TERA release date announced.

Forever in his department? :)

I must say, i played the US beta over the weekend and didnt notice the changes - mind you i was playing a priest so pretty much didnt care what hit me and never got high enough for pvp - didnt leave the starter island actually on this guy. Im liking Tera, I definitely prefer my mystic at the moment, but I dont know if ill pay for the game. It just hasnt got the wow factor im looking for - but its a very competent MMO. I think its just more that im bored with MMOs and want something new like Archeage.
Bump in time for CBT4, starting this afternoon! Woot!

Anyone know what the level cap is up to this weekend? And if there are any more dungeons?
38 isn't it this weekend? Some people are already at the new cap though with that hour or two they opened the server last week.
Yeah 38 is new cap. 1 new dungeon available at ~36 (lvl 37 to do the quests for it) Servers up from 2pm.
The one I posted was for EU > US

Not sure if theres a US > EU one.

If you make a list of the files needed one of us could mash one together for you.
I can't I'm at work :(
Would be quite happy to host it as well if more people need :)

This weekend the EU one?
I have a beta key for this weekend, but my internet connection is really slow for some reason, and I have an eta of 2 days just to patch it. :(
From playing in both beta's I have decided it's just not good enough to warrent such a high subscription fee.

Initially it's fun but the combat gimmick wears off and the actual questing is generic and dull. There are already better MMo's available for me and with GW2 not far off this just isn't worth it.
From playing in both beta's I have decided it's just not good enough to warrent such a high subscription fee.

Initially it's fun but the combat gimmick wears off and the actual questing is generic and dull. There are already better MMo's available for me and with GW2 not far off this just isn't worth it.

What about the PVP? questing will get boring no matter which game if you don't mix it up a little bit.
What about the PVP? questing will get boring no matter which game if you don't mix it up a little bit.

Well PvP is a massive part of any MMo for me and I totally agree with you. I don't want to make this sound like I dislike Tera, I enjoyed it initially but whilst the combat was fun to begin with it soon began (for me) to get tedius.

As Beta tests go, Tera is very polished and I didn't find any game breaking problems or glitches it's just when I boot it up after 20-30mins I'm wanting to play a different MMo.
Well PvP is a massive part of any MMo for me and I totally agree with you. I don't want to make this sound like I dislike Tera, I enjoyed it initially but whilst the combat was fun to begin with it soon began (for me) to get tedius.

As Beta tests go, Tera is very polished and I didn't find any game breaking problems or glitches it's just when I boot it up after 20-30mins I'm wanting to play a different MMo.

You know you're not the only person I've heard say that ( 2nd part about the 20-30 mins )

I found I was the same playing KTERA I just didn't feel the need to play it and after 20-30 mins I was bored and logged off. Don't get that on the EU one, I don't know your play style but it does make things less boring when you're ganking randoms doing quests when they start raging out at you also I found the BAM fights and instances good fun.
The quests dialogues are really badly written for the western pallet and the style of the world is tragically cheesy. Do all Korean's stop ageing at 13 and all turn perverted, or is it just their MMO devs?

Anyway, I stopped reading the quest dialogues half way through the starter island. Go here, kill some of these, and then come back again. Now go over there, kill some of those, gather a few of these, come back again. Rinse and repeat.

As always for me its the sense of progression that keeps me hooked, its that digital carrot alluringly dangled in front of me, usually consisting of loot and access to new zones and dungeons. I like the combat system, its far more engrossing than standing still and facerolling the keyboard until something dies. I'm not sure if these two things are enough to keep me subbed for long, but its at least a decent filler game until GW2 arrives.

Edit: Yep, agree with above poster. PvP gives it that bit extra, the risk of being ganked on a quest, and the lulz of PvP in general. Especially large group PvP or FFA PvP, which is highly amusing.
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So i'm trying to pre-order the collectors edition and after checking amazon it no longer says the price and shopto now says the item is unavailable. I checked both these sites a few weeks ago and everything was fine and now i'm worried i won't get it :\

Anyone shed any light?
Stopped playing last Saturday and haven't felt the need to pick it up since. I was just bored I suppose playing both betas, maybe I'm just tired of mmos. I would say pvp was a bit tedious, I never felt like I had the information necessary to help me improve, so many encounters were one shot deaths. Main problem was the missions didn't grab me. Still 5 quid well spent I reckon.
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