TERA release date announced.

I decided to preorder the us version to try out the beta, hopefully I will have some fun grinding up to level 27 this weekend.
Should keep me busy until aion goes f2p on the 28th.
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Another question, how grindy is this game? I've heard that it's not a typical korean grindfest rather levelling is pretty fast.

Like any MMO there is a grindy element to it - I mean, you conplete quests to gain xp, killing monsters along the way, that the way it is. However I found that the combat system and also dungeons along the way made it feel much less grindy than you would expect.
It's a lot easier to level than Aion when it was first released but not as easy as Starwars. Overall still easy to level.
As with most MMO's leveling speed is dependent on your class. So far I've tried the Priest and Sorcerer up to the previous level 22 cap. And as you might expect the Sorcerer is much quicker to level with, although neither is difficult. But I find the Priest is more satisfying to play in groups. For the next one I think I'll try a melee class.
Whats the sorcerer like to play solo? Seems very much a support class, managed about 5 minutes before the last beta closed so no idea really other than the opening attack seems weak.
The main thing to remember with TERA is that your attack range is quite limited in distance, I think 18-22m is the furthest you can attack from. Nearly all the classes I tried had to get up close in melee range to perform a lot of their attacks.

At first I thought the distance would be a hinderance specially if your used to kiting mobs from range but the combat in TERA works really well. If you get hit by a mob it's your own fault, everything is about positioning and reading what the enemy is about to do next.

The Sorcerer is your typical glass cannon high DPS with some CC and lots of mana issues. I reckon it will be handy in PvP but again you have to size up the situations as long cast times mean the mobs can easily get to you so always being on your toes is essential, but it's the same for all classes.
ahh the more vid's I watch the more I want to pre order , the combat by the looks of it blows star wars out the water ;O . wish you could trade in mmo's ( I want my £45 quid back bioware) lol
For the NA version, 8pm GMT ..i think

Still haven't decided on a class, Any opinions on the close combat ranger ?
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Whats the sorcerer like to play solo? Seems very much a support class, managed about 5 minutes before the last beta closed so no idea really other than the opening attack seems weak.

Pretty decent actually, good fun. High dps, both solo target and aoe, with a couple of dodge moves and various snares and slow-downs. It burns through the solo content quickly, and I solo'd a couple of the early group quests quite easily as well. It gets a moderate mana regen spell quite early, playing solo I didn't have any issues with mana. But best carry a few health potions around with you though.

Typically I'd pick up a quest, run to the area where the mobs are, agro everything in the local area, and then commit genocide. This is where its at its most entertaining really, while trying to take down as many mobs as you can manage at once.
Graphics wise, I agree, aesthetics, no, combat wise somewhat agree, but they missed a few tricks (locational damage for archers etc), the AI looks very slow for an action game even at high levels personally.

Content wise, no tbh. No way. It takes on a very simplistic model, that somehow seems outdated compared to stuff like SWToR etc even, what with the queing for Velkas (haven't queued for a boss for ages lol). I like that GW2 doesn't force a gear grind on me and that I'm not being matched against how long a guys played, but how good he is.

It's just not how I would've done an action mmo.
I've grown tired of playing Rift and I wasn't a fan of Star Wars (after playing the beta) so held out for this, which I'm very glad about.

Levelled Archer to 15 in the Sneak Peak, which I really enjoyed. It didn't feel like a grind and the combat is fun and fast-paced. Also levelled a Lancer to 13 in CBT1.

Definitely eager to try out grouping. End-game needs to be seriously impressive to even come close to how good FFXI end-game was.

I'd be very open to the idea of an OCUK guild, if set up. :D
Had a go with 3 friends and it's too similar to the asian mmo design I don't enjoy.

The videos make combat really fluid but it's quite opposite that, as a melee class (I played a Lancer) I found every single mob wanted to be right up agaisnt your models clip box. Which completely negates the need to use the targeting reticule and if you do want to use it, you need to look vertically down about 150 degrees, but you just need to face your character in the direction of the mob.

Which brings me onto the second issue of this, most of the attacks so far move the character forward, which means you will often swing an attack and then pass through the mob on the next swing, get locked into place because of the animations and then have to re-orient your character.

It's two things that I can't get past in this game, is the rooting of the player when doing an attack; and the target reticule system being very poorly design for melee encounters.
I don't feel like I have the freedom of movement most other MMOs have, to move when I want and not when the animation lets me.

Early game doesn't grab me, I feel encumbered, shame it looked really fun.

Terable. :p
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