Tabletop Warhammer?

Just waiting for the base to try on another termie then ill post him up :) This one has Drybrushing and my first attempt at highlighting and plenty of washes in dark areas so hopefully it turns out better than the last
@Woogie I'm assuming your adding the sand on after the models are complete?

If your using spray undercoat do the pva/sand all over the base, leave to dry then spray. Then a few drybrush layers on your base at the end works a treat.
Cmon people post some more WIP stuff!

Here you go my WIP Heldrake


Chopped off the rear tendrils and tail part, the wings at the back are from the underside of the heldrake.

I have or will be swapping the wings around so they are swept back nor forward, also I may yet lop off the very front little wing

@woogie I'm assuming your adding the sand on after the models are complete?

If your using spray undercoat do the pva/sand all over the base, leave to dry then spray. Then a few drybrush layers on your base at the end works a treat.

Currently using the GW Texture paints to do the bases, wanted something quick to do them as didnt want to keep a tub of sand lying around and the GF was already getting impatient when we were out.

Here you go my WIP Heldrake

*Snazzy Pic*

Chopped off the rear tendrils and tail part, the wings at the back are from the underside of the heldrake.

I have or will be swapping the wings around so they are swept back nor forward, also I may yet lop off the very front little wing


Really nice Conversion, glad to see i'm not the only one who things this model is missing something. I'd be tempted to follow this conversion (Tail and wings only not the head)
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So I've crumbled and bought some paints courtesy of triple helix :)

Gonna practice on something to get my standard back up then show you how its done :D Only joking of course, I hope it all comes soon!

I hope they turn up quicker than my order from Wayland. Currently sitting at 7 days since order placed and it still hasn't even been processed.

Everytime I've been into THW they have had a full set of paints so hopefully they get to you quickly.
Well I placed the order late last night, had an email this morning saying that my order is being 'processed'. It says they will email again when its been dispatched, hope its soon!

I got about 6/7 paints, undercoat spary and a few brushes. Hoping thats the kind of stock they keep.

Hope yours turns up sharpish aswell :S
I've got a few bits on bobs on the way so I can finally start painting something. First one is going to be a bit of a project thing. I know how I want to do it in my head, it's whether I've got the skill to pull any of it off :p
Asurmen actually. I used to collect Eldar so I still have him left over. I also have the old Njal Stormcaller model on my desk, may paint that at some point.
Finished my first squad of 8 Firewarrior last night. Just need to paint the bases and add snow and will take a pic. Might pop a few more unit markings on but will have to paint them as don't have transfers small enough.
AND The new one.... Things I know are wrong... the highlighting on the right shoudler pad is poo as is the highlighting nearly everywhere but again, have improved loads and am happy with the results.





Well I placed the order late last night, had an email this morning saying that my order is being 'processed'. It says they will email again when its been dispatched, hope its soon!

I got about 6/7 paints, undercoat spary and a few brushes. Hoping thats the kind of stock they keep.

Hope yours turns up sharpish aswell :S

They hold a pretty good range of those bits so should be quick :)

Thanks dude, I'm not particulally please. Especially as I will be driving by THW tomorrow for work so could have popped in and got everthing!
Also so random work in progresses.

This is a very much WIP for a Discliples of Caliban Chapter I was going to paint. However I probabaly won't be taking this further once this model is finished (which I can't do until my Wayland order turns up) anyway:


And currently what I am building:

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