :p Could have been worse, you could have brought Abaddon along as well!

I have some changes in mind for my 1k chaos list, unfortunately the termies are staying in however I will be one paperweight down :P

No Abaddon though, I asked him he said he only parties with 1.5k or more..... snob.

Should see the space I am working in.... My desk is an utter mess now because of starting this up again, I'll try and take a picture tonight and upload it


that's my office just after I started again, its a lot messier now :(
Im still looking over forgeworld trying to decide what to buy, I want a really nice champion model to start back into it again and show off my l33t skillz :D

However when you think that I'll need to buy clippers, glue, undercoats, brushes, metal files, paints and the model it get expensive fast!
Although most of that cost is one off/irregular ;)

Once you've got the tools, most of them don't need replacing very often/at all :)
I tend to shop round when I need things like clippers and files as buying them from GW is very expensive.
I miss having access to the shop stuff. Oh I need this colour *grabs from the shelf* :D

We had one of the massive multi layered model cases filled with one of each of the panits for staff use fun times. I always let the customers use it tho :)
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