Tabletop Warhammer?

Iv had to take a break from painting after doing some cultists - they dont seem to be very good so I need to get some more detail in and make them better - even though I have 30 to do!

any tips on paiting tanks lol I havent done it before and I have a Rino to paint! then onto my Hellbrute
How that can be justified for IM plastic is beyond me.

The Manta isn't mass produced and is one of the Forgeworld resin models (which have always been charged partly on the amount of resin used).

It's huge (about 2 foot wide and long), weighs a lot (about 10kg), and I suspect probably quite a high failure rate in production of it's parts due to the size of it.
It also (from memory) comes with loads of Tau plastic models, including 4 Hammerhead type models (£20-30 each), and about 6 or 8 battle suits (about £10-15 each).
On FW they have the manta next to a rhino, it is mahussive! £1k is a lot but probably partially due to the reasons werewolf stated and they have to recover the cost of someone sitting down and designing it, for something that size it can't of been quick or cheap.
The Manta isn't mass produced and is one of the Forgeworld resin models (which have always been charged partly on the amount of resin used).

It's huge (about 2 foot wide and long), weighs a lot (about 10kg), and I suspect probably quite a high failure rate in production of it's parts due to the size of it.
It also (from memory) comes with loads of Tau plastic models, including 4 Hammerhead type models (£20-30 each), and about 6 or 8 battle suits (about £10-15 each).

If they are the FW suits then they will cost more as well but yeh, there is a good £200-£300 of models inside it. Arguably you could say they could sell it without the models to bring the cost down as I imagine a Tau player being that model will already have the tanks and suits to fill one!

On a serperate note I just placed my first order with Wayland games. Normally buy everything from Triple Helix as they are just down the road from my work but thought I would give wayland a try. Plus Wayland have a bigger stock so if they prove to be good and I need something THW doesn't have, i'll be happy!
How is triple helix so much cheaper on GW stuff?

Just not adding much profit onto it I guess, also be interesting to know if they hold all that stock or if its a case of order it on their website then they order it in from GW.

Though for me I would take the 15% my local indy offers mainly to support local town businesses as its only a couple of quid so not too bad

And the desk of clutter


I tend to shop round when I need things like clippers and files as buying them from GW is very expensive.

I agree, buying those sorts of things from craft shops is a much wiser choice

I'm pretty sure all my paints must have dried up by now, I'm not looking forward to buying them all again.

How that can be justified for IM plastic is beyond me.

It's ruddy huge lump of resin.
I remember when it was released it was ~£840

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How is triple helix so much cheaper on GW stuff?

As Nikumba has said, they don't take as big a profit from the sales. They make money elsewhere though from Game days and the like so I imagine this makes up some of the costs.

also be interesting to know if they hold all that stock or if its a case of order it on their website then they order it in from GW.

In short no, they don't. The store and office at Triple Helix is actually relatively small and they hold a mixture of 40k, WHFB and some of the other miniature games that are around albeit the 40k and WHFB are the largest followed closely by FOW. They do hold some extra stock where the office is but not masses. From speaking with one of the guys that works there, they can have a couple of deliveries a week from GW so they can meet orders quite quickly.
And now for the Pics... no bases done on the models yet as do not have the basing stuff and will look at picking some up this weekend :)

Took some better pics of the First one I painted

Quite a few bits I'd like to go back and touch up which will get around to doing but not bad for a first attempt back at the hobby and for someone that's never really painted before

Much happier with this guy but noticed quite a few bits that look bad (even ATTEMPTED some highlighting on the loin cloth) Just noticed he has silver on his left tusk at the end so will sort that tomorrow... will also look at painting another as well... really enjoying this as already making leaps and strides





Criticism and constructive advice always welcome
Gah now I've bought some more paints and a squad of Incubi. Going to try and paint them (and an Asurmen model I have left over from when I gave up a decade ago!) to as high a standard as I can.

This thread is bad for my wallet.
And now for the Pics... no bases done on the models yet as do not have the basing stuff and will look at picking some up this weekend :)

Took some better pics of the First one I painted

Criticism and constructive advice always welcome

Looking good, pretty tidy, the storm bolter looks great.

I would suggest getting another model and experimenting with thin washes, highlighting and dry-brushing. They're pretty good techniques for showing up model details and adding real depth to a paint scheme.
Also perhaps try thinning out the paint a little more on the base colour.

All in all though, much better than many of my early painting attempts.

Experimentation, practice and a steady hand are really key to getting good at painting.
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