
Are the Australian government and the Australian courts on the same page.

I thought i'd read from a Aus gov official that the exemption for vaccine after having covid recently would only apply to residents. If that is the law then how have the courts not followed it.
Are the Australian government and the Australian courts on the same page.

I thought i'd read from a Aus gov official that the exemption for vaccine after having covid recently would only apply to residents. If that is the law then how have the courts not followed it.
I think the court reversed his original visa cancellation, because procedures weren't followed. But that doesn't apply to any future visa cancellation, where presumably, they would make sure everything is done properly.
I think the court reversed his original visa cancellation, because procedures weren't followed. But that doesn't apply to any future visa cancellation, where presumably, they would make sure everything is done properly.

They can cancel it anyway as immigration in many countries can even use "character" as a reason for cancellation. Even if he gets through now in the future they may cause him more issues. But the hilarious thing is if he had entered earlier and did a quarantine for the specified time instead of trying to skirt the rules, there would be none of this drama. People are calling him Novak Djocovid now.
Aussie Federal Gov have plenty of grounds for it. Who's gonna believe a PCR test positive from 16th December when he failed to isolate and went and did public promotional events unmasked the two days after. Given all the partisan noise about him being the second coming of the messiah from the Serbian governments, it's reasonable doubt that the claim isn't accurate.
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South China, formerly known as Australia has made a complete mess of this.

Had my eye on Australia since the pandemic started, they're out of control and have been for a long time now.
Why hasn't there been more on the Czech player. Is it because she is a doubles player so doesn't have buckets of cash, she was quietly slipped off back home without anyone to pleading her case
The law's the law and if the authorities didn't follow it to the letter then Djokovic was rightfully allowed his VISA back, this time.

He's an absolute scumbag though and regardless of whether he has his VISA cancelled properly or gets to play, he'll end up even more unpopular than he was previously.

Edit: Djokovic press conference at 1PM.
The Australian government are going to look bad either way:

- Overrule the court, throw him out and there's arguably state overreach

- Let him stay and it's an insult to the Australian people

I think the fact he's claiming he tested positive on the 16th December, but was at a charity event on the 17th (albeit in another country with different rules) is very strange. Although he's never taken the pandemic seriously and is an anti-vax weirdo to boot.
Even though I have no time for the guy at all the optics of detaining the guy for 5 days, letting him have an appeal which he won and then still playing the ‘we’ll kick you out anyway’ card are pretty awful for Aus.

This has turned into such a massive cluster for them.

All this is, is politcially motivated nonsense from an over draconian country the way it has dealt with covid the scenes that have been shown around the world.

I dont like Djokovic but this was all kinds of wrong.
No surprise that they courts have one rule for one and another for celebrities.

Australian border force should have acted like they do with everyone else, and sent him packing last week.

Nothing like stabbing your own people in the back, expect there will be some backlash from the locals.
The Australian government are going to look bad either way:

- Overrule the court, throw him out and there's arguably state overreach

- Let him stay and it's an insult to the Australian people

I think the fact he's claiming he tested positive on the 16th December, but was at a charity event on the 17th (albeit in another country with different rules) is very strange. Although he's never taken the pandemic seriously and is an anti-vax weirdo to boot.
He definitely has some rather odd ideas which he seemingly masquerades as facts.
He tested positive on the 16th, and apparently received the the result the same day
Was pictured at several events on the 17th and 18th
Tested negative on the 22nd

So he either didn't isolate while he had covid, or his test is fraudulent. Not sure which is worse to be honest but I imagine either give the Aus government enough grounds to justify cancelling his visa. My gut feeling is that his test was faked because as far as I know it's pretty unlikely to test negative on a PCR so soon after a positive test. I think it's important to note also that the deportation order wasn't overruled because it was wrong, but because the border force didn't follow procedure correctly. Meaning that if indeed as reported his exemption (prev. infection) is invalid then surely the government would be correct to deport him?

I also read but can't confirm that the deadline to apply for an exemption (from the Aus tennis authority) was the 10th December, meaning they broke their own rules anyway by granting it.
Why hasn't there been more on the Czech player. Is it because she is a doubles player so doesn't have buckets of cash, she was quietly slipped off back home without anyone to pleading her case
Probably cause she hasn't caused a stink about it. Novak only got out of it because he was denied entry 45 minutes early. Had they waited until 8:30am like they were supposed to he'd probably have been shipped off by now.
If they let him in as a mistake, surely it’s a case of “ah - our mistake”… But now go home?

I suppose not, as they will be relying on the unilateral discretion of the Secretary of State person to avoid any potential liability from ‘reversing’ their decision.

If it’s true, testing positive but going out in public is a very poor show.
Which do we reckon is more likely he faked the positive result to get in to Australia or he was genuinely positive and ignored the isolation rules?

When it comes to him it could be either let’s be honest!
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