TERA release date announced.

I played the last sneak view event over the course of a weekend, the level cap was 22, which I reached with a Priest (healer) class.


Environments are pretty, lots of over saturated colours, runs smoothly on the Unreal 3 engine.

Combat system is utterly brilliant - if you play a melee class its a 3rd person hack and slash, if you play a caster its essentially a 3rd person shooter. Lots of dodging moves, positioning, etc. Quite nuanced when you get into it.

Lots of spells, abilities and gear. Crafting and enchanting are rewarding.

Group play is probably the most fun I've had with regards to combat mechanics in an MMO.


Most of the quests are traditional and fairly "meh" tbh. Go here, kill 10 of these, report back.

The Korean art style is sometimes painful. The looks of the races are so effeminate its bordering on pedophilia. In fact during the peek event there was a guy running around as one of the cutsie little furry bear race (I forget their name) called "Paedo Bear". That about sums it up really.

I absolutely loved the combat mechanics, for an mmo they're nothing short of revolutionary. But the rest of it is nothing special, certainly nothing that an MMO vet hasn't seen dozens of times before. Overall I'm going to carry on with the beta tests, I've already paid for the mini-preorder, but I think I'm going to wait for GW2 before I commit to another MMO.

Pretty much how I feel, not sure of GW2 as yet - I may commit to Tera, will play some beta tests see what happens.
For anyone who got the pre-order keys today 16th February there will be a 3 hour stress test from 8pm CET to 11pm CET

Tomorrow CBT1 starts at 3pm until midnight and is going to run all weekend.
Depends which class you take I think, for me soloing as priest it took quite a bit longer than 4 hours. But in a group you can probably get through it pretty fast.

I cant remember the server names atm, but for this weekend's CBT1 there will be 2 x PvE servers and 1 x PvP. Still trying to make my mind up if I want to try the PvP server, I did PvE last time and I didn't bother dueling at all.
It looks like the CB2/3/4/5 weekends won't be 3pm-12am now going by the message put on their forums. Although this weekend will still have them times.

"Hello everyone,

like I said I forwarded your feedback and we discussed the topic again during a meeting this morning.

We'll give you more time starting with CBT 2, this means we won't shut down the servers for CBT 2+ at midnight but rather keep them accessible for you.

Regards "
Thanks Chk4 that pvp video was great. Thats the first gameplay video i seen and that combat looks really fun. Its like what someone else posted saying that its like a hack and slash game or a third person shooter depending on class.

I think we should organise a ocuk guild cause id love to group with you guys:)
Just tried logging in says insufficient privelidges :(

Boes the preorder thru the launcher only give you £5 off if u purchase digital?

CBT this weekend?
CBT 1 is open now, If you buy preorder then you then you get email within 2 hours to enter it, and the money you spend goes towards digital copy.
Just tried to join PvP server, crashed with invalid ticket error. Tried a PvE server, crashed with invalid server error. Waited for the queue to finish (rather than switch servers agin) game launched! Character creation, got to create character, crashed with SSNL error. Rejoined, back at the back of the queue. No thanks.

Its a CBT so I wont vent my spleen, but well disappointed. Cant play this weekend, ill try again next CBT and hope for better.
Incases anyone else gets the Ticket Error; it happens when you're in a queue and try to join another server. Just click "refresh" on the server selection screen before picking another server and it'll work.
LoL i got to test the EU/US version today at a friends...

seriously games have come to censoring fictional characters???

meant to comes with a 18+ certificate(still unsure what it will be now, probably a 12+)...i knew it was going to change but now that i seen it i just don't understand who gets control over these things???

i guess they see it as more youngsters will want to play so that means more £$£$£$£$, that's the only thing i can think of...
LoL i got to test the EU/US version today at a friends...

seriously games have come to censoring fictional characters???

meant to comes with a 18+ certificate(still unsure what it will be now, probably a 12+)...i knew it was going to change but now that i seen it i just don't understand who gets control over these things???

i guess they see it as more youngsters will want to play so that means more £$£$£$£$, that's the only thing i can think of...

are you talking about the race for pedo bears ?
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