TERA release date announced.

My kinda game then cHk4, proper open world PVP. That's some good ****.

I don't understand the problems with the Elin's all Korean games have races like this in the game. It's because they all love Anime and all that over there, it's never been a problem in the past.

I think it's a little weird, but in the end it doesn't really bother me.

Not going to lie I only got to level 20 in K-Retail but from the translations the PvP did sound like it was going to be poor but agree with you with what I've read from the above it sounds very very good and exactly what I'm looking for.

I'm not too fussed about the Elin's if I'm honest, all I care about is killing people :D
Just got the mini pre order that gets you into beta along with some friends from other games, gonna give it a whirl and see how it is later!
I will say one thing, I think the game gets much better after the tutorial island. I think I'm bored of the tutorial island as I've now done it about 10 times -.-
LOL @ people crying over the Elin's

it's an ADULT game for ADULTS, yet most on here can't contain their excitement because you can see up a fairy's dress.

Go play any other Asian adult game, there is far worse out there this is tame hence why its being allowed to the west after all the graphical changes.

Only person i see getting wound up is you. Seriously, calm down a little and try and make some points without all the bluff and bravado and the SHOUTING.

As to the points you made, no MMO is an adult game, don't kid yourself. I highly doubt anyone even thought of peeking up the skirts or is worried about saving future generations, this is the internet after all and if youre getting your jollies out of Tera, youre not going to believe what else is out there - but rather, and this is the really important point, whilst in Asia Hentai is run of the mill, were not in Asia. We don't have the anime saturated pervasiveness to look up to pre-teen girl warriors as aspirational, have a desire to partake in cosplay or have the cultural background to see it as anything more than, well, complete boll****. In the west some middle aged guy dressing up as Orgrim Doomhammer is facepalm, some middle aged guy dressing up as a 10 year old girl in pigtails and a nighty is sectioned. I can just about manage a walking pug or a dancing panda, but I have enough of cackling schoolies on the bus ride home. That said, im actually looking forward to going outlaw and killing them en masse. In the game, not in real life, that would be wrong.

Happy to hear about the PvP system.
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Only person i see getting wound up is you. Seriously, calm down a little and try and make some points without all the bluff and bravado and the SHOUTING.

As to the points you made, no MMO is an adult game, don't kid yourself. I highly doubt anyone even thought of peeking up the skirts or is worried about saving future generations, this is the internet after all and if youre getting your jollies out of Tera, youre not going to believe what else is out there - but rather, and this is the really important point, whilst in Asia Hentai is run of the mill, were not in Asia. We don't have the anime saturated pervasiveness to see pre-teen girl warriors as aspirational, have a desire to partake in cosplay or have the cultural background to see it as anything more than, well, complete boll****. Some middle aged guy dressing up as Orgrim Doomhammer is facepalm, some middle aged guy dressing up as a 10 year old in a nighty is sectioned. I can just about manage a walking pug or a dancing panda, but I have enough of cackling schoolies on the bus ride home. That said, im actually looking forward to going outlaw and killing them en masse. In the game, not in real life, that would be wrong.

Happy to hear about the PvP system.

Me wound up? lol - i think it's funny that's all. and i don't need to make points there is huge amounts of information on this game for me to repeat it all in here,although some of it wont apply to our version of the game most will.

and yes it is an adult game, but due to changes they have made for the western version i *think* the current certificate is 12+? not 100% sure on that.

either way you're mistaken to think that no MMO's are adult only. :D
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What are peoples opinions on the beta, I only had the oppurtunity to get to lvl 11 on a mystic...But from what I've seen, I only really have positive feedback. :)
What are peoples opinions on the beta, I only had the oppurtunity to get to lvl 11 on a mystic...But from what I've seen, I only really have positive feedback. :)

i enjoyed it, but i haven't had a chance to play this version of it, im guessing its exactly the same though.

Not sure how it will hold up over time though as all games, repetitiveness sets in.
Tried to access my account yesterday and got the maintenance page, followed the instructions to clear cache in ffox but still have the same problem, anyone else unable to login ? *I know the game isn't open to play atm*

I started the download the other day after getting a key, my folder says I have 19gig but I'm pretty sure I closed the installer after I tested it worked so wondered if it carried on downloading last few days. The launcher just opens up with a loading sign animation and the client has 100% patched top right.
I played the last sneak view event over the course of a weekend, the level cap was 22, which I reached with a Priest (healer) class.


Environments are pretty, lots of over saturated colours, runs smoothly on the Unreal 3 engine.

Combat system is utterly brilliant - if you play a melee class its a 3rd person hack and slash, if you play a caster its essentially a 3rd person shooter. Lots of dodging moves, positioning, etc. Quite nuanced when you get into it.

Lots of spells, abilities and gear. Crafting and enchanting are rewarding.

Group play is probably the most fun I've had with regards to combat mechanics in an MMO.


Most of the quests are traditional and fairly "meh" tbh. Go here, kill 10 of these, report back.

The Korean art style is sometimes painful. The looks of the races are so effeminate its bordering on pedophilia. In fact during the peek event there was a guy running around as one of the cutsie little furry bear race (I forget their name) called "Paedo Bear". That about sums it up really.

I absolutely loved the combat mechanics, for an mmo they're nothing short of revolutionary. But the rest of it is nothing special, certainly nothing that an MMO vet hasn't seen dozens of times before. Overall I'm going to carry on with the beta tests, I've already paid for the mini-preorder, but I think I'm going to wait for GW2 before I commit to another MMO.
after buying Star Wars which kinda sucked , going to hold out and not rush into this one ;)

Aion is free to play soon then you have Star Trek , and Lineage 2 a real grind but I kinda like it lol
The Korean art style is sometimes painful. The looks of the races are so effeminate its bordering on pedophilia. In fact during the peek event there was a guy running around as one of the cutsie little furry bear race (I forget their name) called "Paedo Bear". That about sums it up really.

Must logon as soon as the game comes up in retail to take this name, that is epic.
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