TERA release date announced.

I use the xbox pad full time with an occasional press of f1-f12 to top up my health and mana or use non damaging skills inbetween fights. The playability with the pad is amazing and with a quick 2 buttons i can instantly mount and dismount, grab some ore then warp into a bunch of enemies and let off 3 carefully planned aoes before rolling back to start picking off stragglers :) beautiful game you should see the screenshots I got on max outside the main city on the horse from a distant hilltop at 2560x1600. Playing with my fiance and we're loving it! Never had so much fun together on an mmo.

It is better than the early build of guild wars 2 we all tested 2 weeks ago by the way in terms of everything except maybe graphically in a few locations but the enemies in this look the best I've seen, kinda like devil may cry style.
Very tempted to start playing this, pity I missed the boat with trial though. Thinking of Berserker or Warrior!
I think if you're new to mmos this game especially will be easy to pick up due to the simple systems in place for crafting and the glyph things that boost your abilities. I'm currently level 24 or 25 I think and I've not once died so far in 2 instances, levelling, 1 world boss and loads of big basillisks for 5 man questing. Still only got about 100/425 in my crafting though as it takes ages to craft. After maybe 30 hours so far with the game I know the main city like the back of my hand and it feels like home.
Have to admit, I'm still thoroughly enjoying the game - and I'm barely into it. It's definitely got something that SWTOR was missing. I think the fact it's been out for a while in Korea has certainly benefitted the rest of us!

I should start on instances soon, which will be a nice change from solo'ing.
I've just gone back to SWTOR to play for a bit and couldn't believe I had to hold down right click to move the camera around again! And having to click or tab target mobs. I like the TERA system way more now.
I use the xbox pad full time with an occasional press of f1-f12 to top up my health and mana or use non damaging skills inbetween fights. The playability with the pad is amazing and with a quick 2 buttons i can instantly mount and dismount, grab some ore then warp into a bunch of enemies and let off 3 carefully planned aoes before rolling back to start picking off stragglers :) beautiful game you should see the screenshots I got on max outside the main city on the horse from a distant hilltop at 2560x1600. Playing with my fiance and we're loving it! Never had so much fun together on an mmo.

It is better than the early build of guild wars 2 we all tested 2 weeks ago by the way in terms of everything except maybe graphically in a few locations but the enemies in this look the best I've seen, kinda like devil may cry style.

I'm really enjoying playing it with the 360 pad at the moment, apart from some accuracy issues it works surprisingly well and imo surpases the mouse and keyboard in many areas.

That being said i've yet to try it in any sort of group situation, which i think will be the real test, especially when you need to multitask well.
I was trying to break the game last night by getting the horse and going up hills - with surprising results!
I managed to almost get to the peak of a mountain (took about 30 mins) before i couldnt get up anymore. Everything is textured its crazy (and possibly because of the flying), it was cool seeing the Tera sun spin round the further you go up aswell. hilarious coming down as you just jump and you have a flying horse right to the bottom! :)

Should try it again tonight and get a video up of it.
So is this the usual, tanks and healers in big demand (PVE) and loads of DPS classes?

I usually like playing a Hybrid class, so this would be the mystic? But I'm hearing not very good things about them?
So is this the usual, tanks and healers in big demand (PVE) and loads of DPS classes?

I usually like playing a Hybrid class, so this would be the mystic? But I'm hearing not very good things about them?

Mystic was my fave class during the beta's. The class can DPS, heal and CC plus they can solo much more content than other classes and at high level really come into their own.
Does any happen to have a spare trial key thing for this?

I'm really interested in it and would like to give it a quick go before I decide whether it's my type of MMO.
So is this the usual, tanks and healers in big demand (PVE) and loads of DPS classes?

I usually like playing a Hybrid class, so this would be the mystic? But I'm hearing not very good things about them?

Unlike hybrids in other games which are ridiculously strong at everything they take their hand to (read: WoW), hybrids in TERA are the diligent all-round types. People complain about them because they can't nuke dps like the all-out melee/caster classes in PvP, and they do level marginally slower. But they are unbeatable for all-round talents and ability. I have had Mystics heal us through instances and then turn around and own me in a 1v1 duel (I play a Slayer). It's an incredibly strong class but you just can't play it and expect to see the giant crit-numbers like the Sorc. Don't listen to the hate too much.
I'm currently downloading the EU client, just wondering if anyone can advise me on something.

I'm downloading at around 500kbs, progress 8% and it reckons 11 and a half hours remaining.

Just wondering if the 11 and a half hours thing is accurate? If it is, I'll sack it for now and dl it overnight. Cheers.
I'm currently downloading the EU client, just wondering if anyone can advise me on something.

I'm downloading at around 500kbs, progress 8% and it reckons 11 and a half hours remaining.

Just wondering if the 11 and a half hours thing is accurate? If it is, I'll sack it for now and dl it overnight. Cheers.

Well the beta was 25gb, so assuming not much has changed and should be around the same.
So is this the usual, tanks and healers in big demand (PVE) and loads of DPS classes?

I usually like playing a Hybrid class, so this would be the mystic? But I'm hearing not very good things about them?

at level 50 ish mystic get a crit buff that seperates them from the priest class.

both priest and mystic should be considered hybrid. my priest can solo anything except elite(BAM).

lancer on my server is in huge demand, most of them seem to go into retard "im a tank" mode and they think they are top of the world. hopefully when more hit 60 it will even out.

i should add, priest > mystic for solo XPing.

<---- lvl 60 priest.
at level 50 ish mystic get a crit buff that seperates them from the priest class.

both priest and mystic should be considered hybrid. my priest can solo anything except elite(BAM).

lancer on my server is in huge demand, most of them seem to go into retard "im a tank" mode and they think they are top of the world. hopefully when more hit 60 it will even out.

i should add, priest > mystic for solo XPing.

<---- lvl 60 priest.

Thanks for the info, I only have limited time to play at the moment so my priest is only level 24, so handy to know. What I am finding difficult is actually healing. I guess I just need to practice, but I'm used to tab targeting and basically not moving too much. I did quite badly in the first dungeon yesterday and it's kind of put me off playing priest at the moment, I also tried with gamepad but that is not for me. I'll give it another go tonight though..
Thanks for the info, I only have limited time to play at the moment so my priest is only level 24, so handy to know. What I am finding difficult is actually healing. I guess I just need to practice, but I'm used to tab targeting and basically not moving too much. I did quite badly in the first dungeon yesterday and it's kind of put me off playing priest at the moment, I also tried with gamepad but that is not for me. I'll give it another go tonight though..

it gets easier, takes some getting used to. plus the usual DPS/tank syndrome sets in when they die, this is the type of game where you can avoid so much damage if you play right. a lancer for example can potentially block near everything, your not supposed to soak up every pt of damage. some bosses/mobs can near one shot certain classes.

oh and use your fiery escape and tab jumpback skill whenever you have to run in to heal. the tab one is nice since it doesnt hit the target and keeps you out of combat hence faster run speed to circle/run around bosses.

use your lock on heal if your worried about jumping in, you should also glyph this as soon as you can and make it +1 target so it heals 3 people instead of 2.

also get the glyph that has a 40% chance to reset CD on Final Reprisal, its awesome for solo xping.

as a general rule use mana every 5 second crystals for your weapon and HP crystals for armour. i also use a run speed one too.
Took ages for the download speed to report as full, now its saying to me 7 hours.

Looks like I'll be playing this tonight WOOP.
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