Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build

Well it hasn't got any easier now that you need a Sawmill to craft the Loom you need to make the Silk and to make the Sawmill you need a reasonable quantity of Iron to make Iron Chains.
Another little update: http://i.imgur.com/uRCts.png

I've been trading with people on TO to help me get the mats that I needed, but I've run out of silver ore completely. I think I'll spend a little while looking for silver ore near the underworld (and hopefully find some shadow chests!), until I think I have enough to finish the face of the statue. :)
It is indeed. :( Understandable given that there are only two people working on it (I believe at least). My brother played this for about 2months when it first came out I think, there haven't been enough changes for him to go back to it yet. Hopefully 1.1 will be quite substantial, though the November/December ETA is very annoying! :(

If you're bored, you could always grind some blue dungeon bricks to help me with the statue. :p
At least it gives you sufficient time between each proper go at the game to get stuck in with a few other games instead of completely burning yourself out and never wanting to go back to it.
At least it gives you sufficient time between each proper go at the game to get stuck in with a few other games instead of completely burning yourself out and never wanting to go back to it.

But it has that affect already by long lackluster updates then when you do get an update it's like wow a new chair and wall piece! :o
At least it looks like the next one will have lots of content. I just hope it strikes a better balance between melee, ranged and magic and extends the game.
Another little statue update: http://i.imgur.com/yU7mn.png

I think I'll wait until i've finished the hair and start doing the body before posting anymore. :)

Edit: It's going to take quite a while to do his hair, I didn't realize that it'd take so long! So far:
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It is a very big window indeed. :( I find the amount of people on the TO forum who complain about it to be very annoying. The game provides many hours of gameplay as it is, and the updates have all been free so far. There are only two develepors for Terraria, if only they hired some more...:(
I think it's taken 33/34 hours without including farming materials/making a hole for it to fit in. The reason some of it is missing is because I was working off of this picture: http://i.imgur.com/zaFeq.jpg and I don't have a whole lot of time on my hands to do the rest of it by myself.

It's not perfect, but it'll do! :) I've been asked/told to make a time lapse video of the build, and I've been told that the video would get featured on the TerrariaOnline front page. :)
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