TERA release date announced.

I can't recall what server I am on now but it is the main PvE one - Fraya?
Anyway if anyone requires BAM bashing help from a lv60 lancer, give me a shout during evenings. Char name is Amirah.
35+ is ok, just keep questing away (it is dull I know) as that gives you the best XP/Gold. Things get really bad from Lv53-56 as the game has unbalanced leveling areas at that point.
Just downloading this now, played Wow for like 4 years but not played for 2...work commitments meant i couldn't raid, which kind of made life at top level slightly pointless...if it was free i would've carried on but couldn't justify paying for it anymore.

This looks like good fun so will give it a go, could do with a social MMO to play every now and then :)
I'm just wondering if this game is worth getting into? What could it offer me that WoW, Rift, Swtor, GW2 or any other generic MMO doesn't.

Going to hazard a guess at nothing.
Insanely better combat, more fast paced gameplay with lots of mobility skills/items and instant cast mounts, really fun pvp too, lots of things better than most MMO's, but some worse.
Fraya is the over populated PvE server where I am on. There is a great community of guilds there but bugger me there are a lot of clowns about too - standard for F2P games I guess.

I have to say that Tera overall has improved somewhat since I quit last November. Gold drops are better, as are item drops. Enchanting has improved quite a bit. I have enough gametime cards to keep me going for the next 7 months.

Sadly the economy has gone mental and high end armour has doubled or tripled in price since gold is so easy to obtain for Tera 'Club' (active subscribers) members. Level 60 players can now accumulate approx 2k a day from doing 20 (at club level) dailies. I have already managed 22k having started just a week ago. Last November I could only dream of getting that much.

To answer Jegethy's question - Tera has the best combat modelling I've ever seen in any MMO. Guild Bores 2 combat felt so disjointed to me that I gave it up quite rapidly. In addition you have frequent combat with BAM's (large epic mobs) which are a great challenge to fight solo or with a group. That is all I can think of tbh.

Tera isn't perfect, but if you want a game with superb combat, sod all lore, rubbish plain quests and a gorgeous world then it is worth a look.
I'm really enjoying this so far, I'm now 40 and it hasn't felt like a grind at all (higher levels may have more to say!). The combat is very intuitive after a short period of time, and I can no longer imagine an MMO where I don't have to consider players/mobs as physical objects. The added cherry on top is the artwork, the world is stunning, from hugely detailed keeps to forests that look like something straight from Avatar. Oh and the boobs are awesome.
Given up on Tera now, loved the action combat but the rest of the game is just too generic. Looks like some of the western companies are looking to bring in action combat to MMOs such as Wildstar to some extent.
I started again yesterday... my friend who is the biggest griefer on our server suggested I come back, god the world chat rages at him so hard, it's funny to watch. He rolled an archer, I rolled a zerker and our 3rd friend rolled a priest...

Man we must have killed about 50 + people on the way up to level 24 yesterday, such great fun.

Sold all my junk I had in my bank that was worth nothing when I used to play and I'm now 7k richer!
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