I use the xbox pad full time with an occasional press of f1-f12 to top up my health and mana or use non damaging skills inbetween fights. The playability with the pad is amazing and with a quick 2 buttons i can instantly mount and dismount, grab some ore then warp into a bunch of enemies and let off 3 carefully planned aoes before rolling back to start picking off stragglers
beautiful game you should see the screenshots I got on max outside the main city on the horse from a distant hilltop at 2560x1600. Playing with my fiance and we're loving it! Never had so much fun together on an mmo.
It is better than the early build of guild wars 2 we all tested 2 weeks ago by the way in terms of everything except maybe graphically in a few locations but the enemies in this look the best I've seen, kinda like devil may cry style.

It is better than the early build of guild wars 2 we all tested 2 weeks ago by the way in terms of everything except maybe graphically in a few locations but the enemies in this look the best I've seen, kinda like devil may cry style.