TERA release date announced.

I'm probably gonna take lancer as my main. I always play melee tank and this seems to be the closest and I also read somewhere that warriors struggle to get groups. I just hate the damn weapon!

LOVE the game though. What changes have there been?
well approx 50mins and I'll have the client downloaded!! hopefully get a quick look at the game and character creation before they close at 12pm iirc ?
next cbt will be whole weekend. With the lancer you can solo practically any mob but takes ages to quest and kill.

After giving the berserker class a try I must say that this class is as close as it comes to solo anything in the game.
CBT is still up and going, servers stayed up all night and will be up until 11pm tonight, yay.

Liking this so far. Looking forward to the next weekend where they are raising level cap to 27 and adding another dungeon. Played sorc to lvl 22, gonna try lancer next!
Playing a Mystic, it was closest to Aion's Spiritmaster and think it's tremendous fun. Everything is your typical generic MMo but Korean dev's know how to make the best and the combat (Lineage3 robbed or not) add's a great dynamic not found in other games.

I nipped back onto SW:ToR for 10mins and stood there thinking just how much it was lacking in originality, don't get me wrong I really enjoy SWToR but Tera feels like a true MMO and I know that after this weekend I'll be pining for it !!
Yes, i dont want to go on about SWTOR, but as you say, TERA has that element of something different. Managed to get in, enjoyed it a lot, trying out the classes, looking at mage its a lot of fun. Will definitiely be getting this. Is it a wow killer (for me)? I dont know yet. The fact that I havent decided is a hundred times better than that sinking feeling I felt 30 minutes into SWTOR though. Not logging in agina because only 30 minutes left. Happy theyre leaving the servers on after this.

It looks like the CB2/3/4/5 weekends won't be 3pm-12am now going by the message put on their forums. Although this weekend will still have them times.

"Hello everyone,

like I said I forwarded your feedback and we discussed the topic again during a meeting this morning.

We'll give you more time starting with CBT 2, this means we won't shut down the servers for CBT 2+ at midnight but rather keep them accessible for you.

Regards "
I paid £5 and got myself into the beta to see what the game is like.

So far what I like is that the game looks great but at the same time runs so smooth on my pc.

Also having this type of combat makes such a huge difference to the game.

I have already made my mind that I will be getting the game. I just love all those mmos and going to quit SWTOR at the end of the month when my sub runs out. Just don't feel like paying to play beta anymore.
going to be a boring two weeks waiting for next cbt :(

love everything about this game so far, monster hunter freedom unite on psp is actually one of my favourite games and I love that an mmo feels like it being my favourite genre ;o

as long as they keep up their current pace of implementing content and pvp continuing to be rewarding I could be playing this for years as my next big mmorpg :)
love everything about this game so far, monster hunter freedom unite on psp is actually one of my favourite games and I love that an mmo feels like it being my favourite genre ;o

What you smoking? It's nothing like monster hunter LMAO. Combat is completely different? And you realise monster hunter unite had nothing to do with this game?! I think you are thinking of a different game m8 tbh!
In MMO's im usually a warrior type or sometimes a mage. This time in gonna be something different, im thinking either a mystic or priest.

Anyway we should organise a ocuk guild or something:)
Got my preorder for North American servers gotta say the beta tests are pretty awesome so far. I never like playing EU servers, EU Aion killed the game for me so dont wanna make the same mistake lol
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