Tabletop Warhammer?

17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Those nids look great :)
Much better than I would ever be able to do something like that :)

My latest little project for the garage is finished (it took a couple of evenings and the use of various power tools:p).
A rough and ready storage unit for bits that are either waiting to be sprayed, or just sprayed.


You'll never guess where I got the idea from....

Lift tile out, place on turntable, spray, put away, repeat :p
I was getting fed up of having loads of bits balanced on various separate turntables etc whilst waiting to be sprayed.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
oops busted

It's for airbrush needles, a drop applied at the front of the needle and wiped back occasionally after cleaning helps the brush work smoothly:)

Anyway, how the heck did you manage to read the name of it?:p
14 Oct 2009
Newport, Shropshire
What airbrush do you use and are they costly to maintain etc.?
Im considering getting a cheap one as i use a lot of ink on my models and heard you can use GW washes with it, it takes one hell of a long time to use a brush on 70+ necron warriors :(
19 Dec 2009
Gave in, ordered some stuff from Dark Sphere and Maelstrom (could have just price-matched with Maelstrom but really didn't want to wait for stock >.>). Looks like my week off will be mostly spent trying to improve my painting. :p
3 Oct 2006
What airbrush do you use and are they costly to maintain etc.?
Im considering getting a cheap one as i use a lot of ink on my models and heard you can use GW washes with it, it takes one hell of a long time to use a brush on 70+ necron warriors :(

something like this'll do you

most miniature painters i know (including myself) have this kit or a variant of this kit, the compressors are usually the same but the airbrushes differ from auction to auction but they're usually similar enough models.

i've only use hot water to clean mine, seems to have done the trick so far but even if you need to do a proper clean once in a while it wouldn't cost a lot!
3 Oct 2006
you'll get the GW spray gun, but that's the cheapest you'll get a compressor and something you can barely call an airbrush. when you consider it's only the cost of 3 or even 2 GW plastic kits the price soon seems more reasonable, i wouldn't be without mine now, makes basecoats and camo a walk in the park!
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17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
The GW AB is I guess ok for what it is, a very cheap thing (although it's based on a design I've seen sold for a fiver:p).

I've currently got 3 "good" AB's, as in double action types (what you want - you can control the airflow separate from the paint).
An Iwata Eclipse CS - the first proper brush I bought, which has a huge fixed cup for paint (well huge for models), I picked up the flow control handle separately for it (controls the maximum travel for the needle).

A Harder and steinbeck Evolution 2in1 FPS - my main brush, as it's got a nice action, and you can change the cup size etc with it (so it'll do for everything from base coating buildings/super heavies to in theory very fine detail work up close).

A Harder and steinbeck Ultra- the cheapest in the H&S range (£50), but about all that can be changed on it is the needle/nozzle size - I bought it for things like spraying varnish that might cause an issue with the better brush.

The H&S Evo 2in1 starts at about £120 from memory, although they do an Evo Solo which is the same body but only comes with a single needle/nozzel and cup for £80, but you can add extra cups etc later (and the Iwata is about £150)

The kit Vincent linked to is about as cheap as you're going to find an AB + compressor, and doesn't have any tank (which can be annoying as it means the compressor has to run all the time when in use).
The other problem you can get with cheaper brushes is problems finding spare parts, although given you can get some of them for <£30 it's almost as cheap to throw them out if they have a problem as it would be to get a replacement part for an Iwata or H&S.

I ended up getting the unbranded version of the H&S compressor with a 2 litre tank (I think it was), which cost a fair bit to power it all.

If you have a look on Ebay you can get good compressors very cheap at times, if you're close enough to collect.
Do not get a "garage" compressor unless you don't mind the noise - we've got one of the common 2.5hp models with a 25l tank (got it for doing work in the garage), and it's incredibly noisy, a proper modelling compressor is "whisper quiet" (the one we bought is not much louder than my PC when running).

Don't even bother with compressed air cans for the AB, they rapidly cost much more than the compressor, and they have the inescapable problem that as they get use, they cool down making it almost impossible to regulate the airflow from them properly.

