Tabletop Warhammer?

I got the smallest one available, which is the 005 (0.2mm). Works all right and happens to fit nicely in-between armour panels on a few types of models (including most of the ones on Marines), if you're into that kind of thing as opposed to using inks to shade them. :)
I got the smallest one available, which is the 005 (0.2mm). Works all right and happens to fit nicely in-between armour panels on a few types of models (including most of the ones on Marines), if you're into that kind of thing as opposed to using inks to shade them. :)

Yeah I have the same one.

Just about to begin my Space Marine! assembled and primed :)
is there much of a difference between warmachine and hordes - I am at work and the site is blocked!

Not too much. The two games are compatible, so you can play a Hordes army against a Warmachine army. The main differences are that Hordes has Warbeasts, Warlocks and Fury whereas Warmachine has Warjacks, Warcasters and Focus; the latter is more of a steampunk-themed game than the former.
Not too much. The two games are compatible, so you can play a Hordes army against a Warmachine army. The main differences are that Hordes has Warbeasts, Warlocks and Fury whereas Warmachine has Warjacks, Warcasters and Focus; the latter is more of a steampunk-themed game than the former.

I had no idea the systems were compatible. Thats actually pretty sweet
Yeah, it's pretty cool. What I've read of the rulebook so far is pretty cool, there certainly seems to be less ambiguity about things than 40k, but I've never played a game and just reading the rules is a bit of a chore (made harder by the fact I have a couple of interesting history books tempting me all the time :p).
So paint scheme question for you guys.

Im picking up an aegis for this tournament im going to and I have two ideas for how to paint it. One is just standard grey the other is a green and gold scheme to match my slamanders and probably use some of the brass etch on it. So opinions?
Army painter greenskin primer then paint a biel tan green wash but only into the recess' as doing it all over ruins thr smooth look the spray gives. Im going to try my hand at highlighting but last time I tried it just looked too much so I have a smaller brush and will try again.
Anyone got the warhammer fantasy rulebook on dropbox? also any updates for this in the future? I am looking at giving this ago along side 40k rather than trying out other games. Had a look at warmachine/hordes and didnt really feel it
Anyone got the warhammer fantasy rulebook on dropbox? also any updates for this in the future? I am looking at giving this ago along side 40k rather than trying out other games. Had a look at warmachine/hordes and didnt really feel it

I think there was a rumour that next year there is a new edition of fantasy coming. Just something to keep in mind if you do go down that road.
ah right no problem, its ok I am sure I will be able to find somthing. Well it probs will be next year anyways because I am still getting used to 40k and have plently to paint build. But I can have a look into it in the meantime!
"pin drill" of some description and some itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bits.
I've ended up with about 3 different pin drills (a plain metal one, one with a large wooden knob for a handle, and an Archimedes one), and a little battery powered drill thing as for different materials and sizes of bits different ones work best.

A general pin drill (you can get them from about £3-5 up) will do most thing for modelling, but can be quite tiring/hard on the fingers and hand if you're doing a lot of holes or into metal models (I got the Archimedes and battery ones after getting some blisters from pinning a bunch of metal models).

Also look at buying the bits from somewhere like screwfix rather than model stores, IIRC last time I needed some I paid about one or two pounds per pack of ten from a DIY store.

Pin-vice drill it is called (the GW ones).

It is a godsend, but watch the bits as they can sometimes be brittle.
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