Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build

They did a good job with the Dungeon and Hell feels pitiful by comparison.

Given that to open Shadow Chests you need the Shadow Key from the dungeon it implies it should be harder but it just isn't. There really doesn't seem to be much down there either. Short of a large number of Obs/Hell brick houses with a small number of chests in the central region there doesn't seem to be anything there. Once you get to the regions outside of the centre I barely saw a single house and certainly no chests so there really isn't any reason to go back down there.
If anything, hell was dumbed down a lot. It should be harder than the dungeon. All they have done is made hellstone really difficult to get to between the numerous pockets of lava.
If anything, hell was dumbed down a lot. It should be harder than the dungeon. All they have done is made hellstone really difficult to get to between the numerous pockets of lava.

Pretty much. Hellstone is harder to mine but nothing else there is difficult and once you eliminate the danger of lava through Obsidian Skin Pots or Water Walking Pots then nothing is a danger.
This is the image of goku I am trying to replicate in Terraria.


This is how far I got last night, after restarting several times, and trying 2 different goku pictures:


This is what I did tonight:


Very little progress, I haven't had the oomph to try doing it. Brick by brick it takes ages, I've used the map viewer 3 times to check my progress and to correct errors and areas that don't match the original picture. I'm going to clean what I've done tonight up tomorrow, and hopefully do a couple more strands of hair. I think I'll wait until I totally finish his head/hair before linking anymore pics. His body shouldn't be as hard as his face, one the general outline is done, filling it in will be easy.
Np, I was just restocking my Obsidian Brick/Wall supply in Hell and its probably time I got back to doing something productive instead ><

Took maybe 4000 blocks give or take to fill in my greenhouse with Obsidian Brick Wall...
Bah. I smashed 3 shadow orbs in my current game, got a Musket, Vilethorn + Orb of Light which was nice.

Two meteors spawned, all the way past two corruption zones and the dungeon, right next to each other that I cant get to yet.

I got enough shadow scales to make a nightmare pick and two pieces of shadow armor, I need to kill another giant worm boss for the boots.
I must say I'm very disappointed with the Orb of Light after all this >< Swapped a Dark Lance for 1 with someone (Col?) and the light it provides is barely noticeable. I get more just swinging a Molten/Hell weapon.

I also don't get why people give the Musket so much hate, its actually a pretty good weapon. Completely outclasses all the bows until Molten Fury.
The miner's helmet isn't that great either. The musket used to be pretty bad a couple of patches ago, it's been buffed since then. Maybe that's why people don't like it.
Never actually bought a miners helmet. Always seemed really pointless to have it cost 8 gold when by the time you could afford it you'd have good enough armour that losing the set bonus and defence isn't worthwhile.

What did they change to the Musket? It says 1.0.6 upped it from 20 to 23 but no mention of before.
I think it used to do about 15 damage, coupled with it's extremely slow speed it wasn't a very useful weapon, I think it was 1.0.5 that they made that change. ;) I bought a miner's helmet to help me when making my statue, I'm only fighting the occasional demon eye, and not having to place torches/glowsticks/summon orb of light is worth losing the armor over, though I wouldn't use it any other time.
Yeah that would make it a bit crap...

I suppose it finally makes ranged weapons in general worth using now that they gave a separate slot for 4 stacks of ammo. It is tempting to try a pure ranged character next time I start again as if you do actually bother to do it, Wooden Arrows --> Flaming Arrows are really easy to make and Unholy Arrows are incredibly powerful against lines of enemies. Just a shame they become pretty much completely obsolete once you get a gun right up until Molten Fury.

Oh and Hellfire Arrows are... ok. Right up until you start shooting enemies point blank and blow yourself up ><
I have a molten fury but other than two or three days ago when i used it against some zombies, I've never used it, and I was using normal arrows I think. :D I much prefer guns, flails, swords (when usable) and magic weapons to bows.
Yeah there really isn't enough advantage to them. Musket overshadows every bow until Molten Fury. Meteor Shot is far more expensive than Unholy Arrows but there aren't many situations when you are fighting lines of enemies. Shurikens and Throwing/Poisoned Knives are a little costly early on but far more effective. Ranged weapons like Flails or the Harpoon let you spam them ridiculously fast at point blank range which tends to make them stronger than any melee weapon, never mind bow/gun. Vilethorn can pass through walls and stunlocks multiple enemies.

Though tbh they really don't compare to how poor most magic weapons are... imo they should make magic weapons far more powerful and slow down the mana regen. Vilethorn is the only good one. Everything else you have to force yourself to use.
Totally agree. In patch 1.0.4 the only thing I used mana for was rocket boots, and it was a pain wearing jungle for that, and molten/shadow/necro at other times, now I only use magic for a little fun, it's not very practical at all.

I think they should either give magic weapons more damage, or give some of them a large area of effect damage. Things like the magic missile, vilethorn etc are only useful in a handful of situations, and I often don't have room to put them on my hotbar. Vilethorn is pretty powerful when you first get it, but it becomes less useful in the dungeon/hell/jungle as the damage simply doesn't keep up with other weapons.
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