TERA release date announced.

Had a lvl 44 pk camping the lumbertown bridge earlier, one shooting us n00bs. My Hero! :D Loving the thrill of the pvp, you can't trust anyone!
Yeah the PvP and PK'ing really reminds me of old Korean games like KAL Online and Silkroad - games I loved before I ever stepped foot into a subscription/pay-to-play Western game. Great stuff! PK'ing and going Outlaw is one big vicious circle... you get ganked a few times when you're a lowbie and then bear a psychological grudge, so that when you're high level you just come full circle :p

Great game. A few of us have started a guild now on the PvP server and the rest of you guys are ofc more than welcome to join if you don't have a home already :)
I'm having a problem when downloading thepatch... It starts out full speed, but over time it gets slower and slower :(

I started it last night, and woke up this morning with it on 15% going at 30kb/s :(
I think like with most Korean MMO's the crafting is a thing for higher-levels and people with gold to burn. I think I've fallen behind with my Extracting already because I can't extract items at my level :/ Might have to go back to the start island and farm them... what hell.

By the way the guild on Samael is up now, add me to your friends list for an /inv.

Yeh seems thats the case, I'm also behind on extracting everything went from easy to hard poetry quickly!
Been playing this a fair bit. Got a level 20 Zerker, and ive been kickin ass. Havent actually died yet.

Combat feels a little slow for me as a Zerker, but I hit damn hard so do nice burst DPS, and I haven't had any problems with mobs so far. Plus, being able to block head-on attacks helps limit the damage and control fights. Really enjoying the combat. It feels much more involved than your typical MMO.

But I fear the combat is the only thing to like here. I guess the graphics are nice for an MMO, but the rest of the game is pretty generic. The questing just feels dated, boring and repetitive compared to something like GW2.

I played a lot of Aion. From its Korean beta, to the EU beta, until a couple of months after launch. This game feels very similar in terms of style and game play. You can tell some of the same people are behind both games. Aion became a real bore after lvl 30-40 and I see this game going the same way. There's nothing here to prove otherwise.

It's a decent gap filler, but i'll be switching to Diablo III and then GW2 once they're out. I certainly won't be paying the hefty sub for this game.

Given that Tera is essentially Lineage 3 it's not too surprising if some parts seem generic - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/01/26/ncsoft-seek-to-prevent-us-release-of-tera/
I have just purchased TERA, I hope its good. Just waiting 3 hours for download now.

Is there any good UK servers I should look for when I log in? Ive just read backwards a lot are using Velik so i will just go with that server since I prefer PVE.
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I caved in and purchased this after the positive vibes in this thread:)
What's the guild called on samael?
My ingame name is dava.
Can anyone confirm whether or not theres a £ billing option in your account before I order timecards please? and also the £ per month :)

I have not played a mmo for a couple years, let alone an Asian game. This looks interesting so if there are any trial codes going please send one my way :)
Shopto are shocking. Went to buy the game for my other half but they only allow 1 TERA download per account. :confused: Pretty stupid but no big deal, made a fresh account for herself and went to buy the game. Entered my card details, card was rejected and then I was kicked from the account. Tried to log back in but the account was disabled. Went to log into my own account and that was disabled. Turns out that you can't use your card on multiple accounts or they suspend you. WTF? Now I've got to phone them tomorrow when I'm at work just to get our accounts back!
Quite shocked about the crossfire performance, removed one of my old 4870s as im upgrading this week, and the game runs twice as fast on a singular card!
Quite shocked about the crossfire performance, removed one of my old 4870s as im upgrading this week, and the game runs twice as fast on a singular card!

That would be negative performance caused by AMD drivers. AMD just need to carry over some optimisations from their Unreal drivers fixes for Tera and your FPS would go back up.
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