I can't remember if I've said it before in this thread, but a proper extractor unit in the garage is a godsend, we bought a Graphic Air 300D extractor (lifetime gaurantee, you just need to change filters every now and then), and it's made life much nicer when spraying - for one thing it's stopped the problem of clouds of spray dust hanging around for ages before making everything a mess:p (it almost eliminated the need for the respirators we bought, at least for quick undercoat sessions).
24 May 2006
Just a quick update. I've joined ammo bunker courtesy of vincent. I've changed my army choice to tyranid.
new codex purchase>starting and getting discouraged :D

When i've got some cash ill post up some badly painted and mutilated models :p

That bench is well cool, a practical mind at work!
14 Oct 2009
Newport, Shropshire
What colour scheme were you using?
My current scheme takes about Half an hour per model not including the drying time between washes, as its not just drybrushing coats like most metallic schemes are. See the first page for pics if you havent already.
3 Oct 2006
boltgun metal, wash badab black, drybrush boltgun, pick out details, i think it was a monolith, 6 destroyers, destroyer lord, lord, 60 warriors, 10 scarab swarms, 10 immortals and a few other bits and pieces, was a long time ago now. sold a lot of necrons of the back of them :p, sometimes simple really is best. half an hour's not a long time though, do you batch paint or do one at a time? try lining up about 20 and just paint them in a production line, it's boring as hell but they'll come along quite quickly.
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14 Oct 2009
Newport, Shropshire
I undercoat the models Skull white about 20 at a time, then wash the entire model in Gryphonne Sepia. I will do the skull white plate armor on about 10 at a time, then leave it an hour, come back and paint the guns black/touch up any plate armor i screwed up on (quite a lot). Leave about half an hour then detail the gun and again touch up any plate armor then put the gauss rod in, paint the trim of the base black, then after another half hour PVA glue the base and then dip it in snow flock, wait a day and dip it in snow flock again with PVA on.
So far ive done, 48 warrirors 1 monolith 2 lords 6 destroyers and 10 scarab swarms, On my list to go:
- Another 32 warriors
- 16 Flayed ones
- 12 Immortals
- 9 Destroyers
- 14 scarab swarms
- 2 monoliths

Ya i havent quite finished building it all yet and have to customise the flayed ones and immortals out of palstic warriors, it seems a daunting task :D

EDIT: The airbrush would come in handy when washing the models, as the entire model needs to be done well otehrwise the white shows thorugh, so the airbrush could do the batch very quickly instead of individually with a brush
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3 Oct 2006
EDIT: The airbrush would come in handy when washing the models, as the entire model needs to be done well otehrwise the white shows thorugh, so the airbrush could do the batch very quickly instead of individually with a brush

in my experience you don't get such a good pooling effect with an airbrush, i usually do all my washes using a paintbrush!
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Cheers Werewolf,
Think ill give an airbrush a miss for now, Will have to do it with the trusty old brush :p

The AB can be a real time saver with lots of models, or larger ones, but is fairly expensive initially (but I suspect pays for itself over time) - a mildly unexpected use for the compressor (and a very cheap AB I'd had sitting around for ages), is as a duster - I've got the brushes and compressor setup with mini quick fit couplings, so I can swap between brushes in seconds, and the old brush is great for cleaning dust off models, heatsinks etc..
I'm a bit of a lazy, slow painter (and don't have as much usable spare time as I'd like), so the AB whilst being expensive and sometimes sitting unused for months at a time is great time saver for me:)

I'm expecting the stuff I've got out in the garage at the moment to probably take a few evenings to spray with luck, with more time spent flipping the bits over and cleaning the brush than actually spraying:p
I think I'm going to try using Vallejo metallic black for the "inner" parts of the drones, but I'm not sure how that'll work out :)

Either way I'm fully expecting to (unless something unexpected comes up) to get everything out there base coated in relatively short order:)
6 Sep 2005
Hi folks

This is my first of hopefully many ventures into this thread as myself and my partner have just discovered Games Workshop as a painting hobby as a way of reducing our general life stress!

I've got a load of old stuff from when I used to collect about 15 years ago, mainly 40K Eldar and Space Marines including about 20 metal Terminators which I am currently stripping off all the paint using Dettol...surprisingly effective!

Now that we are older we have found that we are both more interested in Warhammer than 40K, more specifically the fantasy elements and models that have character to them, neither of us are bothered about building an army for gaming so we will just get what we like, our interest is in painting them well.

I wonder if you could recommend some paint colours (and washes etc.) for us to have a go with over the Easter break, we are looking at painting Orks/Goblins, Squigs (I'm very keen on squigs!), and possibly a Dragon.

So far the colours we have are:
Calthan Brown
Iyanden Darksun
Tallarn Flesh
Knarloc Green
Mechrite Red
Mordian Blue,
Astronomican Grey
Hormagaunt Purple
Undercoat Black
Skull White

Goblin Green
Bleached Bone
Sunburst Yellow
Blood Red

Chainmail x2
Dwarf Bronze

Devlan Mud
Leviathan Purple

Thanks. :)

P.S. That workshop area looks fantastic Werewolf!
6 Sep 2005
One more quick question regarding paint stripping...

Dettol works brilliantly for metal models, is it safe to use on plastic models as well? I've also seen mentioned Fairy triple action spray...would that be safe to use?

I don't want the models melting! :eek:
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