Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build

Is there something I'm missing or is Fireblossom really awkward to farm? It seems if I put some lava in nothing happens, but if I put enough in to make it blossom then I can't replace the seeds into clay pots after I harvest it and if I put even more in... well I can't seem to do anything much.

Is the only real option to have to some buckets around and empty a little lava in, harvest, then take it back out?
My friend said my statue didn't look like an angry bird, from the game. Does anybody else think so, or would you recognize it as an angry bird pretty quickly?

I've spent the two hours trying to make a nice statue of ssj goku, but it hasn't worked out well. A small statue is too blocky, and to get a decent looking one, it has to be so big it can only be viewed on a map viewer, which is no good.
What map viewer did you use, Sundance? I downloaded one to help me see what my goku sculpture looked like zoomed out, but it shows mode player placed walls as pink, which isn't much help when I'm giving him 3-4 shades of hair, along with the rest of the colors.
Have any of the floating islands been found yet?

4 so far. One of them is waaay right in the 3rd big desert which I found with Meteor Shot (you can tell where from the big stack of sand), I've looted it so theres nothing left, nothing really worth mentioning cept Starfury which is a handy weapon for exploring more than combat.

The other 3 are left of spawn that I found with a Grav Potion. One of them wasn't far left of Neils castle (Reeve built a very deadly stone pillar ><), the other you can actually see from the roof of kalvins house and the 3rd is 500ft above the corruption (theres a giant arrow in stone).

Problem is they all need a golden key to open the chests so other than looting the ores there isn't much reason to go on them. For some reason none of the 3 to the left had Harpies spawning either. So we'll be doing Skeletron tonight so we can pick up some keys from the dungeon.
Is there something I'm missing or is Fireblossom really awkward to farm? It seems if I put some lava in nothing happens, but if I put enough in to make it blossom then I can't replace the seeds into clay pots after I harvest it and if I put even more in... well I can't seem to do anything much.

Is the only real option to have to some buckets around and empty a little lava in, harvest, then take it back out?

I think it's bugged after 1.0.6. The devs know about it.
I think it's bugged after 1.0.6. The devs know about it.

Fair enough. I've just removed enough so that a couple of Buckets is all I need to swap between blooming and planting for now.

All I'm missing now is Deathweed... just need to wait for a Blood Moon ><
(Reeve built a very deadly stone pillar ><)
I have done no such thing

If i was going to build anything for a floating island, it would be a neat little tower :p

Skeletron died this morning, not sure by whos hand as 2 were online and i was the opposite side of the map so i couldnt be bothered to check it out. I thought we were waiting??
But reeve isn't problematic, again as i said it's just Evilsod complaining about well everything that someone else has created :p. Everything that has been done so far by whoever is a part of the game..

However destroying another person's hard work is a different situation altogether

Oh yeh and the players in the game are no longer low level, shouldn't they be joining a different server now as they could ruin it for new players
I want to make some nice pixel art, but everything I've though of has already been made by Yrimir. Mario, mushrooms, turtles, batman, pokemon, zelda, everything I could think of! :( I'll finish my ssj goku statue I think, even if it is too big to see on a 800x600 res screen, at least it'll be unique (I hope)!

Does anybody here have any unique ideas we could try to build? I think I'll try sonic, haven't seen anyone do him yet.
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