TERA release date announced.

Still not sure what i want to play come release, still a long way away so time to think about it and plenty of CB and OB weekends to find out.

I've narrowed it down to Archer/Slayer/Beserker at he moment, tried Warrior this weekend but it's damage is low and is actually used a lot alongside Lancer in the Korean release as a tank.
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Played a sorcerer through the initial island to lvl 11 and will probably aim to do the same with a warrior and a mystic. Then pick up where i left it in the next beta event.

My impression so far is quite positive. The main factor is that this game tries to do something new, which - after a spate of games that go out of their way to innovate absolutely nothing (hello swtor) - is just so refreshing.

Combat feels fluid and responsive. There are certainly similarities with games like vindictus (or even SP games like skyrim), but the main elements of mmo combat (different roles, picking the right ability at the right time, cooldown management) are all there. Positioning and reacting to combat animations is a lot more responsive. Best way I can put it is this: in GCD-style combat you react to your ui (procs, buffs, debuffs) and positioning is quite abstract (in range y/n? LoS y/n? front arc y/n?). Here you react to exactly what your opponent is doing: there are v few abilities that are fire-and-forget, most skills have to be aimed and timed correctly.

I didn't experience any stability issues or serious bugs (perhaps to be expected); localisation seems fine.

Few specific points given the game's provenance:

- The opening zone wasn't grindy at all. That may of course change later on, but levelling speed was very quick and there were plenty of quests.

- Slightly worryingly, there was no challenge. Perhaps to be expected for a starter zone, but the last quest was marked as a group quest and yet everyone solos it.

- Graphics are neat (and certainly competitive), but design is obviously a question of taste. I can handle the over-the-top effects, but character/armour design is a negative for me (ultimately nothing I can't get over though...)

Would be interesting to hear from people who are lvl 22.
Well at 22 the mobs hit like trucks, if your alone you really have to dodge and learn to move when they attack. Me and 2 mates a Lancer and a Mystic did a 5man quest but we tried the next one and got flattened.

I've heard 30+ the mobs get a lot stronger, they dodge your attacks etc and hit like trucks. I feel at 22 the mobs are no easy feat as they were from 1-15.
after playing the beta for two days i must say i wasnt inpressed at all im going to wait till Archeage hits Euorpe till then im going to be playing SWTOR the main reason i wana go with archeage is the fact you can Siege for castles as well as water ship battles thats my two cents worth anyways peace out :) a other game im looking forward to is guildwars 2
Dude, punctuation! Its not a dirty word. Downloaded the client last night, fired it up and bang, it wants to patch 50% of the damn game pffffttt. Away next weekend so lets see.
It's probably better for you this way as all Characters made during Closed beta don't get deleted until Open Beta in late April.
they really do need to remove this race from the game

they should add pedo bear to the login screen of anyone with that race and instead of a login button you have tohit pedobear with a mallet
they really do need to remove this race from the game]

Pre-pubescent girls in short nightdresses? I would agree but I'm going to really enjoy massacring every one I find and thinking of some overweight middle age dude howling in rage somewhere.

On that note Please tell me there's open world pvp?

Edit - someone let the daily mail know, after the SWTOR homosexual outrage comes Tera pedophilia! Who will stop these pervert gamers?
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How's the grind for those that are closing on the beta level cap? Is it a typical Asian MMO?

In some ways I'm hoping there is a bit of meat to the levelling process, but it certainly looks interesting.
How's the grind for those that are closing on the beta level cap? Is it a typical Asian MMO?

In some ways I'm hoping there is a bit of meat to the levelling process, but it certainly looks interesting.

wasn't really a grind to level 21 but waiting to see a beta that doesn't have a level cap , aion was the same until level 40 when it was a grindfest
wasn't really a grind to level 21 but waiting to see a beta that doesn't have a level cap , aion was the same until level 40 when it was a grindfest

Grindfest? Aion was easy to level.. 49-50 getting 5% a hour grinding is easy! Anyway everyone has their own view on what grinding is and isn't just giving my view.

About the PvP


PK is short for “Player Kill,” and works exactly like it sounds. At level 11 (on PvP servers only) you obtain a skill that lets you declare yourself an “outlaw.” You can then try to kill any player above level 11. However, when you are an outlaw, any player can try to kill you as well.

Guild vs. Guild
The ultimate kind of PvP is server-wide Guild vs Guild battles. Duels and Deathmatches have their place, but being able to attack opposing guild members on sight takes TERA combat to another level. Only a guild leader can start a battle (and only on a PvP server), but it will take every member doing their part to finish one!

Once started, Guild vs. Guild battles last until 24 hours have passed, one guild scores a set amount of points, or until one guild’s leader forfeits. Your guild can be involved in up to three battles at once, but once a battle is finished you must wait a while before fighting that guild again. Both starting and forfeiting a Guild vs. Guild battle require a special item available form vendors in major cities.

Where Can I Fight?

Duels and Deathmatches have no area restrictions. For PK and Guild vs. Guild, you’ll need to pay attention to where you are fighting and on what server. Surrounding your compass map are icons that give you information about the area you’re in, and if you’re in a zone or area that allows PvP.
=pvp zone
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Grindfest? Aion was easy to level.. 49-50 getting 5% a hour grinding is easy! Anyway everyone has their own view on what grinding is and isn't just giving my view.

About the PvP

did you play at release ? because I thought it was very grindy then but I hear they did change afterwards
did you play at release ? because I thought it was very grindy then but I hear they did change afterwards
Yes mate, one of the first to hit level 50 on it. I've mainly played Korean games and Aion was relatively easy compared to some of them. Ragnarok online for one of the levels took 5 hours to get 1% and you lost that 1% if you died :(
LOL @ people crying over the Elin's

it's an ADULT game for ADULTS, yet most on here can't contain their excitement because you can see up a fairy's dress.

Go play any other Asian adult game, there is far worse out there this is tame hence why its being allowed to the west after all the graphical changes.
My kinda game then cHk4, proper open world PVP. That's some good ****.

I don't understand the problems with the Elin's all Korean games have races like this in the game. It's because they all love Anime and all that over there, it's never been a problem in the past.

I think it's a little weird, but in the end it doesn't really bother me.
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