TERA release date announced.

Afraid not, you need to be able to log in before it will start downloading/patching.

Doh, I've heard it is 25GB it will probably take 24hrs to download with traffic management. :o I was hoping to leave it overnight.

Is the collectors edition worth the extra tenner? the mount looks cool I m ust admit.
Doh, I've heard it is 25GB it will probably take 24hrs to download with traffic management. :o I was hoping to leave it overnight.

Is the collectors edition worth the extra tenner? the mount looks cool I m ust admit.

Well I have it on order a physical edition, but if you buy normal retail its only ~£30 then its only $10 to upgrade to the collectors edition on the website.

No idea if this works against retail discs though.
I'm currently downloading the EU client, just wondering if anyone can advise me on something.

I'm downloading at around 500kbs, progress 8% and it reckons 11 and a half hours remaining.

Just wondering if the 11 and a half hours thing is accurate? If it is, I'll sack it for now and dl it overnight. Cheers.

Search Google for 'TERA Frogster download', there's a forum thread kicking about somewhere on the Frogster forums that has TERA linked in 12 direct ftp download .zips. Went at 7-8Mbps for me.
Can the first post be updated with what OCUK guilds are about?

heres what i have collected so far:

Velik PVE

forum name | gamename | guild

dr_volki |Cutia | ??
iamtheoneneo | arielofthenorth | Resolute
Archy | ???| Resolute
Leviathon |????| Resolute
sh4dy1981 | Welinha | Resolute

Samuel PVP

Inkursion | Aphex | Definition
maddog | dava | Definition
Pac37 |Pace | ???
Xire01 | Kheli |???

Essenia PVP

Mark_t50 | Fixu | ??

add to Google Docs please:
Last edited:
i just passed 50 on Velika, my friend has a youtube page with lots of tera info on how to do stuff in the game etc.

Bout 10 in my guild are 60 so far, i don't have as much free time as them though!


I also stuck a load os screenshot's in the high res pic thread

Why the need for all of the cursing? :rolleyes: I gave up trying to watch/listen to any of those videos.

Got to level 18 so far and the game is still enjoyable. I'll have to give a melee class a go soon enough.

Most of the quests so far are pretty dull but i've not really been that bothered as the combat is quite enjoyable.
Been watching some videos on youtube, it does like a pretty decent game. I was just wondering does this game allow people to give trials out?

If so, would anyone been kind enough to give me a trial. Would love to try the game out before going ahead and making the purchase, as SWTOR seems to be dying and need a good game to play :)

Many thanks,

it gets easier, takes some getting used to. plus the usual DPS/tank syndrome sets in when they die, this is the type of game where you can avoid so much damage if you play right. a lancer for example can potentially block near everything, your not supposed to soak up every pt of damage. some bosses/mobs can near one shot certain classes.

oh and use your fiery escape and tab jumpback skill whenever you have to run in to heal. the tab one is nice since it doesnt hit the target and keeps you out of combat hence faster run speed to circle/run around bosses.

use your lock on heal if your worried about jumping in, you should also glyph this as soon as you can and make it +1 target so it heals 3 people instead of 2.

also get the glyph that has a 40% chance to reset CD on Final Reprisal, its awesome for solo xping.

as a general rule use mana every 5 second crystals for your weapon and HP crystals for armour. i also use a run speed one too.

Thanks for that, all helpful information :)
Just started playing on Samuel as a monster type guy, WOW.

The graphics are so good its actually really intense playing it, the graphical fidelity is scarily vibrant.

Sadly though my pc isn't handling the game very well, so does anyone have some tips on improving the performance? Config tweaks and the like, as I've tried adjusting the ingame settings and it doesn't help much.

Cheers fellas.
Nah don't think my pc is up to it sadly, it was fine in the starting area bit but once I got to this green area my fps just nosedived.

Shame, I won't be playing it until I upgrade somehow, would I benefit from a new graphics card?

I have a 6870 1GB, or would more ram help? I have 4gb. Cheers
I've noticed the fps dips when I change graphics settings, I was getting good fps just now with preset 4.

But after a while the fps takes a nosedive and I don't know why...not unplayable but jerky enough to annoy the **** out of me.
Thought it might be my cpu getting too hot, so rolled back the overclock.

Thought it might be my gpu getting too hot, so I set it to 100% fan speed before launching the game.

After 10 minutes playing, the performance gets too jerky to play normally.

This is the exact card I'm using http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-205-XF&groupid=701&catid=56&subcat=1866

I also had a odd thought it might be msi afterburner doesn't work with tera so I closed it down before launching but had no effect.
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