I don’t know if that’s a rhetorical question, or the fact that I had a good few belts of Kentucky bourbon last night and have only had one cup of black coffee so far this morning is severely restricting my understanding, but if you mean that if someone was ambling down a street and came across a bunch of people daubing paint on something and out of casual interest picked up a paintbrush and joined in the fun, then it turned out to be someone’s property that was being daubed, I’d say that they were all committing criminal damage.
Any jury that returned a verdict of ‘not guilty’ in this case should be barred from any jury service in the future, and/or transported to the colonies for an indeterminate period, accompanied by the judge and jury in the Colston statue case.
This is a black and white issue to me, I don’t care if it’s a statue of Kim Jong-Un or Mother Teresa, even if I detested Kim Jong-Un, anyone who wantonly causes damage to statues of anyone or anything, or buildings is guilty of criminal damage.